Short Name: T11_dCas9SynProm Title: Development of synthetic promoters inducible by dCasEV2.1 system Description: The aim of this work is to design a range of synthetic promoters with negligible basal expression that are activated by using the "dead" Cas9 activation system developed in our lab (dCasEV2.1, Selma et al., 2019). Such tool will then be used for creating synthetic regulatory cascades where the expression of the genes for the pheromone biosynthesis can be controlled by a single dCas9 gene at custom expression levels. By adding as much variability as possible to each synthetic promoter, issues arising from the use of similar promoters very close to each other's will be avoided. We also aim to have synthetic promoters with different strength to further modulate the biosynthetic pathways. Phenodata: ./phenodata_Luciferase_20211222.txt Principal investigator: Diego Orzaez License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Sharing permission: Private Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes
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Created: 10th Jan 2022 at 10:14
Last updated: 7th Nov 2024 at 10:01

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PhD in Biotechnology, Research Associate at Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology, National Institute of Biology
National Institute of Biology, Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology projects
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SUSPHIRE aims to provide a sustainable, low-cost biomanufacturing platform for the commercial production of insect pheromones.
Programme: NIBSys
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Start date: 1st Apr 2018
End date: 30th Sep 2021
Investigation files _I_T11_dCas9SynProm
Snapshots: No snapshots
Short Name: P1_SynProm_Nbenthamiana Title: Transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana of the synthetic promoters developed Description: Different A1 and A2 Different A1 and A2 promoter pieces were designed containing as much random sequence as possible, and the target sequence for the guideRNA 1 of SlDFR promoter. In the same way, some minimal promoters containing only the TATA-Box signal and the 5'UTR region were designed as "core promoter" pieces. Different synthetic promoters were then ...
Submitter: Marko Petek
Investigation: _I_T11_dCas9SynProm
Assays: _A_20190208-LUM, _A_20190717-LUM, _A_20191209-LUM, _A_20200219-LUM, _A_20200302-LUM, _A_20200818-LUM, _A_20201112-LUM, _A_20211221-LUM, _S_P1_SynProm_Nbenthamiana-files
Snapshots: No snapshots
Files connected to investigation: _I_T11_dCas9SynProm
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T11_dCas9SynProm
Study: Investigation files
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: _INVESTIGATION_METADATA.TXT, phenodata_Luciferase_20211222.txt
Snapshots: No snapshots
Files connected to study: _S_P1_SynProm_Nbenthamiana
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T11_dCas9SynProm
Study: _S_P1_SynProm_Nbenthamiana
Short Name: 20190208-LUM Assay Class: WET Assay Type: LUM Title: Luciferase assay first trial Description: Promoter series containing random sequences and the recognition sequence for guideRNA1 DFR (P1.X series) fused to the developed core promoter minDFR and to luciferase for measuring the expression in the presence or absence of such guideRNA1 DFR. A promoter containing the target sequence in a different position (P1.7.1) and a promoter with the target sequence repeated twice (P2.1) were also ...
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T11_dCas9SynProm
Study: _S_P1_SynProm_Nbenthamiana
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: _ASSAY_METADATA.TXT, output/Luciferase Synt.prom. 08-02-2019.xlsx, output/raw/Elena luc_2-8-2019.csv, output/raw/Elena ren_2-8-2019.csv, reports/Graphs.xlsx
Snapshots: No snapshots
Short Name: 20190717-LUM Assay Class: WET Assay Type: LUM Title: Luciferase assay second trial Description: New 1.X and P2.X promoter sequences, and also a P3.1 promoter containing three times the target sequence for guideRNA1 DFR pISA Assay creation date: 2019-07-17 pISA Assay creator: ElenaMG Lab manager: DO Operator: ElenaMG Link to SynBio DM: Link to protocols: ../protocols/LUCIFERASE ...
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T11_dCas9SynProm
Study: _S_P1_SynProm_Nbenthamiana
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: _ASSAY_METADATA.TXT, output/Luciferase Synt.prom. 17-07-2019.xlsx, output/raw/elena luc_4-23-2019_9-49-01 PM.csv, output/raw/elena luc_7-17-2019_3-55-04 PM.csv, output/raw/elena ren_4-23-2019_10-29-13 PM.csv, output/raw/elena ren_7-17-2019_4-26-50 PM.csv, reports/Graphs.xlsx
Snapshots: No snapshots
Short Name: 20191209-LUM Assay Class: WET Assay Type: LUM Title: Luciferase assay third trial Description: In order to imitate better the native DFR promoter, all upstream promoter sequences were re-designed as A2 pieces and A1 pieces were ordered which consisted on just random sequences witout any promoter signals. Assembling these pieces created synthetic promoters of the same length than the original SlDFR. Due to some assembly issues, all new constructs were made using 35s terminator. pISA ...
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T11_dCas9SynProm
Study: _S_P1_SynProm_Nbenthamiana
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: _ASSAY_METADATA.TXT, output/Luciferase Synt.prom. 09-12-2019.xlsx, output/raw/elena ren2_marta_12-9-2019_10-04-52 ..., output/raw/elena ren_marta_12-9-2019_9-37-37 PM..., output/raw/luc elena_marta_11-11-2019_10-00-10 ..., output/raw/ren elena_marta_11-11-2019_10-44-20 ..., reports/Graphs.xlsx
Snapshots: No snapshots
Short Name: 20200219-LUM Assay Class: WET Assay Type: LUM Title: Luciferase assay of different A1 random sequences Description: With the aim of making three promoters as different as possible for the moth pheromone enzymes, three A1 pieces containing random sequences withous any promoter signal were assembled and tested using luciferase assay. pISA Assay creation date: 2020-02-19 pISA Assay creator: ElenaMG Lab manager: DO Operator: ElenaMG Link to SynBio DM: ...
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T11_dCas9SynProm
Study: _S_P1_SynProm_Nbenthamiana
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: _ASSAY_METADATA.TXT, output/Luciferase Synt.prom. 19-02-2020.xlsx, output/raw/elena luc_2-19-2020.csv, output/raw/elena luc_2-20-2020.csv, output/raw/elena ren_2-19-2020.csv, output/raw/elena ren_2-20-2020.csv, reports/Graphs.xlsx
Snapshots: No snapshots
Short Name: 20200302-LUM Assay Class: WET Assay Type: LUM Title: Luciferase Assay US1.7.X and US3.X pieces Description: Analysis of new US pieces with three recognition sites for gRNA1 DFR (US3.X) and US pieces with the recognition site in different positions (US1.7.1-US1.7.4), as well as another US part with the recognition site of another gRNA (US1.7.5, for gRNA4 from NOS promoter). pISA Assay creation date: 2020-02-03 pISA Assay creator: ElenaMG Lab manager: DO Operator: ElenaMG Link to SynBio ...
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T11_dCas9SynProm
Study: _S_P1_SynProm_Nbenthamiana
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: _ASSAY_METADATA.TXT, output/Luciferase assay 03-03-2020.xlsx, output/raw/elena luc_marta_3-2-2020.csv, output/raw/elena luc_marta_3-3-2020.csv, output/raw/elena ren_marta_3-2-2020.csv, output/raw/elena ren_marta_3-3-2020.csv, reports/Graphs.xlsx
Snapshots: No snapshots
Short Name: 20200818-LUM Assay Class: WET Assay Type: LUM Title: Luciferase assay of new minimal promoters Description: New minimal promoters were designed and tested to increase the battery of pieces available for creating synthetic promoters pISA Assay creation date: 2020-08-18 pISA Assay creator: ElenaMG Lab manager: DO Operator: ElenaMG Link to SynBio DM: Link to protocols: ../protocols/LUCIFERASE ...
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T11_dCas9SynProm
Study: _S_P1_SynProm_Nbenthamiana
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: _ASSAY_METADATA.TXT, output/Luciferase Synt.prom. 19-08-2020.xlsx, output/raw/elena luc_marta_8-19-2020.csv, output/raw/elena ren_marta_8-19-2020.csv, reports/Graphs.xlsx
Snapshots: No snapshots
Short Name: 20201112-LUM Assay Class: WET Assay Type: LUM Title: Luciferase assay re-testing US6.X Description: The US6.X series was tested again using separated plasmids for the gRNAs and the dCas9EV system (so far it was used a plasmid containig the system and the guide together) pISA Assay creation date: 2020-11-12 pISA Assay creator: ElenaMG Lab manager: DO Operator: ElenaMG Link to SynBio DM: ...
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T11_dCas9SynProm
Study: _S_P1_SynProm_Nbenthamiana
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: _ASSAY_METADATA.TXT, output/Luciferase Synt.prom. 12-11-2020.xlsx, output/raw/elena luc1_marta_11-12-2020.csv, output/raw/elena luc2_marta_11-12-2020.csv, output/raw/elena ren1_marta_11-12-2020.csv, output/raw/elena ren2_marta_11-12-2020.csv, reports/Graphs.xlsx
Snapshots: No snapshots
Short Name: 20211221-LUM Assay Class: WET Assay Type: LUM Title: dCasEV synthetic promoters with NanoLuc reporter system Description: Test for dCasEV synthetic promoters using EI reporter system based on Nanoluciferase as reporter and luciferase as reference signal. pISA Assay creation date: 2021-12-22 pISA Assay creator: ElenaMG Lab manager: DO Operator: ElenaMG Link to SynBio DM: Link to ...
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T11_dCas9SynProm
Study: _S_P1_SynProm_Nbenthamiana
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: _ASSAY_METADATA.TXT, output/Luciferase221221.xlsx, output/raw/ele Nanoluc_marta_21-12-2021_18-52-2..., output/raw/ele luc_marta_21-12-2021_18-21-46.csv, reports/Graphs221221.xlsx
Snapshots: No snapshots
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Creator: Marko Petek
Submitter: Marko Petek
Investigations: _I_T11_dCas9SynProm
Studies: _S_P1_SynProm_Nbenthamiana
Assays: _S_P1_SynProm_Nbenthamiana-files