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Joshua M. Peters, Hannah P. Gideon, Travis K. Hughes, Cal Gunnarson, Pauline Maiello, Douaa Mugahid, Sarah K. Nyquist, Joshua D. Bromley, Paul C. Blainey, Beth F. Junecko, Molly L. Nelson, Douglas A. Lauffenburger, Philana Ling Lin, JoAnne L. Flynn, Alex K. Shalek, Sarah M. Fortune, Joshua T. Mattila, Bryan D. Bryson
Abstract: Myeloid cells are key constituents of tuberculosis (TB) granulomas. ...
Owen Leddy, Yufei Cui, Ryuhjin Ahn, Lauren Stopfer, Elizabeth Choe, Do Hun Kim, Malte Roerden, Stefani Spranger, Bryan D. Bryson & Forest M. White
Abstract: Vaccines and immunotherapies that target peptide–major histocompatibility complexes (peptide–MHCs) have the potential to address multiple unmet medical needs in cancer and infectious disease. Designing vaccines and immunotherapies to target ...
Submitter: Charles Demurjian
Investigation: CSBC
Assays: All Metadata, ImmunoPeptideomics - Data Linked, Sample Processing - Metadata, SureQuant Analysis - Data Linked
*Tigist Y Tamir 1,2,3,6, Shreya Chaudhary 1,6, Annie X Li 1,6, Sonia E Trojan 1,4,6 3 , Cameron T Flower 1,2,5,6, Paula Vo 7 , Yufei Cui 1,3,6, Jeffrey C Davis1,4,6, Rachit S Mukkamala 1,3,6 4 , Francesca N Venditti 1,6, Alissandra L Hillis 8 , Alex Toker 8 , Matthew G Vander Heiden 1,2,4,6,7 5 , Jessica B Spinelli 9 , Norman J Kennedy 9 , Roger J Davis 9 , and *Forest M White 1,2,3,5,6
Abstract: Coordination of adaptive ...
Zhewen Guo, Haosheng Feng, Timothy Swager
Abstract: Herein, we present the development and evaluation of a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) sensor for the sensitive and selective detection of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in aqueous environments. MIP coatings over electrochemically active electrodes enable NDMA detection with a notably low detection limit of 1.16 ppb. Our findings demonstrate that the ...
Megan K. Proulx, Christine D. Wiggins, Charlotte J. Reames, Claire Wu, Michael C. Kiritsy, Patricia Grace, Clare M. Smith, Cecelia S. Lindestam Arlehamn, Galit Alter, Douglas A. Lauffenburger, Christopher M. Sassetti
Training Data for the Model:
Abstract: While control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection is generally understood to require a Th1-immune response and IFN secretion, infection ...
Submitter: Charles Demurjian
Investigation: IMPAcTB
Assays: CITESEQ Analysis - Data Linked, Cell Isolation - Metadata, Flow Cytometry - Data Linked, Flow Cytometry Analysis - Data Linked, Histology - Data Linked, Library Prep - Metadata, Model Validation - Data Linked, Pathogen Challenge and Antibody Depletion - Metadata, Short Read Sequencing - Data Linked, Tissue Collection - Metadata
Krista M. Pullen, Ryan Finethy, Seung-Hyun B. Ko, Charlotte J. Reames, Christopher M. Sassetti, Douglas A. Lauffenburger
Abstract:Numerous studies have identified similarities in blood transcriptomic signatures of mouse tuberculosis (TB) models and human disease phenotypes, such as type 1 interferon (IFN) production and innate immune cell activation, yet the pathophysiology observed in murine infection does not recapitulate some of the hallmarks of human ...
Submitter: Charles Demurjian
Investigation: IMPAcTB
Assays: All Metadata, Bacterial Survivability Restriction Assay: Validation Data - Data Attached, Cell Extraction: Validation Data - Metadata, Gene Expression Analysis: Training Data - Data Linked, Gene Expression Analysis: Validation Data - Data Linked, Library Prep: Training Data - Metadata, Library Prep: Validation Data - Metadata, PCR: Validation Data - Data Attached, RNA Extraction: Validation Data - Metadata, Short Read Sequencing: Training Data - Data Linked, Short Read Sequencing: Validation Data - Data Linked, Tissue Collection: Training Data - Metadata, TransCompR Cross Species Modeling - Data Linked
_Andrew W. Simonson, Joseph J. Zeppa, Allison N. Bucsan, Michael C. Chao, Supriya Pokkali, Forrest Hopkins, Michael R. Chase, Andrew J. Vickers, Matthew S. Sutton, Caylin G. Winchell, Amy J. Myers, Cassaundra L. Ameel, Ryan Kelly, Ben Krouse, Luke E. Hood, Jiaxiang Li, Chelsea C. Lehman, Megha Kamath, Jaime Tomko, Mark A. Rodgers, Rachel Donlan, Harris Chishti, H. Jacob Borish, Edwin Klein, Charles A. Scanga, Sarah Fortune, Philana Ling Lin, Pauline Maiello, Mario Roederer, Patricia A. Darrah, ...
Submitter: Charles Demurjian
Investigation: IMPAcTB
Assays: Bacterial Extraction - Metadata, Digitally Barcoded Mtb Matrix Analysis - Data Attached, Flow Cytometry - Data Linked, Flow Cytometry Analysis - Data Linked, Library Prep - Metadata, PET-CT Scan - Data Linked, Patient Visit - Metadata, Short Read Sequencing - Data Linked, Tissue Collection - Metadata
Satomi Hirose, Tatusya Osaki, Roger D. Kamm
Link to Publication:
Abstract: Metastasis, the leading cause of cancer-related deaths, involves a complex cascade of events, including extravasation. Despite extensive research into metastasis, the mechanisms underlying extravasation remain unclear. Molecular targeted therapies have advanced cancer treatment, yet their efficacy is limited, prompting exploration into novel ...
Submitter: Charles Demurjian
Investigation: MetNet
Assays: All Metadata, Cancer Cell Extravasation Analysis - Data Linked, Cell Culture - Metadata, Cell Culture Imaging - Data Linked, Cell Culture Imaging Analysis - Data Linked, Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting - Data Linked, Gene Expression Analysis - Data Linked, Library Prep - Metadata, Microfluidic Device Imaging - Data Linked, Microvascular Network Formation - Metadata, RNA Extraction - Metadata, Real-time RT-PCR - Data Linked, Short Read Sequencing - Data Linked
Joshua M. Peters, Edward B. Irvine, Jacob M. Rosenberg, Marc H. Wadsworth II, Travis K. Hughes, Matthew Sutton, Sarah K. Nyquist, Joshua D. Bromley, Rajib Mondal, Mario Roederer, Robert A. Seder, Patricia A. Darrah, Galit Alter, JoAnne L. Flynn, Alex K. Shalek, Sarah M. Fortune, Bryan D. Bryson
Intradermal Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is the most widely administered vaccine, but it does not sufficiently ...
Submitter: Andrew Millar
Investigation: Absolute units for proteins in Arabidopsis cloc...
Assays: promoter binding affinity calculations on the genome based on PBMs and E...
Files required for reproducibility of computational results. This include Docker file and python packages
Submitter: Uriel Urquiza Garcia
Investigation: Absolute units for proteins in Arabidopsis cloc...
Assays: Python packages
Clock mutants for lhy-1/cca1-11, prr9/7, toc1, lux-4, elf3-1 were transformed with the genomic regions of the associated clock genes tagged with NanoLUC-3FLAG-10His. The tagged genomic constructs were transformed in the mutants using Agrobcterium ABI strain (kindly donated by Prof. Seth Davis University of York). T3 plants resistant to homozygous for BASTA resistance were phenotyped by luciferase imaging asessing period phenotype or plant architecture. Rescuing lines were then used for performing ...
Submitter: Andrew Millar
Investigation: Absolute units for proteins in Arabidopsis cloc...
Assays: Jupyter notebook Predicting Protein Numbers, Protein level time series, TiMet RNA timeseries data
Huu Tuan Nguyen, Nadia Gurvich, Mark Robert Gillrie, Giovanni Offeddu, Mouhita Humayun, Ellen L. Kan, Zhengpeng Wan, Mark Frederick Coughlin, Christie Zhang, Vivian Vu, Sharon Wei Ling Lee, Seng-Lai Tan, David Barbie, Jonathan Hsu, Roger D. Kamm
Link to Paper:
Abstract: Tumor-associated inflammation drives cancer progression and therapy resistance, often linked to the infiltration of ...
Submitter: Charles Demurjian
Investigation: MetNet
Assays: All Metadata, Cell Culture and Tumor Spheroid Creation - Metadata, Device Imaging - Data Linked, Flow Cytometry - Data Linked, Flow Cytometry Analysis - Data Linked, Microfluidic Device Creation - Metadata, Migration Assay Analysis - Data Linked
Leela RL Davies, Chuangqi Wang, Pia Steigler, Kathryn A Bowman, Stephanie Fischinger, Mark Hatherill, Michelle Fisher, Staney Kimbung Mbandi, Miguel Rodo, Tom HM Ottenhoff, Hazel M Dockrell, Jayne S Sutherland, Harriet Mayanja-Kizza, W Henry Boom, Gerhard Walzl, Stefan H.E. Kaufmann, Elisa Nemes, Thomas J Scriba, Douglas Lauffenburger, Galit Alter, Sarah M. Fortune.
Link to Paper:
Abstract: Antibody features vary ...
Submitter: Charles Demurjian
Investigation: IMPAcTB
Assays: Antibody-Dependent Cellular Phagocytosis - Data Linked, Antibody-Dependent Neutrophil Phagocytosis - Data Linked, FC Receptor Binding Assay - Data Linked, Linear Mixed Model - Data Linked, Patient Visit - Metadata, Tissue Collection - Metadata, Titer Assay - Data Linked
Joshua D. Bromley, Sharie Keanne C. Ganchua, Sarah K. Nyquist, Pauline Maiello, Michael Chao, H. Jacob Borish, Mark Rodgers, Jaime Tomko, Kara Kracinovsky, Douaa Mugahid, Son Nguyen, Dennis Wang, Jacob M. Rosenberg, Edwin C. Klein, Hannah P. Gideon, Roisin Floyd-O’Sullivan, Bonnie Berger, Charles A Scanga, Philana Ling Lin, Sarah M. Fortune, Alex K. Shalek, JoAnne L. Flynn
Link to Paper:
Immunological ...
Submitter: Charles Demurjian
Investigation: IMPAcTB
Assays: All Metadata, Bacterial Extraction - Metadata, Digitally Barcoded Mtb Matrix Analysis - Data Attached, Flow Cytometry - Data Linked, Flow Cytometry Analysis - Data Linked, Library Prep - Metadata, PET-CT Scan - Data Linked, Patient Visit - Metadata, Short Read Sequencing - Data Linked, Single Cell Expression Analysis - Data Linked, Tissue Collection - Metadata
Submitter: David Calderón-Franco
Investigation: Sampling vicinity of industrial settings for pa...
Assays: DNA sequencing: PRJNA1192411
Short Name: P5_SxF_lav_ac Title: Detection of lavandulyl acetate in extracts of engineered fungi Description: Detection of lavandulyl acetate in extracts of engineered fungi (SxF) by GC-MS-MS Raw Data: pISA Study creation date: 2021-12-23 pISA Study creator: Sandra Vacas Principal investigator: Ismael Navarro License: CC BY 4.0 Sharing permission: Private Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes
Submitter: Marko Petek
Investigation: _I_T33_MonoterpenoidsFungi
Assays: _A_LA_liq-GC-MS, _A_LA_myc-GC-MS, _S_P5_SxF_lav_ac-files
Short Name: P5_SxF_lavandulol Title: Detection of lavandulol in SxF extracts Description: Detection of lavandulol in extracts of engineered fungi by GC-MS-MS Raw Data: pISA Study creation date: 2021-12-23 pISA Study creator: Sandra Vacas Principal investigator: Ismael Navarro License: CC BY 4.0 Sharing permission: Private Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes
Submitter: Marko Petek
Investigation: _I_T33_MonoterpenoidsFungi
Assays: _A_L_liq-GC-MS, _A_L_myc-GC-MS, _S_P5_SxF_lavandulol-files
Investigation files _I_T33_MonoterpenoidsFungi
Submitter: Marko Petek
Investigation: _I_T33_MonoterpenoidsFungi
Assays: _I_T33_MonoterpenoidsFungi-files
Investigation files _I_T32_CandidateGeneExpressionTesting
Submitter: Marko Petek
Investigation: _I_T32_CandidateGeneExpressionTesting
Short Name: TransientLPPSCPPS Title: Transient expression of lavandulyl pirophosphate synthase (LPPS) and chrysanthemyl pirophhosphate synthase (CPPS) Description: The purpose of this study is to perform the transient expression of LPPS and CPPS gene for the production of lavandulol and chrysanthemol, respectively. Production is measured by GCMS of samples. Raw Data: pISA Study creation date: 2021-12-03 pISA Study creator: RMF Principal investigator: Diego Orzaez License: Creative Commons Attribution ...
Submitter: Marko Petek
Investigation: _I_T32_CandidateGeneExpressionTesting
Assays: _A_TransientCompLPPSCPPS-GCMS, _S_TransientLPPSCPPS-files
Short Name: P5_PhContentPlants Title: Quantification of total moth pheromone contents in SxP Description: Quantification of the total pheromone content in SxPv1.2 plants Raw Data: pISA Study creation date: 21-Sep-21 pISA Study creator: Sandra Vacas Principal investigator: Ismael Navarro License: CC BY 4.0 Sharing permission: Private Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes
Submitter: Marko Petek
Investigation: _I_T24_phero
Assays: _A_PhCont_fr20-GC-MS, _A_PhCont_fr80-GC-MS, _A_PhCont_fresh-GC-MS, _S_P5_PhContentPlants-files
Short Name: P5_PhEmissionPlants Title: Quantification of the pheromone emitted by SxP plants Description: Quantification of the quantity of pheromone emitted by SxPv1.2 plants by volatile collection and GC-MS/MS analysis Raw Data: pISA Study creation date: 21-Sep-21 pISA Study creator: Sandra Vacas Principal investigator: Ismael Navarro License: CC BY 4.0 Sharing permission: Private Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes
Submitter: Marko Petek
Investigation: _I_T24_phero
Assays: _A_emission_nontruncated-GC-MS, _A_emission_truncated-GC-MS, _S_P5_PhEmissionPlants-files
Investigation files _I_T24_phero
Short Name: P5_EAGresponse Title: Electrophysiological response of moths to SxP extracts Description: Electrophysiological response of Sesamia nonagrioides males to selected fractions of the SxPv1.2 extracts Raw Data: pISA Study creation date: 21-Sep-21 pISA Study creator: Sandra Vacas Principal investigator: Ismael Navarro License: CC BY 4.0 Sharing permission: Private Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes
Submitter: Marko Petek
Investigation: _I_T24_phero
Assays: _A_EAG_manual-EAG, _A_GC-MS-EAD-EAG, _S_P5_EAGresponse-files
Short Name: P1_ConstExp_Pdigitatum Title: Constitutive expression of moth pheromone pathway in Penicillium digitatum. Description: For this Proof of Concept, the three enzymes of the moth pheromones route were assembled in TUs using fungal promoters and terminators, and transformed into Penicillium digitatum. Pheromone production of the selected transformants will be assessed via GC-MS. Raw Data: pISA Study creation date: 2020-18-04 pISA Study creator: ElenaMG Principal investigator: Diego Orzaez ...
Submitter: Marko Petek
Investigation: _I_T23_SxF
Assays: _A_qRTPCRMothPheromonesEnzymes-Q-RT-PCR, _S_P1_ConstExp_Pdigitatum-files
Short Name: P5_SxFliquids Title: Pheromone detection in liquid extracts of SxF Description: Pheromone detection in liquid extracts of modified filamentous fungi (SxF) by liquid-liquid solvent extraction and GC-MS/MS analysis Raw Data: pISA Study creation date: 21-Sep-22 pISA Study creator: Sandra Vacas Principal investigator: * License: CC BY 4.0 Sharing permission: Private Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes
Submitter: Marko Petek
Investigation: _I_T23_SxF
Assays: _A_FS-GC-MS, _A_SRM-GC-MS, _S_P5_SxFliquids-files