PoLiMeR is funded through the EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN), which drives scientific excellence and innovation. ITNs bring together universities, research institutes, industry and clinical partners from across the world to train researchers to doctorate level.
Metabolic diseases are a burden on the European population and health care system. It is increasingly recognised that individual differences with respect to history, lifestyle, and genetic make-up affect disease progression and treatment response. A Systems Medicine approach, based on computational models fed with individual patient data, has the potential to provide the basis for a personalised diagnosis and treatment strategy. The PoLiMeR consortium (Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation) has identified the inherited, liver-related diseases of glycogen and lipid metabolism as the ideal starting point for innovative research training in personalised ‘Systems Medicine'.
Programme: This Project is not associated with a Programme
SEEK ID: https://fairdomhub.org/projects/130
Public web page: http://polimer-itn.eu/
Organisms: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus
FAIRDOM PALs: No PALs for this Project
Project created: 6th Dec 2018
Related items
- People (40)
- Institutions (17)
- Investigations (2+15)
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- Assays (10+68)
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- SOPs (3+37)
- Publications (24)
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- Documents (23+123)
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- Samples (0+5)
Projects: SilicoTryp, Multiscale modelling of state transitions in the host-microbiome-brain network, MESI-STRAT, PoLiMeR - Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation
Institutions: University of Groningen

I am a Professor in Medical Systems Biology and the University Medical Centre Groningen. The research in my lab is focused on complex regulation of mammalian lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, eventually aiming at network-based therapies. We combine dynamic computer simulations with quantitative metabolomics, 13C fluxomics, proteomics and transcriptome analysis, and in depth biochemical analysis. This allows to predict and understand ‘emergent’ properties, those properties that are counterintuitive ...
Projects: PoLiMeR - Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation
Institutions: University Medical Centre Groningen
Projects: PoLiMeR - Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation
Institutions: Mimetas
Projects: PoLiMeR - Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation
Institutions: University of Leiden
Projects: PoLiMeR - Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation
Institutions: John Innes Centre
Projects: PoLiMeR - Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation
Institutions: University of Bergen
Projects: PoLiMeR - Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation
Institutions: University of Leiden
Projects: PoLiMeR - Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation
Institutions: University of Duesseldorf
Projects: PoLiMeR - Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation
Institutions: Iceni Diagnostics Ltd
Projects: PoLiMeR - Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation
Institutions: University of Leiden
Projects: PoLiMeR - Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation
Institutions: University of Leiden
Projects: PoLiMeR - Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation
Institutions: University Medical Centre Groningen
Projects: SysMO DB, FAIRDOM, ICYSB 2015 - International Practical Course in Systems Biology, ZucAt, SysMO-LAB, Kinetics on the move - Workshop 2016, Example use cases, FAIRDOM user meeting, ErasysApp Funders, EraCoBiotech 2 nd call proposal preparation, Service to URV Tarragona, Spain with respect to their Safety Assessment of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals model (Active NOW), FAIRDOM & LiSyM & de.NBI Data Structuring Training, MESI-STRAT, INCOME, Multiscale modelling of state transitions in the host-microbiome-brain network, BESTER, TRALAMINOL, Sustainable co-production, INDIE - Biotechnological production of sustainable indole, Extremophiles metabolsim, PoLiMeR - Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation, OLCIR: Optimization of Lung Cancer Therapy with Ionizing Radiation, NAD COMPARTMENTATION, HOTSOLUTE, Stress granules, FAIRDOM Community Workers, GMDS Project Group "FAIRe Dateninfrastrukturen für die Biomedizinische Informatik", Mechanism based modeling viral disease ( COVID-19 ) dynamics in human population, COVID-19 Disease Map, AquaHealth (ERA-BlueBio), LiSyM Core Infrastructure and Management (LiSyM-PD), Early Metabolic Injury (LiSyM-EMI - Pillar I), Regeneration and Repair in Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (LiSyM-ACLF - Pillar III), Chronic Liver Disease Progression (LiSyM-DP - Pillar II), Liver Function Diagnostics (LiSyM-LiFuDi - Pillar IV), The Hedgehog Signalling Pathway (LiSyM-JGMMS), Multi-Scale Models for Personalized Liver Function Tests (LiSyM-MM-PLF), Model Guided Pharmacotherapy In Chronic Liver Disease (LiSyM-MGP), Molecular Steatosis - Imaging & Modeling (LiSyM-MSIM), Modelling COVID-19 epidemics, SNAPPER: Synergistic Neurotoxicology APP for Environmental Regulation, SCyCode The Autotrophy-Heterotrophy Switch in Cyanobacteria: Coherent Decision-Making at Multiple Regulatory Layers, SASKit: Senescence-Associated Systems diagnostics Kit for cancer and stroke, CC-TOP, BioCreative VII, MESI-STRAT Review, SDBV/HITS, MESI-Review 2024
Institutions: Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS gGmbH), FAIRDOM User meeting, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Rostock, University of Innsbruck

Expertise: Genetics, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Data Management, Transcriptomics, semantics, Curation, Ontology, Data Modelling
Tools: Cell and tissue culture, Databases, Chip-chip, BioMart, Protege, RightField, SEEK
I am a researcher at the Scientific Databases and Visualization Group at Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) , one of the developers of SabioRK - System for the Analysis of Biochemical Pathways - Reaction Kinetics (http://sabiork.h-its.org/) . I am working on design and maintenance of the information systems to store, query and analyse systems biology data; definition and implementation of methods for the integration of data from multiple sources. In **[SySMO-DB ...
Projects: PoLiMeR - Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation
Institutions: Mimetas
Country: Germany
City: Düsseldorf
Web page: http://www.biologie.hhu.de/institute-und-abteilungen/pflanzengenetik/leitung-institut.html
In biomedical text mining, named entity recognition (NER) is an important task used to extract information from biomedical articles. Improving the NER’s performance will directly have a positive impact on extracting relations between those entities. In recent years, deep learning has become the main research direction of NER due to the development of effective models. Language transformer models like e.g. BERT are frequently used because they enable the specialisation of models by domain-specific ...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Studies: Model analysis, Model construction, Model validation
Assays: ACAD activity partitioning, Comparing acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiencies, HepG2 oxygen consumption, Kinetics Minireviews, MCADD patient personalised modelling, MCADD rescue titration, Metabolic control analysis, Models, Predicting urinary acylcarnitines under metabolic decompensation., Whole-body ketogenic flux
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Biomedical pre-trained language models (BioPLMs) have been achieving state-of-the-art results for various biomedical text mining tasks. However, prevailing fine-tuning approaches naively train BioPLMs on targeted datasets without considering the class distributions. This is problematic, especially with dealing with imbalanced biomedical gold-standard datasets for named entity recognition (NER). Regardless of the high-performing SOTA fine-tuned NER models, they are biased towards other (O) tags ...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigation: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews, Models
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigation: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Assays: ACAD activity partitioning, HepG2 oxygen consumption, Whole-body ketogenic flux
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigation: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Assays: Comparing acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiencies, MCADD patient personalised modelling, MCADD rescue titration, Metabolic control analysis, Predicting urinary acylcarnitines under metabolic decompensation.
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Study: Model construction
Organisms: No organisms
Models: Model notebooks, odendaal1, odendaal2, odendaal3
SOPs: Parameter Search SOP
Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: No snapshots
Validation of model's ability to predict oxygen consumption flux as measured usign permeabilised cells in an Oroboros Oxygraph. Generates Fig. 2A in the associated publication.
Download "Model_notebooks.rar", unzip, and run: "2, generate-model-Oroboros-validation-[needs(1)]-20221109.nb" and "4, Fig2A-Oroboros-simulation-data-[needs-(1-2-and-3)]-20221109.nb" after running "1, generate-model-20221109.nb"
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Biological problem addressed: Validation
Investigation: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Study: Model validation
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Models: Model notebooks, odendaal2
Data files: HepG2 protein concentration for O2 consumption ..., Oxygen concentration and consumption flux in pe...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Validation of model's ability to predict whole-body ketogeneic flux as extracted form Fletcher et al. (2019). Generates Fig. 2B in the associated publication.
Download "Model_notebooks.rar", unzip, and run: "2, generate-model-Oroboros-validation-[needs(1)]-20221109.nb" and "5, Fig2B-ketogenesis-validation-[needs-(1)]-20221109.nb" after running "1, generate-model-20221109.nb"
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Biological problem addressed: Validation
Investigation: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Study: Model validation
Organisms: No organisms
Models: Model notebooks, odendaal1
Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: No snapshots
Testing the model's ability to predict palmitoyl-CoA and octanoyl-CoA dehydrogenation in human liver lysate, with and without anti-MCAD and anti-VLCAD antibodies. Generates Fig. 2 C and D in the associated publication. Data from Aoyama et al. (1995).
Downoad and unzip "Model_notebooks.rar" and run "6, Fig2C+D-ACAD-partitioning-validation-[needs-(1)]-20221109.nb" after running "1, generate-model-20221109.nb".
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Biological problem addressed: Validation
Investigation: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Study: Model validation
Organisms: No organisms
Models: Model notebooks, odendaal3
Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: No snapshots
Minireviews about each enzyme in the mitochindrial beta-oxidation model on which the final parameter choices (fixed-parameter model) and parameter sampling distributions (ensemble) were based.
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Study: Model construction
Organisms: No organisms
Models: No Models
SOPs: Parameter Search SOP
Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Prediction of patient urinary acylcarnitine under metabolic decompensation. Generates Fig. 3, Table 1, and Table S2 in the associated publication.
Download and unzip "Model_notebooks.rar" and run "7, Fig3+4+S1+S3-ACADDs-[needs-(1)]-20221109.nb" after running "1, generate-model-20221109.nb"
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Study: Model analysis
Organisms: No organisms
Models: Model notebooks, odendaal1
Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: No snapshots
Based on odendaal1, a control model is made and compared to model deficient for short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SCADD, 0%), medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCADD, 0%), and very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLCADD, 10%). With and withou metabolite partitioning, and with a fixed mitohondrial free CoASH. Generates Figures 3, 4, S1, S2, and S3 in the related paper.
Download "Model_notebooks.rar", unzip, and run: "7, Fig3+4+S1+S3-ACADDs-[needs-(1)]-20221109.nb" and "14, ...
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Study: Model analysis
Organisms: No organisms
Models: Model notebooks, odendaal1
Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: No snapshots
Calculation of control and response coefficients. Generates Fig. 5, Fig. S4, and Table S2 in the associated publication.
Download "Model_notebooks.rar", unzip, and run: "8, Fig5-control-coefficients-[needs-(1)]-20221109.nb", "9, TableS2-response-coefficients-[needs-(1)]-20230302.nb", and "15, FigS4-control-coefficients-low-AcetylCoA-[needs-(1)]-20221109.nb" after running "1, generate-model-20221109.nb"
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Study: Model analysis
Organisms: No organisms
Models: Model notebooks, odendaal1
Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: No snapshots
Incrementally increase the activity of some target rescue enzymes from 20% of default expression to 200% of default expression in a control and MCADD model to see if flux and CoASH concentration are rescued. Generates Fig. 6, S5, and S6.
Download "Model_notebooks.rar", unzip, and run "11, Fig6+S5-rescues-[needs-(1-and-10)]-20221109.nb", "10, Fig6B-inset-rescues-(low-acetylCoA)-[needs-(1)]-20221109.nb", and "16, FigS6-rescues-20221109-fixed-[needs-(1)]-CoASH.nb" after running "1, generate-model-20221109.nb" ...
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Study: Model analysis
Organisms: No organisms
Models: Model notebooks, odendaal1
Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: No snapshots
Creation of personalised models of control, symptomatic MCADD, asymptomatic MCADD, and early diagnosis MCADD individuals using fibroblast proteomics to adjust model Vmaxes. Generates Fig. 7 and S7.
Download and unzip "Model_notebooks.rar" and run "13, Fig7-personalised-models-[needs-(1-and-12)]-20221109.nb" after running "1, generate-model-20221109.nb" and "12, Fig7-S7-preprocessing-[needs-(1)-]-20221109.nb".
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Study: Model analysis
Organisms: No organisms
Models: Model notebooks, odendaal1
Data files: Fibroblasts proteomics
Snapshots: No snapshots
Protein measurement used to normalised the oxygen consumption flux measured on an Oroboros oxygraph.
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Ligia Akemi Kiyuna, Albert Gerding; Nicolette Huijkman; Marcel Vieira-Lara; Anne-Claire Martines
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model validation
Assays: HepG2 oxygen consumption
Measured in an Oroboros oxygraph.
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Ligia Akemi Kiyuna, Albert Gerding; Nicolette Huijkman; Marcel Vieira-Lara; Anne-Claire Martines
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model validation
Assays: HepG2 oxygen consumption
Proteomics from MCADD and control individuals' fibroblasts.
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Emmalie Jager, Terry G.J. Derks, Karin Wolters; Anne-Claire Martines
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model analysis
Transcriptome analysis suggests a compensatory role of the cofactors coenzyme A and NAD+ in medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase knockout mice. During fasting, mitochondrial fatty-acid β-oxidation (mFAO) is essential for the generation of glucose by the liver. Children with a loss-of-function deficiency in the mFAO enzyme medium-chain acyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase (MCAD) are at serious risk of life-threatening low blood glucose levels during fasting in combination with intercurrent disease. However, ...
Creators: PoLiMeR_user Martines_data, Terry G.J. Derks, Barbara Bakker, Martines AMF
Submitter: PoLiMeR_user Martines_data
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: 1 hidden item
Assays: 1 hidden item
We performed network analysis to investigate the dysregulated biological processes in the disease progression and revealed the molecular mechanism underlying NAFLD C57BL/6J mice were fed a standard mouse chow diet and housed in a 12‐h light–dark cycle. From the age of 8 weeks, the mice were then divided into two groups of 5 mice fed with chow diet, 4 mice fed with high-sucrose diet for 3 weeks, respectively. At the age of 11 weeks, we performed a genome-wide transcriptomic analysis on tissue ...
Creators: Hong Yang, Adil Mardinoglu, Jan Boren
Submitter: Hong Yang
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: 1 hidden item
Assays: 1 hidden item
In this study, we used publically available dataset from gene expression omnibus (GEO):
Transcriptomic analysis of liver biopsies that cover the spectrum of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease reveals genes that are progressively regulated over the course of the disease. This study demonstrates that progressive changes in expression of these genes can be used to approximate the histological grade of a liver biopsy. Furthermore, the relative progression profiles of these disease-responsive genes are ...
Creator: Hoang SA et.al.
Submitter: Hong Yang
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: 1 hidden item
Assays: 1 hidden item
In this study, we used publically available dataset from gene expression omnibus (GEO):
The pathophysiological mechanisms that drive non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) progression remain poorly understood. This multicenter study characterized the transcriptional changes that occur as liver disease progresses. 216 snap frozen liver biopsies, comprising 206 NAFLD cases with different fibrosis stages and 10 controls were studied. Samples underwent high-throughput RNA sequencing. This study ...
Creator: Govaere O et.al.
Submitter: Hong Yang
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: 1 hidden item
Assays: 1 hidden item
This folder contains the python code for developing weighted loss trainer (WeLT) with all the expiremnatal work. Here is the link for our public [GitHub repository] (https://github.com/mobashgr/WELT.git).
Creator: Ghadeer Mobasher
Submitter: Ghadeer Mobasher
Model type: Not specified
Model format: Python code
Environment: Not specified
Organism: Not specified
Investigations: Biomedical named entity recognition, Chemical Identification and Indexing in PubMed ...
Studies: Chemical named entity recognition and annotation, Weighted loss trainer (WELT) approach
Assays: Usage of fine-tuned BioBERT for identification ... and 4 hidden items
Adjusted model to test the model's ability to oxygen consumption rate by permeabilised HepG2 cells in an Oroboros oxygraph. Data from Fletcher et al. (2019).
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Emmalie Jager, Terry G.J. Derks, Barbara Bakker
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: SBML
Environment: JWS Online
Organism: Homo sapiens
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction, Model validation
Assays: HepG2 oxygen consumption, Models
Adjusted model to test the model's ability to predict palmitoyl-CoA and octanoyl-CoA dehydrogenation in human liver lysate, with and without anti-MCAD and anti-VLCAD antibodies. Data from Aoyama et al. (1995).
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Emmalie Jager, Terry G.J. Derks
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: SBML
Environment: JWS Online
Organism: Homo sapiens
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction, Model validation
Assays: ACAD activity partitioning, Models
Human mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation of saturated, even chain acyl-Coas beginning at C16. See Model description for detail.
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Emmalie Jager, Barbara Bakker, Terry G.J. Derks
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: SBML
Environment: JWS Online
Organism: Not specified
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model analysis, Model construction, Model validation
Assays: Comparing acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiencies, MCADD patient personalised modelling, MCADD rescue titration, Metabolic control analysis, Models, Predicting urinary acylcarnitines under metabol..., Whole-body ketogenic flux
Unzip model notebooks and keep in the same folder. Notebook names state which notebooks need to be run before them in order for them to word, e.g. "[needs-(1)]" indicates that the notebook numbered 1 must be run and its exported output generated before the given notebook can work. This has to do with the model being generated in only one notebook to avoid duplication.
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Emmalie Jager, Terry G.J. Derks
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: Mathematica
Environment: Mathematica
Organism: Homo sapiens
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model analysis, Model construction, Model validation
Assays: ACAD activity partitioning, Comparing acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiencies, HepG2 oxygen consumption, MCADD patient personalised modelling, MCADD rescue titration, Metabolic control analysis, Models, Predicting urinary acylcarnitines under metabol..., Whole-body ketogenic flux
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews, Models
Standard Operating Procedure describes the labeling of eukaryotic RNA with aminoallyl labeled nucleotides via first strand cDNA synthesis followed by a coupling of the aminoallyl groups to either Cyanine 3 or 5 (Cy 3/Cy5) fluorescent molecules (published by The Institute For Genomic Research
Creators: Olga Krebs, Jeremy Hasseman , Emily Chen, Ivana Yang
Submitter: Olga Krebs
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
This guidlines has been developed by Rita Volkers from Wageningen University for IBISBA project, as example to use
Creators: Olga Krebs, Rita Volkers
Submitter: Olga Krebs
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: 1 hidden item
Assays: 1 hidden item
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: F. Bonanini, M. Singh, H. Yang, D. Kurek, A. C. Harms, A. Mardinoglu, T. Hankemeier
Date Published: 1st Apr 2024
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 38499143
Citation: Exp Cell Res. 2024 Apr 1;437(1):114008. doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2024.114008. Epub 2024 Mar 16.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: K.A. Krishnamurthy, M.G.S. Rutten, J.A. Hoogerland, T.H. van Dijk, T. Bos, M. Koehorst, M.P. de Vries, N.J. Kloosterhuis, H. Havinga, B.V. Schomakers, M. van Weeghel, J.C. Wolters, B.M. Bakker, M.H. Oosterveer
Date Published: 2024
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.1016/j.molmet.2023.101838
Citation: Molecular Metabolism 79:101838
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Han Jin, Cheng Zhang, Martin Zwahlen, Kalle von Feilitzen, Max Karlsson, Mengnan Shi, Meng Yuan, Xiya Song, Xiangyu Li, Hong Yang, Hasan Turkez, Linn Fagerberg, Mathias Uhlén, Adil Mardinoglu
Date Published: 1st Dec 2023
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-41132-w
Citation: Nat Commun 14(1),5417
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Madhulika Singh, Ligia Akemi Kiyuna, Christoff Odendaal, Barbara M. Bakker, Amy C Harms, Thomas Hankemeier
Date Published: 11th Sep 2023
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-h0w52
Citation: [Preprint]
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: C. Odendaal, E. A. Jager, A. M. F. Martines, M. A. Vieira-Lara, N. C. A. Huijkman, L. A. Kiyuna, A. Gerding, J. C. Wolters, R. Heiner-Fokkema, K. van Eunen, T. G. J. Derks, B. M. Bakker
Date Published: 4th Sep 2023
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 37667308
Citation: BMC Biol. 2023 Sep 4;21(1):184. doi: 10.1186/s12915-023-01652-9.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Z. Zhang, M. Singh, A. Kindt, A. B. Wegrzyn, M. J. Pearson, A. Ali, A. C. Harms, P. Baker, T. Hankemeier
Date Published: 31st Aug 2023
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 37696124
Citation: J Chromatogr A. 2023 Aug 31;1708:464342. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2023.464342.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Robert Leaman, Rezarta Islamaj, Virginia Adams, Mohammed A Alliheedi, João Rafael Almeida, Rui Antunes, Robert Bevan, Yung-Chun Chang, Arslan Erdengasileng, Matthew Hodgskiss, Ryuki Ida, Hyunjae Kim, Keqiao Li, Robert E Mercer, Lukrécia Mertová, Ghadeer Mobasher, Hoo-Chang Shin, Mujeen Sung, Tomoki Tsujimura, Wen-Chao Yeh, Zhiyong Lu
Date Published: 2023
Publication Type: Journal
Citation: Database 2023,baad005
Authors: Ghadeer Mobasher, Wolfgang Müller, Olga Krebs, Michael Gertz
Date Published: 2023
Publication Type: InProceedings
DOI: 10.18653/v1/2023.bionlp-1.40
Citation: The 22nd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing and BioNLP Shared Tasks,pp.427-438,Association for Computational Linguistics
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: M. Abdellatif, T. Eisenberg, A. M. Heberle, K. Thedieck, G. Kroemer, S. Sedej
Date Published: 30th Nov 2022
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 36447531
Citation: Cell Stress. 2022 Aug 8;6(8):72-75. doi: 10.15698/cst2022.08.270. eCollection 2022 Aug.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: F. Bonanini, D. Kurek, S. Previdi, A. Nicolas, D. Hendriks, S. de Ruiter, M. Meyer, M. Clapes Cabrer, R. Dinkelberg, S. B. Garcia, B. Kramer, T. Olivier, H. Hu, C. Lopez-Iglesias, F. Schavemaker, E. Walinga, D. Dutta, K. Queiroz, K. Domansky, B. Ronden, J. Joore, H. L. Lanz, P. J. Peters, S. J. Trietsch, H. Clevers, P. Vulto
Date Published: 16th Jun 2022
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 35704148
Citation: Angiogenesis. 2022 Nov;25(4):455-470. doi: 10.1007/s10456-022-09842-9. Epub 2022 Jun 15.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: H. Yang, M. Arif, M. Yuan, X. Li, K. Shong, H. Turkez, J. Nielsen, M. Uhlen, J. Boren, C. Zhang, A. Mardinoglu
Date Published: 19th Nov 2021
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 34712920
Citation: iScience. 2021 Oct 5;24(11):103222. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2021.103222. eCollection 2021 Nov 19.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: F. Abegaz, A. M. F. Martines, M. A. Vieira-Lara, M. Rios-Morales, D. J. Reijngoud, E. C. Wit, B. M. Bakker
Date Published: 13th Aug 2021
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 34383741
Citation: PLoS Comput Biol. 2021 Aug 12;17(8):e1009259. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009259. eCollection 2021 Aug.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: M. Ziegler, M. Monne, A. Nikiforov, G. Agrimi, I. Heiland, F. Palmieri
Date Published: 14th Jun 2021
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 34198503
Citation: Biomolecules. 2021 Jun 14;11(6). pii: biom11060880. doi: 10.3390/biom11060880.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: A. M. Heberle, U. Rehbein, M. Rodriguez Peiris, K. Thedieck
Date Published: 26th Feb 2021
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 33544134
Citation: Biochem Soc Trans. 2021 Feb 26;49(1):41-54. doi: 10.1042/BST20190730.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Anne-Claire M. F. Martines, Albert Gerding, Sarah Stolle, Marcel A. Vieira-Lara, Justina C. Wolters, Angelika Jurdzinski, Laura Bongiovanni, Alain de Bruin, Pieter van der Vlies, Gerben van der Vries, Vincent W. Bloks, Terry G. J. Derks, Dirk-Jan Reijngoud, Barbara M. Bakker
Date Published: 1st Dec 2019
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-50758-0
Citation: Sci Rep 9(1)
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: B. S. Hijmans, A. Boss, T. H. van Dijk, M. Soty, H. Wolters, E. Mutel, A. K. Groen, T. G. J. Derks, G. Mithieux, A. Heerschap, D. J. Reijngoud, F. Rajas, M. H. Oosterveer
Date Published: 21st Jul 2017
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 28727166
Citation: Hepatology. 2017 Dec;66(6):2042-2054. doi: 10.1002/hep.29389. Epub 2017 Oct 30.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: K. van Eunen, C. M. Volker-Touw, A. Gerding, A. Bleeker, J. C. Wolters, W. J. van Rijt, A. M. Martines, K. E. Niezen-Koning, R. M. Heiner, H. Permentier, A. K. Groen, D. J. Reijngoud, T. G. Derks, B. M. Bakker
Date Published: 7th Dec 2016
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 27927213
Citation: BMC Biol. 2016 Dec 7;14(1):107. doi: 10.1186/s12915-016-0327-5.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: P. Dalle Pezze, S. Ruf, A. G. Sonntag, M. Langelaar-Makkinje, P. Hall, A. M. Heberle, P. Razquin Navas, K. van Eunen, R. C. Tolle, J. J. Schwarz, H. Wiese, B. Warscheid, J. Deitersen, B. Stork, E. Fassler, S. Schauble, U. Hahn, P. Horvatovich, D. P. Shanley, K. Thedieck
Date Published: 21st Nov 2016
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 27869123
Citation: Nat Commun. 2016 Nov 21;7:13254. doi: 10.1038/ncomms13254.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: J. C. Wolters, J. Ciapaite, K. van Eunen, K. E. Niezen-Koning, A. Matton, R. J. Porte, P. Horvatovich, B. M. Bakker, R. Bischoff, H. P. Permentier
Date Published: 2nd Sep 2016
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 27447838
Citation: J Proteome Res. 2016 Sep 2;15(9):3204-13. doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.6b00419. Epub 2016 Aug 5.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: vikash bhardwaj, Vikash bhardwaj, Kulbhushan Sharma
Date Published: 5th May 2016
Publication Type: Journal
Citation: Protocol Exchange
Medium-/short-chain hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Fentaw Abegaz
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
Medium-chain ketoacyl-CoA thiolase (EC
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Jose Manuel Horcas Nieto
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
Mitochondrial trifunctional protein (UniProt: P40939)
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Jose Manuel Horcas Nieto
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
Acyl-CoA thioesterases (EC and EC
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Marcel A. Vieira Lara
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
L-carnitine as conserved moiety
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Ligia Akemi Kiyuna
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
CoA as conserved moiety
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Ligia Akemi Kiyuna
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
Acetyl-CoA in the mitochondrion as constant metabolite
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Ligia Akemi Kiyuna
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
NADH and NAD+ (Nicotinamide adinine dinucleotide) as constant values.
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Ligia Akemi Kiyuna, Barbara Bakker
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
Oxidised and reduced electron transferring flavoprotein as constant values.
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Ligia Akemi Kiyuna
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
Volume per mg mitochondrial protein of mitochondrion and cytosol.
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Ligia Akemi Kiyuna
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (EC
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Karen van Eunen
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
The theory, calculations, and conditions that went into estimating the Keqs.
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
Carnitine acylcarnitine translocase (UniProt: O43772)
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2 (EC
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Emmalie Jager, Barbara Bakker
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
Carnitine acetyltransferase (EC
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Marcel A. Vieira Lara
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
Short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Emmalie Jager, Barbara Bakker
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Ligia Akemi Kiyuna
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
Very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Karen van Eunen
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
Crotonase / Enoyl-CoA hydratase (EC
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Fentaw Abegaz
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction
Assays: Kinetics Minireviews
A short description of the experiments conducted to decide on HepG2 cells as the appropriate line for the generation of an MCAD knockout. IHH, Hep3B, HepG2, and HUH-7 cells were all consdered.
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Terry G.J. Derks, Ligia Akemi Kiyuna, Emmalie Jager
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model validation
Assays: HepG2 oxygen consumption