Sample types

What is a Sample type?
230 Sample types found
No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Parent (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Protocol (URI) , Scientist (Text) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , Parent (Text) , Instrument (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Software (Text) , Fixation (Text) , Stimulation (Text) , AntibodyParent (Text) , Type (Text) , Repository (Text) , RepositoryID (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryType (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Parent (Text) , Scientist (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Vendor (Text) , Analyte (Text) , Clone (Text) , Fluorophore (Text) , ExperimentType (Text) , Isotype (Text) , CatalogLink (URI)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , DataType (Text) , Parent (Text) , Lab (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , BacterialParent (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryType (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , Scientist (Text) , DataType (Text) , Protocol (URI) , Parent (Text) , Lab (Text) , Repository (Text) , RepositoryID (Text) , ReferenceGenome_Link (URI) , DemultiplexingTool (Text) , ReferenceGenome (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , File_PrimaryData (Text) , Scientist (Text) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , Protocol (URI) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Parent (Text) , DataType (Text) , SequencingType (Text) , Sequencer (Text) , F_bp (Text) , R_bp (Text) , NumReads (Text) , LibraryStrategy (Text) , LibrarySource (Text) , LibrarySelection (Text) , ExtractedMolecule (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , File_SecondaryData (Text) , Link_SecondaryData (URI) , LibraryDesign (Text) , Accession (Text) , Repository (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryType (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , File_PrimaryData (Text) , Scientist (Text) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , Protocol (URI) , Parent (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , DataType (Text) , SequencingType (Text) , Sequencer (Text) , F_bp (Text) , R_bp (Text) , LibraryStrategy (Text) , LibrarySource (Text) , LibrarySelection (Text) , ExtractedMolecule (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , File_SecondaryData (Text) , Link_SecondaryData (URI) , Checksum_SecondaryData (Text) , LibraryDesign (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryType (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Protocol (URI) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Parent (Text) , Type (Text) , BarcodeType (Text) , Barcode2Type (Text) , NumPrepCycles (Text) , Lab (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Protocol (URI) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Parent (Text) , Type (Text) , Barcode (Text) , BarcodeType (Text) , Lab (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Scientist (Text) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , Protocol (URI) , Parent (Text) , Notes (Text) , Lab (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Scientist (Text) , Protocol (URI) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , Parent (Text) , Type (Text) , Notes (Text) , Instrument (Text) , DataType (Text) , TotalLungFDGActivity (Text) , TotalLungFDGActivityUnits (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Scientist (Text) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , NXProtocol (URI) , GentleMacsProtocol (URI) , CFUProtocol (URI) , Parent (Text) , Type (Text) , Organ (Text) , OrganDetail (Text) , CFU (Text) , CFUUnits (Text) , ArrayNumber (Text) , ExtractionInterval (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , catalog# (Text) , Vendor (Text) , Analyte (Text) , Clone (Text) , RRID (Text) , CatalogLink (URI)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Species (Text) , Morphology (Text) , Strain (Text) , TaxonomyID (Text) , GramStaining (Text) , Barcode (Text) , Qtag (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Protocol (URI) , Type (Text) , Procedure (Text) , Parent (Text) , VisitFacility (Text) , Notes (Text) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , Treatment1 (Text) , Treatment1Type (Text) , Treatment1Route (Text) , Treatment1Dose (Text) , Treatment1DoseUnits (Text) , Treatment2 (Text) , Treatment2Type (Text) , Treatment2Route (Text) , Treatment2Dose (Text) , Treatment2DoseUnits (Text) , Treatment3 (Text) , Treatment3Type (Text) , Treatment3Route (Text) , Treatment3Dose (Text) , Treatment3DoseUnits (Text) , Treatment4 (Text) , Treatment4Type (Text) , Treatment4Route (Text) , Treatment4Dose (Text) , Treatment4DoseUnits (Text) , ExperimentalTimepoint (Text) , Treatment1Parent (Text) , Treatment2Parent (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , DateOfBirth (Text) , Sex (Text) , Species (Text) , Origin (Text) , Facility (Text) , Notes (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Cohort (Text) , Supplier (Text) , Protocol (URI) , Study (Text) , Funder (Text) , TotalCFU (Text) , LungCFU (Text) , LymphNodeCFU (Text) , StudyDesign (Text) , Link_StudyDesign (URI) , NewGranulomaCount (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (String) *, Name (String) , File_PrimaryData (String) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Scientist (String) , DataType (String) , LibraryPrep (String) , Barcodes (String) , BarcodesDataType (String) , Genes (String) , GenesDataType (String) , Metadata (String) , MetadataDataType (String) , ReferenceGenome (String) , ReferenceGenomeSource (String) , Pipeline (String) , Protocol (URI) , Parent (String) , Lab (String) , Repository (String) , Accession (String) , Checksum_PrimaryData (String) , Checksum_Barcodes (String) , Checksum_Genes (String) , Checksum_Metadata (String) , Checksum_PrimaryType (String)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (String) *, Name (String) , Protocol (URI) , Scientist (String) , Parent (Registered Sample - TIS - EI_Fc-Engineered) , Type (String) , LibraryType (String) , Barcode (String) , BarcodeType (String) , Barcode2 (String) , Barcode2Type (String) , NumPrepCycles (String) , Notes (String) , Lab (String)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (String) *, Name (String) , Scientist (String) , Formula (String) , Lab (String) , Form (String) , Manufacturer (String) , ProductNumber (String) , CASNumber (String) , MDLNumber (String) , StorageTempMin (String) , StorageTempMax (String) , StorageTempUnits (String)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (String) *, Name (String) , File_PrimaryData (String) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , DataType (String) , Protocol (URI) , Parent (String) , Scientist (String) , Lab (String) , Checksum_PrimaryData (String) , Software (String) , Checksum_PrimaryType (String)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (String) *, Name (String) , File_PrimaryData (String) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (String) , Checksum_PrimaryType (String) , Parent (String) , Scientist (String) , SampleCreationDate (String) , Protocol (URI) , Bead_Fluorophore (String) , Bead_Vendor (String) , Bead_Catalog# (String) , Bead_coating (String) , Complement (String) , Complement_Vendor (String) , Complement_Catalog# (String) , CD3Ab_Name (String) , C3Ab_Vendor (String) , C3Ab_Catalog# (String) , C3Ab_Fluorophore (String) , Analyzer (String) , Analyzer_Vendor (String)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (String) *, Name (String) , File_PrimaryData (String) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (String) , Checksum_PrimaryType (String) , Parent (String) , Scientist (String) , SampleCreationDate (String) , Protocol (URI) , Bead_Fluorophore (String) , Bead_Vendor (String) , Bead_Catalog# (String) , Bead_Coating (String) , PhagocyticCells (String) , PhagocyticCells_Vendor (String) , PhagocyticCells_Catalog# (String) , Analyzer (String) , Analyzer_Vendor (String) , Fixed (String) , Fixative (String) , Software (String)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (String) *, Name (String) , File_PrimaryData (String) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (String) , Checksum_PrimaryType (String) , Parent (String) , Scientist (String) , SampleCreationDate (String) , Protocol (URI) , ELISAplate (String) , ELISAplate_Vendor (String) , ELISAplate_Catalog# (String) , Antigen (String) , Blocking_solution (String) , NKC_Name (String) , AntiCD107a_Name (String) , AntiCD107a_Ab_Vendor (String) , AntiCD107a_Ab_Fluorophore (String) , AntiCD107a_Ab_Catalog# (String) , CD3_Name (String) , CD3_Ab_Vendor (String) , CD3_Ab_Fluorophore (String) , CD3_Ab_Catalog# (String) , CD56_Name (String) , CD56_Ab_Vendor (String) , CD56_Ab_Fluorophore (String) , CD56_Ab_Catalog# (String) , CD16_Name (String) , CD16_Ab_Vendor (String) , CD16_Ab_Fluorophore (String) , CD16_Ab_Catalog# (String) , MIP-1B_Name (String) , MIP-1B_Ab_Vendor (String) , MIP-1B_Ab_Fluorophore (String) , MIP-1B_Ab_Catalog# (String) , INFg_Name (String) , INFg_Ab_Vendor (String) , INFg_Ab_Fluorophore (String) , INFg_Ab_Catalog# (String) , Fixed (String) , Fixative (String) , Analyzer (String) , Analyzer_Vendor (String) , Software (String) , TNFa_Name (String) , TNFa_Ab_Vendor (String) , TNFa_Ab_Fluorophore (String) , TNFa_Ab_Catalog# (String)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (String) *, Name (String) , File_PrimaryData (String) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (String) , Checksum_PrimaryType (String) , Parent (String) , Scientist (String) , SampleCreationDate (String) , Protocol (URI) , Bead_Fluorophore (String) , Bead_Vendor (String) , Bead_Catalog# (String) , Bead_coating (String) , Leukocytes (String) , Analyzer (String) , Analyzer_Vendor (String) , Fixed (String) , Fixative (String) , Staining_Antibody (String) , Staining_Antibody_Vendor (String) , Staining_Antibody_Fluorophore (String)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (String) *, Name (String) , File_PrimaryData (String) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (String) , Checksum_PrimaryType (String) , Parent (String) , Scientist (String) , SampleCreationDate (String) , Protocol (URI) , Type (String) , LightEmission_Plasmid (String) , LightEmission_Reporter (String) , BacterialStrain (String) , MultiplicityOfInfection (String) , InfectedCells (String) , Cells_Vendor (String) , Cells_Catalog# (String) , NumberInfectedCells (String) , ExcitationWavelength (String) , EmissionWavelength (String) , ReadingIntervals (String) , Analyzer (String) , Analyzer_Vendor (String) , Dilution (String)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (String) *, Name (String) , File_PrimaryData (String) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (String) , Checksum_PrimaryType (String) , Parent (String) , Scientist (String) , SampleCreationDate (String) , Protocol (URI) , Type (String) , Analyte (String) , AnalyteVolume (String) , AnalyteVolumeUnits (String) , Analyte_Vendor (String) , Analyte_Catalog# (String) , AnalyteProcedure (String) , Plate (String) , Plate_Vendor (String) , Plate_Catalog# (String) , PlateWash (String) , PlateBlocker (String) , PlateBlockerProcedure (String) , NegativeControl (String) , NegativeControl_Vendor (String) , NegativeControl_Catalog# (String) , Detector (String) , Detector_Vendor (String) , Detector_Catalog# (String) , ReactionStopper (String) , Instrument (String) , Absorbance (String) , AbsorbanceUnits (String)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (String) *, Name (String) , File_PrimaryData (String) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (String) , Checksum_PrimaryType (String) , Parent (String) , Scientist (String) , SampleCreationDate (String) , Protocol (URI) , Type (String) , Procedure (String) , PurificationKit (String) , PurificationKit_Vendor (String) , PurificationKit_Catalog# (String) , Filter (String) , Filter_Vendor (String) , Filter_Catalog# (String) , Analyte (String) , AnalyteVolume (String) , AnalyteVolumeUnits (String) , DigestiveEnzyme (String) , DigestiveEnzyme_Vendor (String) , DigestiveEnzyme_Catalog# (String) , DigestiveTemperature (String) , DigestiveTemperatureUnits (String) , DomainSelectionTarget (String) , DomainBeadSelector (String) , Bead_Vendor (String) , Bead_Catalog# (String) , SelectionTemperature (String) , SelectionTemperatureUnits (String) , IsolationTarget (String) , IsolationKit (String) , IsolationKit_Vendor (String) , IsolationKit_Catalog# (String) , CaptureKit (String) , CaptureKit_Vendor (String) , CaptureKit_Catalog# (String) , Label (String) , LabellingKit (String) , LabellingKit_Vendor (String) , LabellingKit_Catalog# (String) , AnalysisMethod (String) , Ladder (String) , Ladder_Vendor (String) , Ladder_Catalog# (String) , Analyzer (String) , AnalyzerSoftware (String)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (String) *, Name (String) , File_PrimaryData (String) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (String) , Checksum_PrimaryType (String) , Parent (Registered Sample - TIS - EI_Fc-Engineered) , Scientist (String) , SampleCreationDate (String) , Protocol (URI) , Panel (String) , Analyte (String) , Vendor (String) , Product# (String) , Lot# (String) , BeadFluorescence (String) , MeasurementWavelength (String) , MeasurementWavelengthUnits (String) , Instrument (String) , Software (String) , LuminexDesign (String) , Notes (String)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (String) *, Name (String) , Species (String) , Strain (String) , TaxonomyID (String) , Phenotype (String) , Morphology (String) , GramStaining (String) , Scientist (String) , Notes (String)

Not specified

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