
What is an Investigation?
178 Investigations visible to you, out of a total of 565

Investigation of the regulation of different PGM variants from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803

No description specified

Submitter: Rainer Malik

Studies: GIGASTROKE European

Assays: No Assays

No description specified

Submitter: Adrian Groza

Studies: No Studies

Assays: No Assays

The figures 2, 3, 4 and 6 in the main text of the manuscript: "Inhibition of the glucocorticoid-activating enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 drives concurrent 11-oxygenated androgen excess", submitted to FASEB by Lina Schiffer, Imken Oestlund, Jacky Snoep, Lorna C. Gilligan, Angela E. Taylor, Alexandra J. Sinclair, Rishi Singhal, Adrian Freeman, Ramzi Ajjan, Ana Tiganescu, Wiebke Arlt and Karl-Heinz Storbeck, are reproduced in Mathematica notebooks. The notebooks and the corresponding ...

Here we collect curated data to be integrated into public repositories

Current chemical concept recognition tools have demonstrated significantly lower performance for in full-text articles than in abstracts. Improving automated full-text chemical concept recognition can substantially accelerate manual indexing and curation and advance downstream NLP tasks such as relevant article retrieval. Participating in BioCreative Track NLM-Chem we focus identifying chemicals in full-text articles (i.e. named entity recognition and normalization).

In biomedical text mining, named entity recognition (NER) is an important task used to extract information from biomedical articles. Improving the NER’s performance will directly have a positive impact on extracting relations between those entities. In recent years, deep learning has become the main research direction of NER due to the development of effective models. Language transformer models like e.g. BERT are frequently used because they enable the specialisation of models by domain-specific ...

Submitter: Ghadeer Mobasher

Studies: Weighted loss trainer (WELT) approach

Assays: No Assays

TA3 focusses on the services, service enabling tools, and software that NFDI4Health will provide to the user community. Most services and tools will be based on open source software that has already been developed by the (co-)applicants or by the broader scientific developer community. In close cooperation with TA4 and TA5, use case requirements and community feedback will help to further develop these tools and to foster interoperability of currently fragmented IT solutions for storage of metadata, ...

Submitter: Martin Golebiewski

Studies: No Studies

Assays: No Assays

nfdi4health Dokumente und (interne) Daten, SOPs, etc., die relevant für das gesamte Konsortium sind

Submitter: Martin Golebiewski

Studies: No Studies

Assays: No Assays

Key activities of TA1 concern the establishment of functional bodies and of the project governance for NFDI4Health.

Submitter: Martin Golebiewski

Studies: No Studies

Assays: No Assays

NFDI4Health task area 2 targets core deficits in medical sciences, i.e. the lack of harmonised standards for data and data quality management in clinical trials, public health surveys, and epidemiological cohorts, as well as the lack of information on and access to relevant standards. By making standards available, TA2 will improve the findability, accessibility and interoperability of existing and novel data bodies. For this purpose, guidelines, standards and policies on data management and ...

With its focus on interaction, networking and exchange, task area 4 addresses the overall NFDI4Health Key Objective to support cooperation between clinical research, epidemiological and public health communities. It also provides training and education for the health research community and beyond, focusing on FAIR data principles.

Shared Space on OneDrive:

Submitter: Martin Golebiewski

Studies: No Studies

Assays: No Assays

The main objective of task area 5 of NFDI4Health is to implement or to at least explore the possibilities to implement these infrastructure components in specific use cases which reflect core needs of the scientific community related to health data research. The use cases will address a range of areas which will lay the ground for future expansion for full coverage of the broad range of data collected in health research.

Submitter: Martin Golebiewski

Studies: No Studies

Assays: No Assays

Data protection regulations have to be taken into account on many levels of the infrastructure developed by NFDI4Health. Moreover, the health data managed by NFDI4Health belong to the so-called special categories of personal data, the processing of which is subject to particularly strict data protection requirements. But nevertheless, data protection law contains a variety of regulatory approaches of data processing for scientific research purposes, which are all aimed at a privileged treatment ...

Submitter: Martin Golebiewski

Studies: No Studies

Assays: No Assays

The investigation entails the construction and validation of a detailed mathematical model for glycolysis erythrocytes infected with the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum in the blood stage form.

User metadata is an essential part of experimental data. Scientists need to understand underlying conditions and experimental procedures in order to model or investigate relevant biological questions. Currently, only a small fraction of the High Content SCreening (HCS) investigations are deposited for reuse by the community, and an even smaller fraction of that data is standards-compliant. For reusing data, scientists need to be able to understand how data was generated, under which experimental ...

Virtual Tissues (VTs) are multi-scale, multi-cellular, mechanistic Agent Based Models (ABMs) that predict the spatio-temporal dynamics of biological tissues. While multiple platforms exist for constructing and executing VT models (listed below in the section on VT Modeling Frameworks), models developed for different platforms are currently incompatible and not accessible or executable in a common location, impeding model discovery, validation and reuse. FAIRSPACE will initially provide support ...

Submitter: Rahuman Sheriff

Studies: No Studies

Assays: No Assays

This investigation serves as supplementary material for a SWAT4HCLS publication that describes minimum metadata and provenance requirements for reproducible enrichment analysis results.

Functional enrichment analysis is an essential downstream process in high throughput omics studies, such as transcriptomics and proteomics. By using the Gene Ontology (GO) and its annotations (GOA), underlying functional patterns of over-representation can be identified, leading to ...

Aims: The immune response is important for mediating the benefit of cardiac cell therapies. The role of varied immune responses in influencing the outcome of cardiomyocyte cell transplantation after myocardial infarction was investigated. Methods and Results: Cardiac flow cytometric analysis of C57BL/6J and T- and B cell deficient Rag2del mice revealed varied CD11b, natural killer and dendritic cell responses following sham injection and a disparate macrophage response after myocardial infarction. ...

Data, FMv2 model and simulations for the Chew et al. 2017 paper (bioRxiv ), updated in 2022, mostly on the prr7 prr9 double mutant, with controls in lsf1 and prr7 single mutants. This is one of the outputs from the EU FP7 TiMet project,

This data archive was updated during submisson to the journal _in Silico _Plants in 2022, and a Snapshot was published. The updates are not changing the core data or the FMv2 model that has been ...

Short Name: T21_SXPsysbio Title: Use a systems biology approach to identify regulatory bottlenecks in SxPv1 Description: Samples from SXPv1.0 plants as well as sister nulls (progeny from the original transgenic event in which the transgene has segregated) and wild type will be grown and leaf samples taken for RNA extraction and profiling of primary metabolites and volatiles (target pheromones as well as potential derivatives) (P1, P5). Phenotypic and GC-MS data will be obtained and analysed from ...

Submitter: Marko Petek

Studies: Investigation files, _S_P1_SPv10T0andT1, _S_P1_SPv10T2andT3, _S_P1_SPv1TransientExp, _S_P1_SxPAltAcTransferases, _S_P1_SxPv10vsSxP12, _S_P1_SxPv12T2, _S_P4_CoExpNetViz, _S_P4_DiNAR, _S_P4_GAtreat, _S_P4_SxP10-newG-DE, _S_P4_SxP10-oldG-DE, _S_P4_SxP1012-finalG, _S_P4_SxP12-newG-DE

Assays: _A_00_SxP_photos-phenotyping, _A_01_RNA1-RNAisol, _A_01_SxP_Data_Only-CoExp, _A_01_SxPv12_fastq-QC, _A_01_mapping-CLC, _A_01_toNewGenome-CLC-mapping, _A_02_FastQC-bioinfo, _A_02_Nb_datasets-CoExp, _A_02_SxPv12_mapping-CLC, _A_02_limmavoomDE-R, _A_02a_limmavoom-multim-R, _A_02a_limmavoomDEbylines-R, _A_02b_limmavoom-uniquem-R, _A_03_MapMan-visualisation, _A_03_NewGenome-MapMan, _A_03_SxPv12_limmavoom_DE-R, _A_03_mapping-CLC, _A_03a_mapping2-STAR, _A_04_GSEA-Stat, _A_04_MapManBINenrich-GSEA, _A_04_Mercator-bioinfo, _A_04_SxPv12_GeneSetEnrichment-RNAseg-GSEA, _A_05_DEstat-R, _A_05_Phenotype_analysis-Stat, _A_05_VOCcomp-Bioinfo, _A_05a_DEstat2-R, _A_05b_DElow-wt-R, _A_06_MapMan-bioinfo, _A_06_SxPv1-0_Illumina-Centrifuge, _A_07_NbAUSv1-0-InterPro, _A_07_transgenes-CLC, _A_CKN-DiNAR, _A_CKN_NbL35-DiNAR, _A_LeavesSxPv10vsv12-GCMS, _A_P4_v10v12-phenotyping, _A_PIS-DiNAR, _A_PIS-SxPv12-DiNAR, _A_PIS_NbL35-DiNAR, _A_RootsSxPv10vsv12-GCMS, _A_SP10T0Analysis-GCMS, _A_SP10T1Analysis-GCMS, _A_SPv10EaDActAnalysis-GCMS, _A_SPv10T2Analysis-GCMS, _A_SPv10T3Analysis-GCMS, _A_SPv10_phenotyping-Images, _A_SxPAlternativeAcetyltransferases-GCMS, _A_SxPv10vsv12-phenotyping, _A_SxPv12ScreeningT2-GCMS, _A_TransientSPv11andSPv12-GCMS, _I_T21_SXPsysbio-files, _S_P1_SPv10T0andT1-files, _S_P1_SPv10T2andT3-files, _S_P1_SPv1TransientExp-files, _S_P1_SxPAltAcTransferases-files, _S_P1_SxPv10vsSxP12-files, _S_P1_SxPv12T2-files, _S_P4_CoExpNetViz-files, _S_P4_DiNAR-files, _S_P4_GAtreat-files, _S_P4_SxP10-newG-DE-files, _S_P4_SxP10-oldG-DE-files, _S_P4_SxP1012-finalG-files, _S_P4_SxP12-newG-DE-files

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