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Submitter: Charles Demurjian
Studies: Structural and systems characterization of phosphorylation on metabolic ..., Validation and quantification of peptide antigens presented on MHCs usin...
Assays: All Metadata, ImmunoPeptideomics - Data Linked, Sample Processing - Metadata, SureQuant Analysis - Data Linked
Submitter: Lars Wöhlbrand
Studies: Proteomic analyses of the nuclear fraction of P. cordatum
Assays: Additional data related to microscopic investigations, Additional data related to proteomic investigations, Cellular and nuclear fractions of P. cordatum analyzed by GeLC iontrap M..., Cellular and nuclear fractions of P. cordatum analyzed by timsTOF MS/MS
The dataset presents mathematical models of the gene regulatory network of the circadian clock, in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. The work will be published as Urquiza-Garcia, Molina, Halliday and Millar, title "Abundant clock proteins point to missing molecular regulation in the plant circadian clock", in Molecular Systems Biology, 2025 doi 10.1038/s44320-025-00086-5.
Starting from the U2019.3 and U2020.3 models, this project rescales parameters to match protein levels that were predicted ...
Submitter: Andrew Millar
Studies: Construction of NanoLUC-tagged plants, Estimating DNA-binding affinities for Arabidopsis proteins, Measuring absolute levels of clock proteins with calibrated NanoLUC assays, Predicting absolute levels of clock proteins with a simple model, Recalibrating the clock models for absolute protein levels, to create mo..., Reproducibility documentation
Assays: Clock protein number determination with NanoLUC calibration, Clock proteins NanoLUC fusion raw data, Gatway maps of genomic regions of clock genes, In vivo bioluminescence of clock protein-NanoLUC fusions: example experi..., Jupyter notebook Predicting Protein Numbers, Propagating scaling factors into model parameters for U2019.4->U2019.5 a..., Protein level time series, Python packages, Reproducibility tool set, Selection of complemented transgenic lines, TiMet RNA timeseries data, promoter binding affinity calculations on the genome based on PBMs and E...
The BENEFIT project is an interdisciplinary eHealth initiative to offer long-term lifestyle support for patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Data collected from BENEFIT patients is heterogeneous and encompasses demographics, observational lifestyle data, self-reported motivation for lifestyle change and physical measurements. Analysing these results can provide new insights into the effects of different intervention strategies used in the cardiac rehabilitation programme on maintaining a ...
Genome-wide association studies with ampicillin resistance as phenotype were conducted on based on variant-call data. A linear regression was performed for MICs and logistic regression was performed based on clinical breakpoint concentrations.
Submitter: Lennart Bartels
Studies: Genome-wide association study on ampicillin resistance in Haemophilus in...
Assays: DNA Sequencing
Short Name: T33_MonoterpenoidsFungi Title: Detection of Coccoidea pheromones or precursors in engineered fungi Description: Detection of lavandulol or lavandulyl acetate in different engineered fungi (SxF) lines by GC-MS-MS Phenodata: ./phenodata_20211223.txt pISA Investigation creation date: 2021-12-23 pISA Investigation creator: Sandra Vacas Principal investigator: Ismael Navarro License: CC BY 4.0 Sharing permission: Private Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes
Short Name: T32_CandidateGeneExpressionTesting Title: Candidate gene expression and testing Description: The purpose of this investigation is to express transiently candidate genes for Pcitri sex pheromone biosynthesis. This genes could act either as genes catalyzing steps related to the biosynthesis of precursors of the pheromone itself, either for the final steps of the biosynthesis. After expression, the monoterpenoid production function of those genes is checked by GCMS. Phenodata: ...
Short Name: T24_phero Title: Pheromone Content and EAG response Description: Investigate pheromone content and electrophysiological response of target insects to extracts of plants and fungi expressing Lepidoptera pheromones Phenodata: ./phenodata_21Sep21.txt pISA Investigation creation date: 21-Sep-21 pISA Investigation creator: Sandra Vacas Principal investigator: Ismael Navarro License: CC BY 4.0 Sharing permission: Private Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes
Submitter: Marko Petek
Studies: Investigation files, _S_P5_EAGresponse, _S_P5_PhContentPlants, _S_P5_PhEmissionPlants
Assays: _A_EAG_manual-EAG, _A_GC-MS-EAD-EAG, _A_PhCont_fr20-GC-MS, _A_PhCont_fr80-GC-MS, _A_PhCont_fresh-GC-MS, _A_emission_nontruncated-GC-MS, _A_emission_truncated-GC-MS, _I_T24_phero-files, _S_P5_EAGresponse-files, _S_P5_PhContentPlants-files, _S_P5_PhEmissionPlants-files
Short Name: T23_SxF Title: Moth pheromone production in filamentous fungi SxF Description: Demonstration of moth pheromone production in filamentous fungi by solvent extractions of liquid cultures and mycelial biomass and GC-MS/MS analysis. Constitutive and inducible expression of moth pheromones in filamentous fungi Penicillium species will be developed using a dCas9-based copper inducible system. An initial proof of concept will also be performed in P. digitatum using constitutive promoters. ...
Submitter: Marko Petek
Studies: Investigation files, _S_P1_ConstExp_Pdigitatum, _S_P5_SxFliquids, _S_P5_SxFmycelia
Assays: _A_FS-GC-MS, _A_FSM-GC-MS, _A_SRM-GC-MS, _A_SRMM-GC-MS, _A_qRTPCRMothPheromonesEnzymes-Q-RT-PCR, _I_T23_SxF-files, _S_P1_ConstExp_Pdigitatum-files, _S_P5_SxFliquids-files, _S_P5_SxFmycelia-files
Short Name: T22_SxPv2 Title: Sexy Plant version 2: inducible and regulable SxP versions Description: The purpose of this investigation is to optimize the SxP version 1, with a switchable expression and increased compound release. Phenodata: ./phenodata_20210920.txt Principal investigator: Diego Orzaez License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Sharing permission: Private Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes Institutions involved: Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas (IBMCP), Spain; Institute ...
Short Name: T12_CuInducible Title: Production and testing of copper inducible dCas9EV system for moth pheromone production Description: dCas9EV system used to activate the synthetic promoters made in T11 was coupled to a copper-inducible promoter made of CBS repeats and a minimal DFR promoter. Such system will be induced via CUP2 protein, which binds to CBS motif in presence of copper. This cascade-like system was tested for production of the moth pheromone pathway. Phenodata: ./phenodata_20210107.txt ...
Submitter: Marko Petek
Studies: Investigation files, _S_P1_TransientExp_Nb
Assays: _A_AgroinfFinalConstructsdCas9EV-GCMS, _A_AgroinfGuidedPathwaywithConstitutivedCas9EV-GCMS, _A_AgroinfNonGuidedPathwaywithCopperInducibledCas9EV-GCMS, _A_AgroinfNonGuidedPathwayywithConstitutivedCas9EV-GCMS, _I_T12_CuInducible-files, _S_P1_TransientExp_Nb-files
Short Name: T11_dCas9SynProm Title: Development of synthetic promoters inducible by dCasEV2.1 system Description: The aim of this work is to design a range of synthetic promoters with negligible basal expression that are activated by using the "dead" Cas9 activation system developed in our lab (dCasEV2.1, Selma et al., 2019). Such tool will then be used for creating synthetic regulatory cascades where the expression of the genes for the pheromone biosynthesis can be controlled by a single dCas9 ...
Short Name: T31_mealybug Title: Mealybug genome and transcriptome analyses Description: Searching for enzymes involved in the mealybug pheromone biosynthesis pathways. These pheromones are known to be released by virgin females. Phenodata: ./phenodata_20190523.txt Featuredata: Principal investigator: Heribert Warzecha, Špela Baebler License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Sharing permission: Private Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes
Submitter: Marko Petek
Studies: Investigation files, _S_P3_expressionEcoli, _S_P4_AdPathGenes, _S_P4_Pcitri_IsoSeq, _S_P4_Pcitri_genome, _S_P4_Pcitri_genome_extSamples, _S_P4_Pcitri_tr1, _S_P4_Pcitri_tr1tr2combo, _S_P4_Pcitri_tr2, _S_P4_cand_all, _S_P4_cand_genomic
Assays: _A_01-CoEXpNetViz_tr2-coexpr, _A_01_NGI-IsoSeq, _A_01_RNAseq-CLC, _A_01_assembly2-rnaSPAdes, _A_01_mapToGenomeAll-STAR, _A_01_renameFASTA-Bioinfo, _A_02-CoEXpNetViz_gen-coexpr, _A_02_CDHIT-Bioinfo, _A_02_assembly2-IPS, _A_02_cDNAcupcake-dry, _A_02_limma-R, _A_02_mapToGenomeAll_limma-R, _A_03-IPS, _A_03_CDHIT2-Bioinfo, _A_03_limma_min50counts-R, _A_03_mapAs2ToGenome-STAR, _A_04_limma_min10counts-R, _A_04_mapIllumina-STAR, _A_04_mapReadsToAs2-STAR, _A_05_As2_tr_limmaDE-R, _A_05_DE_limma-R, _A_05_assembly1-rnaSPAdes, _A_06_assembly1-IPS, _A_07_mapAs1ToGenome-STAR, _A_08_mapReadsToAs1-STAR, _A_09_As1_tr_limmaDE-R, _A_C98F-EcoliExpr, _A_IDIsearch-Bioinfo, _A_IPS-bioinfo, _A_MAST-bioinfo, _A_MEME-bioinfo, _A_MSA-bioinfo, _A_MeUppS-EcoliExpr, _A_Node14610-EcoliExpr, _A_Node14610DmTP-EcoliExpr, _A_OtherMealybugCandidates-Alignment, _A_Pc1599-EcoliExpr, _A_Pc23180-EcoliExpr, _A_Pc2704-EcoliExpr, _A_Pc32607-EcoliExpr, _A_Pc7366II-EcoliExpr, _A_PcCis24-EcoliExpr, _A_Strep_CLDS-bioinfo, _A_TPS_phy-bioinfo, _A_Terzyme-bioinfo, _A_Trans1153-EcoliExpr, _A_Trans2-EcoliExpr, _A_Trans39-EcoliExpr, _A_Trans57-EcoliExpr, _A_Trans64-EcoliExpr, _A_Trans94-EcoliExpr, _A_candidatemining-bioinfo, _A_g14825_recon-bioinfo, _A_smallIDSsubunit-motifs, _I_T31_mealybug-files, _S_P3_expressionEcoli-files, _S_P4_AdPathGenes-files, _S_P4_Pcitri_IsoSeq-files, _S_P4_Pcitri_genome-files, _S_P4_Pcitri_genome_extSamples-files, _S_P4_Pcitri_tr1-files, _S_P4_Pcitri_tr1tr2combo-files, _S_P4_Pcitri_tr2-files, _S_P4_cand_all-files, _S_P4_cand_genomic-files
The family of Desulfobacteraceae comprises mtabolically versatile, completely oxidizing, sulfate-reducing bacteria that play an important role in the global carbon- and sulfor-cycles, mainly in the marine realm. In this study, six different species of Desulfobacteraceae were studied by comparative proteogenomics, i.e. Desulfobacula toluolica Tol2, Desulfococcus multivorans 1be1, Desulfonema limicola, Desulfonema magnum, Desulfosarcina variabilis 3be13 and Desulfobacterium autotrophicum ...
Investigation of the regulation of different PGM variants from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Cyanobacterial PFKs were thought to be ATP dependent, but isolation and characterisation of 2 PFK isoenzymes from Synechocystis revealed that they belong to the PFK-A family, use ADP as phosphate donor and form a separate phylogenetic class. Their allosteric regulation via 3-PG and ATP respectively allow for flexible switching between aactive and inactive enzymes dependent on the light and carbon status.
The figures 2, 3, 4 and 6 in the main text of the manuscript: "Inhibition of the glucocorticoid-activating enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 drives concurrent 11-oxygenated androgen excess", submitted to FASEB by Lina Schiffer, Imken Oestlund, Jacky Snoep, Lorna C. Gilligan, Angela E. Taylor, Alexandra J. Sinclair, Rishi Singhal, Adrian Freeman, Ramzi Ajjan, Ana Tiganescu, Wiebke Arlt and Karl-Heinz Storbeck, are reproduced in Mathematica notebooks. The notebooks and the corresponding ...
Submitter: Jacky Snoep
Studies: CBX inhibition of HSD11B1 and effect on HSD11B1/AKR1C3 incubations, Computational analysis of combined HSD11B1/AKR1C3 ratios and HSD11B1 inh..., HSD11B1/AKR1C3 ratio experiments, Inhibition of HSD11B1 in adipose tissue
Assays: Data for HSD11B1/AKR1C3 ratio experiment in Fig. 2, Experimental data for HSD11B1/AKR1C3 incubation with CBX inhibition, Inhibition of HSD11B1 in adipose tissue, Model analysis for HSD11B1/AKR1C3 ratio experiment, Model for computational analysis of HSD11B1/AKR1C3 ratio variation and H..., Model simulations of HSD11B1/AKR1C3 incubation and cortisone and 11KA4 i..., Simulation of HSD11B1 inhibition in human adipose tissue
Here we collect curated data to be integrated into public repositories
Submitter: Lars Wöhlbrand
Studies: Heat stress response of Prorocentrum cordatum
Assays: Metabolite analyses, Proteomic analyses
Current chemical concept recognition tools have demonstrated significantly lower performance for in full-text articles than in abstracts. Improving automated full-text chemical concept recognition can substantially accelerate manual indexing and curation and advance downstream NLP tasks such as relevant article retrieval. Participating in BioCreative Track NLM-Chem we focus identifying chemicals in full-text articles (i.e. named entity recognition and normalization).
In biomedical text mining, named entity recognition (NER) is an important task used to extract information from biomedical articles. Improving the NER’s performance will directly have a positive impact on extracting relations between those entities. In recent years, deep learning has become the main research direction of NER due to the development of effective models. Language transformer models like e.g. BERT are frequently used because they enable the specialisation of models by domain-specific ...
TA3 focusses on the services, service enabling tools, and software that NFDI4Health will provide to the user community. Most services and tools will be based on open source software that has already been developed by the (co-)applicants or by the broader scientific developer community. In close cooperation with TA4 and TA5, use case requirements and community feedback will help to further develop these tools and to foster interoperability of currently fragmented IT solutions for storage of metadata, ...
nfdi4health Dokumente und (interne) Daten, SOPs, etc., die relevant für das gesamte Konsortium sind
Key activities of TA1 concern the establishment of functional bodies and of the project governance for NFDI4Health.
NFDI4Health task area 2 targets core deficits in medical sciences, i.e. the lack of harmonised standards for data and data quality management in clinical trials, public health surveys, and epidemiological cohorts, as well as the lack of information on and access to relevant standards. By making standards available, TA2 will improve the findability, accessibility and interoperability of existing and novel data bodies. For this purpose, guidelines, standards and policies on data management and ...
Submitter: Martin Golebiewski
Studies: NFDI4Health T2.1: Data management and publication policies, NFDI4Health T2.2: Data and metadata standards and integration, NFDI4Health T2.3: Data quality and data provenance, NFDI4Health T2.4: Standardisation of health data access and interoperabi...
Assays: No Assays