Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Pondicherry University

PhD Student at Centre for Bioinformatics, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India.
Projects: KOSMOBAC
Institutions: Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich
I am a PhD student of the microbiology department at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München. I work at the chair of Prof. Kirsten Jung. The topic of our workpackage deals with "K+ homeostasis in Escherichia coli". In special I'm working on the sensor kinase KdpD that controls together with the response regulator KdpE the expression of the high-affinity K+ uptake system KdpFABC. The yet not fully understood molecular mechanism of stimulus perception and signal transduction is of particular ...
Projects: MESI-STRAT
Institutions: University of Heidelberg
Projects: FAIRDOM user meeting
Institutions: UPF
Projects: Enzymatic biorecycling of PET (PETzyme)
Institutions: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Projects: iRhythmics
Institutions: Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)

Projects: CF transcriptome, miRiAD - exploring the role of microRNAs in T cell function and anti-viral defence, ComPASs - Common Pathways in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), LungCARD - Blood test for clinical therapy guidance of non-small cell lung cancer patients, UnCentre - Unlocking satellite DNA and centromere structure in vertebrate chromosomes, PhotoBoost
Institutions: RNA Systems Biology Lab - BioISI/FCUL, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológia - Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Group Leader and Assistant Professor
Projects: Noisy-Strep
Institutions: University of Groningen
Projects: ODDITY
Institutions: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Institutions: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Projects: LEANPROT
Institutions: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Projects: KOSMOBAC
Institutions: Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
Projects: STREAM
Institutions: University of Warwick
Projects: INCOME
Institutions: University of Rostock
Projects: SynBio4Flav
Institutions: Symrise
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences (MedILS)
Projects: Not specified
Institutions: Not specified
CD Genomics is a leading global life sciences company, and we remain committed to providing the research community with high-quality long-read sequencing services, from Oxford Nanopore to PacBio SMRT sequencing.
Projects: WG1 - Compound libraries coordination and integration of compound design
Institutions: University of Siena
Institutions: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Projects: SulfoSys
Institutions: University of Braunschweig
Projects: SCaRAB
Institutions: University of Greifswald
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Moredun Research Institute
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Institut Pasteur de Tunis
Projects: Japanese Data in Global Plant Research: A FAIDARE and BrAPI Project
Institutions: National Institute of Genetics
Institutions: University of Gothenburg, European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Projects: CoolWine
Institutions: University of Gothenburg, European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Research Associate, SDBV
Projects: Raman Data
Institutions: RWTH Aachen University
Projects: Master-BIDS
Institutions: DBMI
Projects: MESI-STRAT
Institutions: Charité University Medicine Berlin
Projects: EnzymeML
Institutions: Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin)

Projects: Systems toxicology of Atlantic cod
Institutions: University of Bergen
Projects: GenoSysFat, DigiSal
Institutions: Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Ontario Institute for Cancer Research

Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: National Institute for Infectious Diseases "L.Spallanzani"
Projects: Remodeling of cIV
Institutions: University of Giessen

I am performing research in biomarkers discovery, particularly regarding liver fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. My research activities involved the use of bioinformatic platforms, the analysis of biological protein-protein interaction networks and the experimental validation of candidates by ELISA.
Projects: OXYMOD
Institutions: National Laboratory of Energy and Geology (LNEG)

Projects: SilicoTryp
Institutions: University of Glasgow
Institutions: PROZOMIX
Projects: GenoSysFat, DigiSal
Institutions: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Projects: MOSES
Institutions: Medical University Vienna
General Bioinformatics
Projects: Subject collection
Institutions: University of Freiburg
Projects: COMBINE Multicellular Modelling
Institutions: Indiana University Bloomington

Dr. Glazier’s research focuses on early embryonic development, developmental and chronic toxicity and disease, with more than 100 experimental and computational papers on biological development and developmental diseases (including polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), tumor growth and vascularization, Age Related Macular Degeneration and diabetic retinopathies, somitogenesis and liver toxicity) and more recently on modeling in-host viral infection and immune response. As part of his work on infection ...
Projects: COMBINE Multicellular Modelling
Institutions: University College London (UCL)

Projects: Working Group Nicole Radde
Institutions: University of Stuttgart
Professor of Computer Science University of Manchester Co-Director of the FAIRDOM Initiative and co-leader of the SEEK4Science Platform Development Deputy Head of Node ELIXIR-UK Co-lead ELIXIR Interoperability Backbone Platform Lead ISBE WP Data and Model Management Data lead SynBioChem Manchester Synthetic Biology Research Centre for Fine and Speciality Chemicals
Projects: Data science Übung
Institutions: Technical University of Munich
Projects: MESI-STRAT
Institutions: University of Bergen
Projects: PoLiMeR - Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation
Institutions: Iceni Diagnostics Ltd
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: KAUST
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: University of Western Australia
Projects: Systems toxicology of Atlantic cod
Institutions: University of Bergen

Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: ICAHN Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Projects: FAIRDOM, Early Metabolic Injury (LiSyM-EMI - Pillar I), Chronic Liver Disease Progression (LiSyM-DP - Pillar II), Regeneration and Repair in Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (LiSyM-ACLF - Pillar III), LiSyM Core Infrastructure and Management (LiSyM-PD), Liver Function Diagnostics (LiSyM-LiFuDi - Pillar IV), Model Guided Pharmacotherapy In Chronic Liver Disease (LiSyM-MGP), Multi-Scale Models for Personalized Liver Function Tests (LiSyM-MM-PLF), The Hedgehog Signalling Pathway (LiSyM-JGMMS), Molecular Steatosis - Imaging & Modeling (LiSyM-MSIM), Kinetics on the move - Workshop 2016, Example use cases, FAIRDOM user meeting, MS_DILI, COMBINE Multicellular Modelling, FAIRDOM & LiSyM & de.NBI Data Structuring Training, EnzymeML, GMDS Project Group "FAIRe Dateninfrastrukturen für die Biomedizinische Informatik", FAIRDOM Community Workers, COVID-19 Disease Map, COVID-19 related studies and tools in Germany, nfdi4health - German National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data, ModeleXchange initiative, SDBV/HITS, EDITH (Ecosystem Digital Twins in Health) test project
Institutions: Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS gGmbH)

Data management and standardization expert for systems biology and systems medicine, responsible for the data management user requirements and user contacts within the German LiSyM network (Liver Systems Medicine: and associated to the FAIRDOM team. Involved in different standardization initiatives and committees, i.e. COMBINE (, ISO/TC 276 Biotechnology (, European COST action CHARME ( and ...
Projects: ODDITY
Institutions: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Institute of Bioinfomratics
Projects: KOSMOBAC
Institutions: Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry Martinsried
Professor in Jinan University, Guangzhou, China. My research interest is in the modeling of translation. Connecting various processes in translation, we can investigate the impact of different factors on protein biosynthesis and biogenesis in genome-wide scale. This may reveal various general mechanisms on control level of gene expression and folding efficiency regulation in different growth conditions.
He earned his degree in Pharmacy in 2009 from the University of Granada, receiving a national collaboration grant in his fifth year to work in the Department of Microbiology. Later, through an excellence contract from the Andalusian Regional Government, he completed his international doctoral thesis at the University of Granada, studying new autotrophic nitrogen removal systems from both a technical and microbiological perspective. As part of his doctoral research, he conducted a research stay ...
Projects: SCaRAB
Institutions: Manchester Centre for Integrative Systems Biology, University of Manchester
Projects: SynBio4Flav
Institutions: German Institute of Human Nutrition

Projects: Working Group Nicole Radde
Institutions: University of Stuttgart
Projects: XyloCut
Institutions: Lund University
Projects: FAIRDOM user meeting
Institutions: Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Projects: COSMIC
Institutions: Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin

Process engineer, modeling biological systems since 1985.
Projects: Kinetics on the move - Workshop 2016
Institutions: Novosibirsk State University

Projects: SUMO
Institutions: University of Sheffield
Post-doctoral research associate working in Sheffield in the SUMO consortium.
Institutions: PROZOMIX
Projects: GenoSysFat, DigiSal
Institutions: Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Institutions: University of Vienna
Projects: Not specified
Institutions: Not specified
CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles, microparticles, and coatings for R&D as well as commercialization across different application areas, including in vitro diagnostics, biochemistry, cellular analysis, cell separation, and immunoassay. The company also offers various custom services, including chemical surface-functionalization, fluorescent modification, antibody immobilization, as well as nucleic acid and oligo ...
Projects: Not specified
Institutions: Not specified
Hi, this is Caroline from Creative Biomart, a world leading biotech company that specialized in providing protein, recombinant protein, cell lines, and GMP proteins. visit to see more details.
Projects: SUMO
Institutions: University of Sheffield
The major theme of the research in my laboratory is bacterial gene regulation. We are interested in signal perception mechanisms (in particular oxygen); signal transduction (ligand induced protein confromational changes); interaction of transcription factors with the core transcription machinery; interactions between transcription factors to integrate multiple signals; and the influence of promoter architectures on these events. We are also interested in aome aspects of post-transcriptional ...
Projects: KOSMOBAC
Institutions: University of Aberdeen
Projects: Stress granules, MESI-STRAT
Institutions: University of Bergen
More detailed profile here
Projects: Rhodolive
Institutions: National Institute of Chemistry (Slovenia)

Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Biomathematica
POSITION Professor of Systems Medicine/Biology at the Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam and University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
RESEARCH My major projects focus on understanding the etiology of metabolic syndrome and its comorbidities type2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. To get grip on the sequence of events in disease progression we make use of longitidunal models and apply multiscal systems biology approaches.
My published work can be found at: ...
Projects: Not specified
Institutions: Not specified
Professor of Artificial Intelligence at Tehnical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Projects: HYp - Spatiotemporal analysis of hypersensitive response to Potato virus Y in potato, pISA-tree, MOA - Multiomics analysis of potato response to Potato virus Y (PVY) infection, SUSPHIRE - Sustainable Bioproduction of Pheromones for Insect Pest Control in Agriculture, INDIE - Biotechnological production of sustainable indole, FAIRDOM user meeting, _p_stRT, ADAPT - Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerAnt PoTato
Institutions: National Institute of Biology

Projects: Working Group Nicole Radde
Institutions: University of Stuttgart
Projects: Kinetics on the move - Workshop 2016
Institutions: Kinetics on the move Workshop at HITS
Projects: Lobet's group
Institutions: Forschungszentrum Jülich

Projects: Working Group Nicole Radde
Institutions: University of Stuttgart
Projects: DigiSal, SEEK tutorial for DigiSal
Institutions: Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Imperial College London
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: University of Rostock

Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: University of Würzburg
Projects: KOSMOBAC
Institutions: University of Aberdeen
Polyglot European Scientist. I thrive working in interdisciplinary environments combining the study of enzyme reactions and mechanisms with bioinformatics, molecular modelling, automated data analysis and data stewardship.
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Harvard Medical School