Sample types

What is a Sample type?
230 Sample types found

Enzyme activity of glutathione S-transferase and catalase in in vivo exposure studies

Fish ID (Registered Sample - In vivo biometrics) *, Exposure (Text) , Gst activity nmol/min/mg (Real number) , Cat activity nmol/min/mg (Real number)

Not specified

Concentrations of vitellogenin in blood plasma measured in field studies

Fish ID (Registered Sample - Field study biometry data) *, Station (Integer) , Gender (String) , Vitellogenin mg/mL (Real number)

Not specified

TBARS assay: Measurement of oxidative stress

Fish ID (Registered Sample - Field study biometry data) *, Station (Integer) , MDA nmol/mg (Real number)

Not specified

Gene expression data of cod liver including the genes cyp1a, cat, hsp70, gsta3b, fabp7, fasn, acly, and scd.

Fish ID (Registered Sample - Field study biometry data) *, Station (Integer) , cyp1a (Real number) , cat (Real number) , hsp70 (Real number) , gsta3b (Real number) , fabp7 (Real number) , fasn (Real number) , acly (Real number) , scd (Real number)

Not specified

qPCR results using absolute quantification, genes involved in steroidogenic pathways

Fish ID (Registered Sample - Field study biometry data) *, Station (Integer) , star (Real number) , cyp17 (Real number) , p450scc (Real number) , cyp19 (Real number) , 3βhsd (Real number) , 11βhsd (Real number) , 17βhsd (Real number) , 20βhsd (Real number)

Not specified

Concentrations of contaminants in cod liver

Fish ID (Registered Sample - Field study biometry data) *, Sample number (Integer) , Lipid% (Real number) , Station (Integer) *, PFHxA (Text) , PFHpA (Text) , PFOA (Text) , PFNA (Text) , PFDA (Text) , PFUdA (Text) , PFDoDA (Text) , PFTrDA (Text) , PFTeDA* (Text) , PFHxS* (Text) , PFOS (Text) , FOSA (Text) , N-MeFOSA* (Text) , N-EtFOSA* (Text) , N-EtFOSE* (Text) , Sum PFAS10 (Text) , BDE-28 (Text) , BDE-47 (Text) , BDE-100 (Text) , BDE-99 (Text) , BDE-154 (Text) , BDE-153 (Text) , BDE-183 (Text) , Sum7PBDE (Text) , HBCDD (Text) , HBB (Text) , α-HCH (Text) , β-HCH (Text) , γ-HCH (Text) , Sum HCH (Text) , p,p'-DDE (Text) , o,p'-DDD (Text) , p,p'-DDD (Text) , o,p'-DDT (Text) , p,p'-DDT (Text) , Sum DDTs (Text) , HCB (Text) , Oxyklordan (Text) , trans-Klordan (Text) , cis-Klordan (Text) , trans-Nonaklor (Text) , cis-Nonaklor (Text) , Sum chlordanes (Text) , Mirex (Text) , PCB-52 (Text) , PCB-47 (Text) , PCB-74 (Text) , PCB-66 (Text) , PCB-56 (Text) , PCB-101 (Text) , PCB-99 (Text) , PCB-87 (Text) , PCB-136 (Text) , PCB-110 (Text) , PCB-151 (Text) , PCB-149 (Text) , PCB-118 (Text) , PCB-114 (Text) , PCB-153 (Text) , PCB-105 (Text) , PCB-141 (Text) , PCB-137 (Text) , PCB-138 (Text) , PCB-187 (Text) , PCB-183 (Text) , PCB-128 (Text) , PCB-156 (Text) , PCB-157 (Text) , PCB-180 (Text) , PCB-170 (Text) , PCB-199 (Text) , PCB-196 (Text) , PCB-189 (Text) , PCB-194 (Text) , PCB-206 (Text) , PCB-209 (Text) , Sum 32PCBs (Text) , Sum7PCBs* (Text) , Li (Text) , Mg (Text) , Al (Text) , V (Text) , Cr (Text) , Fe (Text) , Co (Text) , Ni (Text) , Cu (Text) , Zn (Text) , As (Text) , Se (Text) , Mo (Text) , Ag (Text) , Cd (Text) , Hg (Text) , Pb (Text)

Not specified

Template for relative protein expression of Cyp3a and MT in field studies

Fish ID (Registered Sample - Field study biometry data) *, Station (Integer) , Relative Cyp3a expression (Real number) , Relative Mt expression (Real number)

Not specified

No description specified

Fish ID (Integer) *, Date start (Date) , Date sampling (Date) , Exposure compound (String) , Exposure dose (String) , Tank/group (Integer) , Exposure time (day) (Integer) , Weight (g) (Real number) , Length (cm) (Real number) , Gender (F/M) (String) , Liver weight (g) (Real number) , Gonade weight (g) (Real number) , Condition factor (CF) (Real number) , Hepatosomatic index (HSI) (Real number) , Gonadosomatic index (GSI) (Real number) , Gross pathology (String)

Not specified

Concentrations of estradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) in cod plasma in field studies (groups defined by stations).

Fish ID (Registered Sample - Field study biometry data) *, Station (Integer) , Estradiol (pg/mL) (Real number) , Testosterone (pg/mL) (String)

Not specified

Template for in vivo biometrics data

Fish ID (Integer) *, Date (Date) , Exposure (String) *, Weight (g) (Real number) ( g ) , Length (cm) (String) ( cm ) , Gender (F/M) (String) , Liver weight (g) (Real number) ( g ) , Gonade weight (g) (Real number) ( g ) , Condition factor (CF) (Real number) , Hepatosomatic index (HSI) (Real number) , Gonadosomatic index (GSI) (Real number) , Gross pathology (String)

Not specified

Measurements of Gst and Cat enzyme activity in field studies such as Kollevåg.

Fish ID (Registered Sample - Field study biometry data) *, Station (Integer) , Gst activity nmol/min/mg (Real number) , Cat activity nmol/min/mg (Real number)

enzyme activity, glutathione-s-transferase, catalase

Concentrations of PAH metabolites (1-OH-pyr, 1-OH-phen, 3-OH-BaP) in bile of fish at different stations

Fish ID (Registered Sample - Field study biometry data) *, Station (Integer) *, 1-OH-phen ng/g (Real number) , 1-OH-pyr ng/g (Real number) , 3-OH-BaP ng/g (Real number)

Not specified

Template for biometry data for field studies such as Kollevåg, Oslofjord etc.

Fish ID (Integer) *, Date (Date) , Station (Integer) *, Weight (g) (Real number) ( g ) , Length (cm) (Real number) ( cm ) , Gender (F/M) (String) *, Liver weight (g) (Real number) ( g ) , Gonade weight (g) (Real number) ( g ) , Condition factor (CF) (Real number) , Hepatosomatic index (HSI) (Real number) , Gonadosomatic index (GSI) (Real number) , Comments (String) , Severity of pathology (String)

Not specified

No description specified

FASTQ Paired ID (String) *, Sample Origine ID (Registered Sample - Samples for dCod) *, Library Origine ID (Registered Sample - Library preparation) *, FASTQ R1 (String) *, FASTQ R2 (String) *

Not specified

No description specified

Library ID (String) *, Sample Origine ID (Registered Sample - Samples for dCod) *

Not specified

No description specified

Count ID (String) *, Sample Origine ID (Registered Sample - Samples for dCod) *, Bam Origine ID (Registered Sample - BAM file) *

Not specified

No description specified

Bam ID (String) *, Sample Origine ID (Registered Sample - Samples for dCod) *, FASTQ Paired Origine ID (Registered Sample - FASTQ Paired) *

Not specified

No description specified

Sample ID (String) *, Sample name (String) , Date sampled (Date) , Treatment (String) , Fish# (sampling) (Integer) , Fish# (RNA-seq) (Integer) , Body wt in (g) (Integer) , Liver wt in (g) (Integer) , Sex (String) , Species (String) , Tissue (String)

Not specified

SAMPLE TYPE to describe samples of CEN.PK-113-7D yeast strain upon metabolic perturbation of the steady state culture by glucose pulse

SEEK ID (Integer) *, STRAIN (Registered Strain) , Genotype (String) , Cell culture ID (String) , Cell culture start date (Date) , Glucose pulse (concentration) (Integer) , Sampling date (Date) , Time after glucose pulse (Integer) , Cell part (Controlled Vocabulary - SysMO Sample Organism Part) , Age at sampling (Integer) *

yeast, genotype, chemostat, glucose pulse, Metabolomics

Sample type representing the old BioSample model available to SysMO and VirtualLiver

Sample ID or name (String) *, Cell culture name (String) *, Cell culture lab identifier (String) , Cell culture start date (Date) , Cell culture growth type (Controlled Vocabulary - SysMO Cell Culture Growth Type) , Cell culture comment (Text) , Cell culture provider name (String) , Cell culture provider identifier (String) , Cell culture strain (Registered Strain) *, Sample lab identifier (String) *, Sampling date (Date) , Age at sampling (Integer) , Sample provider name (String) , Sample provider identifier (String) , Sample comment (Text) , Sample organism part (Controlled Vocabulary - SysMO Sample Organism Part)

Not specified

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