Projects: BioRECIPE representation format
Institutions: University of Pittsburgh Bioinformatics, Computational Systems Biology, Databases, Dynamic modelling, Mathematical modelling, Software Engineering, Information Retrieval, Mathematical modelling; Nonlinear Dynamics; Time Series Analysis; network theory, dynamics of biological networks, Deterministic modelling of gene regulation networks, Mathematical and statistical modeling, sensitivity analysis
Tools: Bioinformatics, Databases, Stochastic models, Algebraic equations
Projects: MESI-STRAT
Institutions: Charité University Medicine Berlin R, Python, Data Science, Bioinformatics, Single Cell analysis
PhD student
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: National Institute of Informatics Bioinformatics, Computational Systems Biology, Curation, Data analysis, Systems Biology
Tools: SBML, Python, Matlab, Systems Biology, Bioinformatics
Institutions: University of Freiburg Bioinformatics, Databases, Genetics, Genomics, Systems Biology, Transcriptomics, Microbiology, Microarray analysis
Tools: Bioinformatics, Data analysis, Genetics, Genomics, Microarray analysis, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Molecular biology techniques (RNA/DNA/Protein), Transcriptomics
Projects: Simulation Foundries, CML for thermophysical properties of mixtures, Test Project (dummy), Towards Reproducible Enzyme Modeling
Institutions: University of Stuttgart, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) enzyme kinetics, enzymes, Enzymatic reactions, biochemical enzyme characterization, Biochemistry, molecular simulation, molecular modeling, Programming, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology
Tools: Gromacs, Python, Molecular Dynamics, bash, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biochemistry and protein analysis, Enzyme assay, enzyme kinetics, isothermal titration calorimetry, dynamic light scattering, Spectrophotometry
Polyglot European Scientist. I thrive working in interdisciplinary environments combining the study of enzyme reactions and mechanisms with bioinformatics, molecular modelling, automated data analysis and data stewardship.
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Biochemistry, Data Management
Tools: Bioinformatics, Data Management, Biochemistry and protein analysis
Data Steward for the Plant Biology and Breeding Division of INRAe (
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Yenepoya University
Expertise: Biochemistry, Data analysis, Systems Biology, Data Integration
Tools: Proteomics, Systems Biology, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Data Integration
Expertise: Biochemistry, Cell biology, Data analysis, Dynamic modelling, Systems Biology, Image analysis, Genetics, Molecular Biology, R, SBML, Curation, Quantitative Biology, Physical Chemistry
Tools: Biochemistry and protein analysis, Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, SBML, R, ODE, Molecular biology techniques (RNA/DNA/Protein), Genetics, Dynamic modelling, Computational and theoretical biology, CellDesigner, Parameter estimation
Institutions: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche pISA-tree, HYp - Spatiotemporal analysis of hypersensitive response to Potato virus Y in potato, INDIE - Biotechnological production of sustainable indole, _p_stRT, ADAPT - Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerAnt PoTato, tst, tst2
Institutions: National Institute of Biology, tst Molecular Biology, Statistics, Bioinformatics, Mathematical and statistical modeling, Programming, Data analysisMathematical modellingBioinformaticsSystems biology, Data Management, Data analysis, Visualization, Data Integration, Computational Biology
Tools: Bioinformatics, Computational and theoretical biology, Computational Systems Biology, Data Management, Databases, Dynamic modelling, Molecular Biology, Python, R, Systems Biology, Data Integration
Computational Biologist and Biostatistician at Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology, National Institute of Biology (NIB)
Projects: WG Infrastructure for Translational Research, GMDS Project Group "FAIRe Dateninfrastrukturen für die Biomedizinische Informatik", Translational Bioinformatics, Medical Biometry, Epidemiology, Medical Informatics
Institutions: University Medical Center Göttingen, University of Tübingen, University of Saarland Programming, Bioinformatics, Data Management, Databases, Java, Python, R, standards, Data Integration
Tools: Python, Bioinformatics, Data Management, Databases, R, Java, Data Integration
Expertise: Protein and Enzyme structure and mechanism, Thermophilic proteins in industrial biocatalysis, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Proteomics
Tools: Biochemistry, Biochemistry and protein analysis, Bioinformatics, Microbiology, Molecular biology techniques (RNA/DNA/Protein), Proteomics
PhD in Biotechnology, Research Associate at Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology, National Institute of Biology
Assist. Prof. of Enzyme Technology Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Crete, Greece
Projects: PHYTOCAL: Phytochrome Control of Resource Allocation and Growth in Arabidopsis and in Brassicaceae crops, Light and plant development, Light control of leaf development
Institutions: University of Edinburgh arabidopsis thaliana, caenorhabditis elegans, circadian rhythms, chronobiology, Transcriptomics, splicing, alternative splicing, R, photobiology, plant architecture, leaf development
Tools: Molecular Biology, Molecular biology techniques (RNA/DNA/Protein), R, Systems Biology, Transcriptomics, Bioinformatics, Databases, Genetics, Plant biology, C. elegans biology
Projects: EmPowerPutida
Institutions: LifeGlimmer GmbH
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, Transcriptomics, R, Genomics, Proteomics, Databases, Data Integration
Tools: Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology, Computational Systems Biology
Computational Biologist and App Designer @LifeGlimmer
Projects: HUMET Startup, COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe, Fundación Progreso y Salud Bioinformatics, Data Management, Mathematical modelling, Genomics, Genetics, Transcriptomics, Systems Biology, Microarray analysis, Data Integration
Tools: Bioinformatics, Computational and theoretical biology, Computational Systems Biology, Data Management, Databases, Dynamic modelling, Genetics, Genomics, R, Systems Biology, Transcriptomics, Java
My scientific interests revolve around functional genomics, systems biology and the development of algorithms and software for the analysis of high-throughput data (mainly, but not restricted to, Next Generation Sequencing) and its application to the relationship between genotype and phenotype, mainly oriented to personalized and precision medicine. I am especially interested in the study of disease mechanisms and drug action mechanisms, drug repositioning and the definition of mechanism-based ...
I am had of the Research Group PiDOMICS which aims at the identification of human biomarkers for fungal infection using omics-data. Moreover, I am PI Infrastructure project of the Collaborative Research Center / Transregio 124 Pathogenic fungi and their human host: Networks of Interaction - FungiNet. Thereby my expertise is the implementation and usage of pipeline for OMICS (genome, transcriptome, protoem) data analysis, as well as data-warehouses for visualizing these data.
Projects: FAIRDOM user meeting
Institutions: Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Expertise: Systems Biology, Transcriptomics, Genomics
Tools: Systems Biology, Transcriptomics, Computational Systems Biology, Bioinformatics, R
Projects: SulfoSys - Biotec
Institutions: University Bielefeld
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Data Management, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics, Databases, Data Integration
Tools: Bioinformatics, Data Management, Databases, R, Java
Projects: DigiSal, GenoSysFat
Institutions: Norwegian University of Life Sciences Bioinformatics
Projects: DigiSal, GenoSysFat
Institutions: Norwegian University of Life Sciences Bioinformatics
Tools: Bioinformatics, Genetics, Transcriptomics, Molecular Biology
Projects: FAIRDOM
Institutions: University of Manchester - Department of Computer Science Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Genomics, metagenomics, standards, Ontology
Tools: Bioinformatics, Data Management
FAIRDOM Project Wrangler
Projects: SulfoSys
Institutions: eGene Biotechnologie GmbH
Projects: PSYSMO, DigiSal, GenoSysFat, HUMET Startup, EmPowerPutida, MycoSynVac - Engineering Mycoplasma pneumoniae as a broad-spectrum animal vaccine, SAFE-Aqua, INDIE - Biotechnological production of sustainable indole
Institutions: Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research Braunschweig, Wageningen University & Research
Expertise: Microbiology, Mathematical modelling of biosystems and bioprocesses, Optimal experimental design, Systems Biology, Biotechnology
Tools: Bioinformatics, Genetic modification, Proteomics, Fermentation, Microarray analysis, Computational Systems Biology, Metabolic Engineering, microbiology techniques, reverse engineering, computational platform development, metabolic netwlrk visualization
My research activities has been to use mathematical models and Computational Biology to answer biological questions, intertwining in silico and experimental methods at all stages. I have a strong interest in exploring the interfaces between Fundamental Biology and bona fide Engineering, specifically in the realm of environmental and industrial problems. The research goals of my group are to contribute to the elucidation of mechanisms underlying basic cellular processes, evolution and ecological ...
Projects: BaCell-SysMO
Institutions: University of Goettingen
Expertise: Mathematical modelling
Tools: Bioinformatics, Computational and theoretical biology, Python, SubtiWiki
I'm a PhD student at the lab of Prof. Dr. Jörg Stülke. My main interest is to analyze the central metabolism of Bacillus subtilis using systems biology software. I have developed an algorithm to find short pathways connecting sets of metabolites and I'm also involved in SubtiWiki, the wiki for all genes of Bacillus subtilis (
Projects: STREAM, SilicoTryp
Institutions: University of Groningen
Expertise: Transcriptomics, Metabolomics, Systems Biology
I am currently Professor of Systems Biology at the University of Manchester. My research interests focus on the development of innovative computational approaches for post-genomic systems biology, statistical methods for high-throughput biological experimentation and the dynamic modelling of cellular systems. This work is highly interdisciplinary and usually involves close collaboration with experimental biologists and clinicians. A recurrently theme is the study of complex cellular networks at ...
Expertise: Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Mathematical modelling, Reactor models, dynamics of biological networks, Mathematical and statistical modeling, bioreactor models, Dynamics and Control of Biological Networks, Parameter estimation
Tools: Bioinformatics, Computational and theoretical biology, Transcriptomics, Model organisms, Single Cell analysis, SBML, ODE, Linear equations, Matlab, Microarray analysis, linux, Material balance based modeling, stimulus response experiments, DIVA, differential algebraic equations, evaluation of process dynamics, continuous cultivation
I'm an engineer at the MPI Magdeburg and I'm working in the field of mathematical modeling, model verification, parameter identification, model analysis and experimental design. I'm involved in two projects, KOsmoBac and PSYSMO.
Projects: BaCell-SysMO
Institutions: University of Groningen
Expertise: Gram positive bacteria (Bacillus, Lactococcus, Streptococcus), competence, sporulation, germination, antimicrobial peptides, phenotypic heterogeneity, bistability, C- and N- metabolism, gene regulation, stress responses, pathogens, virulence factors, metal ion homeostasis, protein secretion
Tools: Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Genomics, Transcriptomics, time lapse microscopy, FACS, genomic array footprinting
Group leader Molecular Genetics
Projects: KOSMOBAC
Institutions: Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry Martinsried
Expertise: Microbiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Mathematical modelling, sequencing
Tools: Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Biochemistry and protein analysis, Matlab, Fermentation, rtPCR, molecular biological techniques (RNA/DNA techniques, qPCR, Transcriptomics
Professor in Jinan University, Guangzhou, China. My research interest is in the modeling of translation. Connecting various processes in translation, we can investigate the impact of different factors on protein biosynthesis and biogenesis in genome-wide scale. This may reveal various general mechanisms on control level of gene expression and folding efficiency regulation in different growth conditions.
Institutions: University of Tuebingen, University of Tübingen