Sample types

What is a Sample type?
241 Sample types found
No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Parent (Text) , Scientist (Text) , DataType (Text) , Protocol (URI)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Parent (Text) , Type (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Protocol (URI) , Material (Text) , Media (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Type (Text) , StorageLocation (Text) , StorageSite (Text) , Protocol (URI) , Species (Text) , CellLine (Text) , Source (Text) , Media (Text) , Parent (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Type (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Protocol_Analysis (URI) , Protocol_Model (URI) , Parent (Text) , Model_Type (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Parent (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Scientist (Text) , DataType (Text) , Protocol (URI) , Link_Code (URI)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Protocol (URI) , Type (Text) , DispersePhase (Text) , ContinuousPhase (Text) , Parent (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Instrument (Text) , Notes (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Syringe (Text) , Needle (Text) , FluorometerCell (Text) , MeasurementInterval (Text) , MeasurementDuration (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Protocol (URI) , Type (Text) , Mode (Text) , Crystal (Text) , Parent (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Instrument (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Protocol (URI) , Solvent (Text) , Parent (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Instrument (Text) , Notes (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Standard (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Parent (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Standard (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Protocol (URI) , Solvent (Text) , Type (Text) , Parent (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Instrument (Text) , Frequency (Text) , Frequency Units (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Parent (Text) , Scientist (Text) , DataType (Text) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , Protocol (URI) , ImageTimepoint (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Vendor (Text) , Parent (Text) , CASnumber (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Protocol (URI) , Formula (Text) , Type (Text) , Lab (Text) , Catalog# (Text) , Reference (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Parent (Text) , Stimulation (Text) , Type (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Protocol (URI) , Material (Text) , Link_Design (URI)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Type (Text) , StorageLocation (Text) , Parent (Text) , Protocol (URI) , Species (Text) , CellLine (Text) , Source (Text) , Media (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Parent (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Parent (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Parent (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Parent (Text) , Scientist (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Parent (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Protocol (URI) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Parent (Text) , Bead_Fluorophore (Text) , Bead_Vendor (Text) , Bead_Catalog# (Text) , Bead_Coating (Text) , PhagocyticCells (Text) , PhagocyticCells_Vendor (Text) , PhagocyticCells_Catalog# (Text) , Analyzer (Text) , Analyzer_Vendor (Text) , Fixed (Text) , Fixative (Text) , Lab (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Protocol (URI) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Parent (Text) , ELISAplate_Vendor (Text) , ELISAplate_Catalog# (Text) , Antigen (Text) , Blocking_solution (Text) , NKC_Name (Text) , AntiCD107a_Name (Text) , AntiCD107a_Ab_Vendor (Text) , AntiCD107a_Ab_Fluorophore (Text) , AntiCD107a_Ab_Catalog# (Text) , CD3_Name (Text) , CD3_Ab_Vendor (Text) , CD3_Ab_Fluorophore (Text) , CD3_Ab_Catalog# (Text) , CD56_Name (Text) , CD56_Ab_Vendor (Text) , CD56_Ab_Fluorophore (Text) , CD56_Ab_Catalog# (Text) , CD16_Name (Text) , CD16_Ab_Vendor (Text) , CD16_Ab_Fluorophore (Text) , CD16_Ab_Catalog# (Text) , MIP-1B_Name (Text) , MIP-1B_Ab_Vendor (Text) , MIP-1B_Ab_Fluorophore (Text) , MIP-1B_Ab_Catalog# (Text) , INFg_Name (Text) , INFg_Ab_Vendor (Text) , INFg_Ab_Fluorophore (Text) , INFg_Ab_Catalog# (Text) , Fixed (Text) , Fixative (Text) , Analyzer (Text) , Analyzer_Vendor (Text) , Lab (Text) , TNFa_Name (Text) , TNFa_Ab_Vendor (Text) , TNFa_Ab_Fluorophore (Text) , TNFa_Ab_Catalog# (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Protocol (URI) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Parent (Text) , Bead_Fluorescence (Text) , Bead_Vendor (Text) , Bead_Catalog# (Text) , Bead_coating (Text) , Leukocytes (Text) , Analyzer (Text) , Analyzer_Vendor (Text) , Fixed (Text) , Fixative (Text) , Lab (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Protocol (URI) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Parent (Text) , Bead_Vendor (Text) , Bead_Catalog# (Text) , Bead_coating (Text) , Fc_gamma_Receptor (Text) , Fc_gamma_Receptor_Vendor (Text) , Biotin (Text) , Biotin_Vendor (Text) , Biotin_Catalog# (Text) , Fluoro-Streptavidine (Text) , Fluoro-Streptavidine_Vendor (Text) , Fluoro-Streptavidine_Catalog# (Text) , Analyzer (Text) , Analyzer_Vendor (Text) , Lab (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Protocol (URI) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Parent (Text) , Bead_Vendor (Text) , Bead_Catalog# (Text) , Bead_coating (Text) , Bead_coating_vendor (Text) , Bead_coating_Catalog# (Text) , anti_IgX_Ab (Text) , anti_IgX_Ab_vendor (Text) , anti_IgX_Ab_Catalog# (Text) , Detection_Ab (Text) , Detection_Ab_vendor (Text) , Detection_Ab_Catalog# (Text) , Analyzer (Text) , Analyzer_Vendor (Text) , Lab (Text) , Type (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Protocol (URI) , Scientist (Text) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , Parent (Registered Sample - PAV - EI-Dose) , Type (Text) , Organ (Text) , OrganDetail (Text) , Notes (Text) , NumVials (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Type (Text) , Protocol (URI) , Procedure (Text) , Parent (Registered Sample - NHP - EI-Dose) , Notes (Text) , SampleCreationDate (Text) , Treatment1 (Text) , Treatment1Type (Text) , Treatment1Route (Text) , Treatment1Dose (Text) , Treatment1DoseUnits (Text) , ExperimentalTimepoint (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , DateOfBirth (Text) , Sex (Text) , Species (Text) , Origin (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Supplier (Text) , Protocol (URI)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (URI) , Scientist (Text) , Parent (Text) , Type (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Protocol (URI) , Scientist (Text) , Parent (Text) , Dilution (Text) , Bead_Vendor (Text) , Bead_Coating (Text) , PhagocyticCells (Text) , PhagocyticCells_Vendor (Text) , PhagocyticCells_Catalog# (Text) , Analyzer (Text) , Analyzer_Vendor (Text) , Fixed (Text) , Fixative (Text) , Lab (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Protocol (URI) , Scientist (Text) , Parent (Text) , Dilution (Text) , Bead_coating (Text) , Leukocytes (Text) , Staining_Antibody (Text) , Staining_Antibody_Vendor (Text) , Staining_Antibody_Fluorophore (Text) , Analyzer (Text) , Analyzer_Vendor (Text) , Fixed (Text) , Fixative (Text) , Lab (Text)

Not specified

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