Polyglot European Scientist. I thrive working in interdisciplinary environments combining the study of enzyme reactions and mechanisms with bioinformatics, molecular modelling, automated data analysis and data stewardship.
SEEK ID: https://fairdomhub.org/people/1408
Joined: 29th Jul 2019
Expertise: enzyme kinetics, enzymes, Enzymatic reactions, biochemical enzyme characterization, Biochemistry, molecular simulation, molecular modeling, Programming, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology
Tools: Gromacs, Python, Molecular Dynamics, bash, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biochemistry and protein analysis, Enzyme assay, enzyme kinetics, isothermal titration calorimetry, dynamic light scattering, Spectrophotometry

Project administrator
- Simulation Foundries
- CML for thermophysical properties of mixtures
- Test Project (dummy)
- Towards Reproducible Enzyme Modeling
Asset housekeeper
Asset gatekeeper
Programme administrator

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Work of the Gygli group...
Projects: Test Project (dummy), Towards Reproducible Enzyme Modeling
Web page: Not specified
Investigation 1: An experimental workflow to provide detailed information of the molecular mechanisms of enzymes is described. This workflow will help in the application of enzymes in technical processes by providing crucial parameters needed to plan, model and implement biocatalytic processes more efficiently. These parameters are homogeneity of the enzyme sample (HES), kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of enzyme kinetics and binding of reactants to enzymes. The techniques used to measure ...
Organisms: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
Because enzyme activity depends very much on the reaction conditions, it is crucial to report all these metadata (see for example the STRENDA Guidelines:https://www.beilstein-strenda-db.org/strenda/public/guidelines.xhtml).
Another challenge in experiments to determine enzyme reaction parameters is the choice of suitable substrate concentrations to enable optimal kinetic fits and the informed choice of a kinetic model.
A Jupyter notebook is given to assist in the choice of substrate concentrations ...
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Studies: Analyse an Initial Rate Experiment, Design an Initial Rate Experiment, Progress Curve Analysis, Selwyn Test
Assays: Use a Jupyter Notebook to design an initital rate experiment, Use a Jupyter Notebook to model Michaelis-Menten Kinetics on experimenta..., Use a Jupyter Notebook to understand how a progress curve experiment can..., Use a Jupyter Notebook to understand how the Selwyn test works
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
An experimental workflow to provide detailed information of the molecular mechanisms of enzymes is described. This workflow will help in the application of enzymes in technical processes by providing crucial parameters needed to plan, model and implement biocatalytic processes more efficiently. These parameters are homogeneity of the enzyme sample (HES), kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of enzyme kinetics and binding of reactants to enzymes. The techniques used to measure these properties are ...
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Studies: DLS measurements (homogeneity of an enzyme sample), ITC binding experiments, ITC kinetic experiments (enzyme activity), Spectrophotometric Activity Measurements
Assays: Analysis of data from ITC experiments (binding), Analysis of data from ITC experiments (kinetics), Binding of HK to Gre2p (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in HEPES Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in PBS Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in HEPES Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in PBS Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in Tween-KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NDK to Gre2p (ITC-BIND), DLS measurements in 2 buffers, DLS measurements in KPi Buffer and in KPi buffer with Tween added, DLS measurements in KPi buffer with BSA added, Kinetic parameters of Gre2p, Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with Gre2p (ITC-MIM) in HEPES ..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with Gre2p (ITC-MIM) in KPi bu..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with Gre2p (ITC-MIM) in PBS bu..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with Gre2p (ITC-MIM) in Tween-..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with Gre2p (ITC-rSIM) in 3 buf..., Selwyn test of Gre2p, Specific activity of Gre2p
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
This is a collection of deep eutectic solvent (DES) experimental and simulation data that is stored in CML format and analysed using gradient boosting decision trees.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Studies: Choline chloride:glycerol:water mixtures in CML, Meta-analysis of viscosity of aqueous deep eutectic solvents and their c...
Assays: CML processing and analysis, VFT and Arrhenius Modelling
Snapshots: No snapshots
This study briefly shows how a Progress Curve (Time-Course) Analysis can look like.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigation: On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and ...
Assays: Use a Jupyter Notebook to understand how a progress curve experiment can...
Snapshots: No snapshots
This study briefly shows how a Selwyn test can be performed.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigation: On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and ...
Assays: Use a Jupyter Notebook to understand how the Selwyn test works
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigation: On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and ...
Assays: Use a Jupyter Notebook to model Michaelis-Menten Kinetics on experimenta...
Snapshots: No snapshots
This study explores how to design an initial rate experiment. It starts with a "zero-round" experiment, which is used to design a "first-round" experiment, which then leads to the design of a "gold-round" experiment.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigation: On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and ...
Assays: Use a Jupyter Notebook to design an initital rate experiment
Snapshots: No snapshots
Measure Gre2p activity by following the change in NADPH absorbance at 340 nm for the conversion of different substrates.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Assays: Kinetic parameters of Gre2p, Selwyn test of Gre2p, Specific activity of Gre2p
Snapshots: No snapshots
Measure binding of reactants to Gre2p by ITC (isothermal titration calorimetry).
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Assays: Analysis of data from ITC experiments (binding), Binding of HK to Gre2p (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in HEPES Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in PBS Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in HEPES Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in PBS Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in Tween-KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NDK to Gre2p (ITC-BIND)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Measure kinetics of reactants by Gre2p with ITC (isothermal titration calorimetry).
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Assays: Analysis of data from ITC experiments (kinetics), Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with Gre2p (ITC-MIM) in HEPES ..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with Gre2p (ITC-MIM) in KPi bu..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with Gre2p (ITC-MIM) in PBS bu..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with Gre2p (ITC-MIM) in Tween-..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with Gre2p (ITC-rSIM) in 3 buf...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Measure homogeneity of an enzyme sample (Gre2p) with DLS (dynamic light scattering).
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Assays: DLS measurements in 2 buffers, DLS measurements in KPi Buffer and in KPi buffer with Tween added, DLS measurements in KPi buffer with BSA added
Snapshots: No snapshots
A meta-analysis of the impact of water content and temperature on the viscosities of four deep eutectic solvents (glyceline, reline, DEAG, DEACG), their components (choline chloride, urea, glycerol, ethylene glycol), methanol, and pure water was performed. We analyzed the viscosity data by an automated workflow, using Arrhenius and Vogel–Fulcher–Tammann-Hesse models.
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Determination of thermophysical properties (densities, diffusion coefficients, energy contributions) of different methanol-water mixtures using molecular dynamics simulations.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigation: 1 hidden item
Assays: Analysis Version 1.5, Preparation, Results, Simulation Version 1.5
Snapshots: Snapshot 1, Snapshot 2
This is a collection of data involving choline chloride:glycerol:water mixtures stored in CML.
Snapshots: Snapshot 1, Snapshot 2, Snapshot 3, Snapshot 4
This is a collection of data that have been used to analyse data on deep eutectic solvent mixtures of choline chloride:glycerol:water.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: Deep Eutectic Solvents
Organisms: No organisms
Models: No Models
Data files: CML files, CSV data, Python scripts for CML
Snapshots: No snapshots
Preparation needed to use Simulation Foundry, Version 1.5.
Please read the manual before working with this Simulation Foundry.
Pay careful attention to the installation instructions.
Note the known issues.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Instructions
Technology type: Technical Computer Installation
Investigation: 1 hidden item
This is the simulation part of the Simulation Foundry, Version 1.5.
Download and unpack the zip file and the .sh bash script. Copy them into a folder which has a meaningful name. Launch the bash script, following the instructions in the manual.
Make sure you followed the instructions in "Preparation" before running this.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Molecular Dynamics
Technology type: All-Atom
Investigation: 1 hidden item
This is the analysis part of the Simulation Foundry, Version 1.5.
Download and unpack the zip file and the .sh bash script. Copy them into a folder which has a meaningful name. Launch the bash script, following the instructions in the manual.
Make sure you followed the instructions in "Preparation" before running this.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Biological problem addressed: various analyses of molecular dynamics simulations
Investigation: 1 hidden item
Organisms: No organisms
Models: No Models
Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: No snapshots
Here would be the results from the Analysis part of the Simulation foundry. For the newest version, which was improved based on reviewers comments to represent best practices, of the Simulation Foundry for Methanol-Water mixtures no such results exist yet.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Biological problem addressed: various analyses of molecular dynamics simulations
Investigation: 1 hidden item
Organisms: No organisms
Models: No Models
Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: Deep Eutectic Solvents
Organisms: No organisms
Models: No Models
SOPs: Instructions for using the workflow
Data files: Defining names, Modelling Workflow, Results of modelling analysis, Viscosity data input, Wrapper script
Snapshots: No snapshots
Homogeneity of the Gre2p samples in KPi Buffer before and after different treatments, including different amounts of tween-20 in the buffer (0.01, 0.1, 1.0%).
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: Python Workflow for Analysis of Specific Activi..., SOP for DLS measurements
Data files: DLS data for Gre2p in KPi Buffer and in KPi buf...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Specific activity of Gre2p measured by following the change in absorbance of NADPH at 340 nm for the conversion of nitrononane-2,8-dione (NDK).
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: Python Workflow for Analysis of Specific Activi..., SOP for specific activity measurements
Data files: Specific activity of Gre2p after different trea..., Specific activity of Gre2p after different trea..., Specific activity of Gre2p after incubations wi..., Specific activity of Gre2p after incubations wi...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Kinetic parameters (Km, kcat) of Gre2p measured by following the change in absorbance of NADPH at 340 nm for the conversion of nitrononane-2,8-dione (NDK) or hexane-2,5-dione. Initial rates at different substrate concentrations are measured.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: SOP for enzyme kinetics measurements
Data files: Enzyme kinetics measurement of Gre2p at differe..., Enzyme kinetics measurement of Gre2p at differe..., Enzyme kinetics measurement of Gre2p at differe..., Enzyme kinetics measurement of Gre2p at differe...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Specific activity of Gre2p measured by following the change in absorbance of NADPH at 340 nm for the conversion of nitrononane-2,8-dione (NDK) using different enzyme concentrations.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: Python Workflow for Selwyn test, SOP for specific activity measurements
Data files: Specific activity of Gre2p after different trea..., Specific activity of Gre2p after different trea..., Specific activity of Gre2p after incubations wi..., Specific activity of Gre2p after incubations wi...
Snapshots: No snapshots
ITC binding (BIND) experiment to determine the binding parameters of NADPH to Gre2p in 100 mM KPi Buffer.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Study: ITC binding experiments
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: SOP for ITC-BIND experiments, SOP for usage of the ITC
Data files: ITC-BIND experiment for NADPH binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADPH binding to Gre2p ...
Snapshots: No snapshots
ITC binding (BIND) experiment to determine the binding parameters of NADPH to Gre2p in 1x PBS Buffer.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Study: ITC binding experiments
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: SOP for ITC-BIND experiments, SOP for usage of the ITC
Data files: ITC-BIND experiment for NADPH binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADPH binding to Gre2p ...
Snapshots: No snapshots
ITC binding (BIND) experiments to determine the binding parameters of NADPH to Gre2p in 100 mM HEPES Buffer.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Study: ITC binding experiments
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: SOP for ITC-BIND experiments, SOP for usage of the ITC
Data files: ITC-BIND experiment for NADPH binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADPH binding to Gre2p ...
Snapshots: No snapshots
ITC binding (BIND) experiments to determine the binding parameters of NADP+ to Gre2p in 100 mM KPi Buffer.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Study: ITC binding experiments
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: SOP for ITC-BIND experiments, SOP for usage of the ITC
Data files: ITC-BIND experiment for NADP+ binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADP+ binding to Gre2p ...
Snapshots: No snapshots
ITC binding (BIND) experiments to determine the binding parameters of NADP+ to Gre2p in 1x PBS Buffer.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Study: ITC binding experiments
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: SOP for ITC-BIND experiments, SOP for usage of the ITC
Data files: ITC-BIND experiment for NADP+ binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADP+ binding to Gre2p ...
Snapshots: No snapshots
ITC binding (BIND) experiments to determine the binding parameters of NADP+ to Gre2p in 100 mM HEPES Buffer.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Study: ITC binding experiments
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: SOP for ITC-BIND experiments, SOP for usage of the ITC
Data files: ITC-BIND experiment for NADP+ binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADP+ binding to Gre2p ...
Snapshots: No snapshots
ITC binding (BIND) experiments to determine the binding parameters of NDK (nitrononane-2,8-dione) to Gre2p in 100 mM KPi Buffer. Experiments failed due to very weak binding and poor solubility of NDK in buffer.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Study: ITC binding experiments
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: SOP for ITC-BIND experiments, SOP for usage of the ITC
Data files: ITC-BIND experiment for NDK binding to Gre2p (...., ITC-BIND experiment for NDK binding to Gre2p (...., ITC-BIND experiment for NDK binding to Gre2p (...., ITC-BIND experiment for NDK binding to Gre2p (....
Snapshots: No snapshots
ITC binding (BIND) experiments to determine the binding parameters of HK ((5S,8S)-anti hydroxyketone) to Gre2p in 100 mM KPi Buffer. Experiments failed due to very weak binding and poor solubility of HK in buffer.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Study: ITC binding experiments
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: SOP for ITC-BIND experiments, SOP for usage of the ITC
Data files: ITC-BIND experiment for HK binding to Gre2p (.apj), ITC-BIND experiment for HK binding to Gre2p (.apj), ITC-BIND experiment for HK binding to Gre2p (.csv), ITC-BIND experiment for HK binding to Gre2p (.csv)
Snapshots: No snapshots
ITC multiple injection (MIM) experiments to determine the kinetic parameters of NDK (nitrononane-2,8-dione) and NADPH with Gre2p in 100 mM KPi buffer pH 7.5 Data from ITC recurrent single injection (rSIM) experiments were used to achieve proper fitting of kcat values.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: SOP for ITC-MIM experiments, SOP for usage of the ITC
Data files: ITC-MIM experiment for the reaction of NADPH an..., ITC-MIM experiment for the reaction of NADPH an...
Snapshots: No snapshots
ITC multiple injection (MIM) experiments to determine the kinetic parameters of NDK (nitrononane-2,8-dione) and NADPH with Gre2p in 1x PBS buffer pH 7.5 Data from ITC recurrent single injection (rSIM) experiments were used to achieve proper fitting of kcat values.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: SOP for ITC-MIM experiments, SOP for usage of the ITC
Data files: ITC-MIM experiment for the reaction of NADPH an..., ITC-MIM experiment for the reaction of NADPH an...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Badly chosen substrate concentrations for an intital rate experiment give data that makes it difficult to fit with a kinetic model and judge the quality of the fit.
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and ...
Studies: Design an Initial Rate Experiment
Well chosen substrate concentrations for an intital rate experiment give data that makes it easy to fit with a kinetic model and judge the quality of the fit and use it as a basis for the final gold-round experiment.
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and ...
Studies: Design an Initial Rate Experiment
Very well chosen substrate concentrations for an intital rate experiment give data that makes it very easy to fit with a kinetic model and judge the quality of the fit.
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and ...
Studies: Design an Initial Rate Experiment
An initial choice of 5 widely spaced substrates enables a first, rough estimate of Km to inform the design of first-round experiments.
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and ...
Studies: Design an Initial Rate Experiment
Raw data of the measurements obtained via DLS measurements. Can be opened with the Zetasizer software.
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Studies: DLS measurements (homogeneity of an enzyme sample)
Assays: DLS measurements in 2 buffers
ITC recurrent single injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in KPi, PBS and HEPES buffer (100, 1x, 100 mM, respectively, all at 25°C and pH 7.5). In this apj file, the data for the analysis of the first injection peak is stored. *.apj file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC recurrent single injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in KPi, PBS and HEPES buffer (100, 1x, 100 mM, respectively, all at 25°C and pH 7.5). In this apj file, the data for the analysis of the second injection peak is stored. *.apj file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC recurrent single injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in KPi, PBS and HEPES buffer (100, 1x, 100 mM, respectively, all at 25°C and pH 7.5). In this csv file, the data for the analysis of the both injection peaks is stored. *.csv file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC multiple injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in 0.1%Tween-20-KPI buffer (100 mM, pH 7.5) at 25 °C. *.apj file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC multiple injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in 0.1%Tween-20-KPI buffer (100 mM, pH 7.5) at 25 °C. *.csv file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Raw data of the measurements obtained via DLS measurements. Can be opened with the Zetasizer software.
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC multiple injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in HEPES buffer (100 mM, pH 7.5) at 25 °C. *.apj file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC multiple injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in HEPES buffer (100 mM, pH 7.5) at 25 °C. *.csv file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC multiple injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in KPI buffer (100 mM, pH 7.5) at 25 °C. *.apj file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC multiple injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in KPI buffer (100 mM, pH 7.5) at 25 °C. *.csv file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC multiple injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in PBS buffer (1x, pH 7.5) at 25 °C. *.apj file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC multiple injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in PBS buffer (1x, pH 7.5) at 25 °C. *.csv file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC binding experiment for the binding of (5S,8S)-anti hydroxyketone (HK) to Gre2p. Note that binding was unsuccessful. *.apj file, experiment titrating 1 mM HK.
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC binding experiment for the binding of (5S,8S)-anti hydroxyketone (HK) to Gre2p. Note that binding was unsuccessful. *.apj file, experiment titrating 200 mM HK.
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC binding experiment for the binding of (5S,8S)-anti hydroxyketone (HK) to Gre2p. Note that binding was unsuccessful. *.csvfile, experiment titrating 1 mM HK.
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
This is the Jupyter Notebook to allow editing and working with the code. It is a simple example of how a Selwyn test can look like if it is passed (1.) or failed (2.).
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and ...
Studies: Selwyn Test
This is the pdf of the Jupyter Notebook to allow looking at the notebook without installing anything. It is a simple example of how a Selwyn test can look like if it is passed (1.) or failed (2.).
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and ...
Studies: Selwyn Test
This is the Jupyter Notebook to allow editing and working with the code. It is a simple example of how a progress curve experiment can look like.
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and ...
Studies: Progress Curve Analysis
This is the pdf of the Jupyter Notebook to allow looking at the notebook without installing anything. It is a simple example of how a progress curve experiment can look like.
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and ...
Studies: Progress Curve Analysis
This is the pdf of the Jupyter Notebook to allow looking at the notebook without installing anything.
NOTE THAT this pdf may be mangled when viewed on FAIRDOMHub, but should look fine when downloaded.
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and ...
Studies: Analyse an Initial Rate Experiment
This is a zip file containing all the files and folders needed to analyse raw data, fit initial rates and create a "Michaelis-Menten plot". Instructions on usage are added in the notebook.
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and ...
Studies: Analyse an Initial Rate Experiment
This is the Jupyter Notebook to allow editing and working with the code.
Design an initial rate experiment in four steps
This script aims to help you design high-quality initial rate experiments. It uses the Michaelis-Menten equation to simulate data for an enzyme with unknown enzyme reaction parameters. Four steps are needed:
- Estimate the enzyme reaction parameters
Input: estimates of Km and vmax
and indicate the enzyme concentration concentration you are planning to use. If you have no ...
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and ...
Studies: Design an Initial Rate Experiment
This is the pdf of the Jupyter Notebook to allow looking at the notebook without installing anything.
Design an initial rate experiment in four steps
This script aims to help you design high-quality initial rate experiments. It uses the Michaelis-Menten equation to simulate data for an enzyme with unknown enzyme reaction parameters. Four steps are needed: 1. Estimate the enzyme reaction parameters
Input: estimates of Km and vmax
and indicate the enzyme concentration concentration you are planning ...
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and ...
Studies: Design an Initial Rate Experiment
Gre2p activity monitored by NADPH absorbance using different enzyme concentrations. Activity is measured after different storage conditions (treatments) and in presence of different amounts of tween.
A python workflow is used to analyse the data and create a plot where the outcomes of the Selwyn test are plotted. It requires the following directory structure:
./Sewlyn_test_forS19.py ./tween/M1.csv ./tween/M2.csv ./tween/M3.csv ./tween/M4.csv ./treatments/M1.csv ./treatments/M2.csv ./treatments/M3.csv ...
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Studies: Spectrophotometric Activity Measurements
Assays: Selwyn test of Gre2p
Gre2p activity monitored by NADPH absorbance using different enzyme concentrations. Activity is measured after different storage conditions (treatments) and in presence of different amounts of tween. Also analysis of DLS data of homogeneity of Gre2p samples measured before and after these treatments.
A python workflow is used to analyse the data and create a plot of the data. It requires the following directory structure:
./Script_for_S13andS18.py ./Script_for_S22.py ./Script_for_S15.py
and as ...
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Studies: DLS measurements (homogeneity of an enzyme sample), Spectrophotometric Activity Measurements
Assays: DLS measurements in 2 buffers, DLS measurements in KPi Buffer and in KPi buffe..., DLS measurements in KPi buffer with BSA added, Specific activity of Gre2p
SOP describing how to perform Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) measurements with Gre2p in cuvettes using a Zetasizer Nano DLS reader.
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
SOP describing how to perform an ITC multiple injections experiment with a MicroCal PEAQ ITC by Malvern.
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Studies: ITC kinetic experiments (enzyme activity)
Assays: Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ...
SOP describing how to perform an ITC (recurrent) single injections experiment with a MicroCal PEAQ ITC by Malvern.
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Python workflow for the analysis of ITC-BIND, ITC-MIM and ITC-(r)SIM experiments. Organized in a *.zip folder. Requires the following directory structure:
./ITC_analysis.py ./input/BINDING/.apj ./input/BINDING/.csv ./input/KINETICS/.apj ./input/KINETICS/.csv ./scripts/binding_neu.py ./scripts/kinetics_neu.py
And can be executed by running python ITC_analysis.py in the directory. Filenames for the input *.apj and *.csv files are defined in ITC_analysis.py. The output directory is written by ...
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
SOP describing how to perform an ITC binding experiment with a MicroCal PEAQ ITC by Malvern. Note: the DOIs from the Chemotion database for the synthesis of HK and NDK are missing in this version beacuse the DOIs do not exist yet (as of 27.04.21)
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Studies: ITC binding experiments
Assays: Binding of HK to Gre2p (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in HEPES Buffer (ITC-..., Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in PBS Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in HEPES Buffer (ITC-..., Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in PBS Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in Tween-KPi Buffer (..., Binding of NDK to Gre2p (ITC-BIND)
SOP describing the steps for use of the ITC device (MicroCal PEAQ ITC by Malvern).
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Studies: ITC binding experiments, ITC kinetic experiments (enzyme activity)
Assays: Binding of HK to Gre2p (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in HEPES Buffer (ITC-..., Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in PBS Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in HEPES Buffer (ITC-..., Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in PBS Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in Tween-KPi Buffer (..., Binding of NDK to Gre2p (ITC-BIND), Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ...
SOP describing how to perform specific activity measurements with Gre2p in multiwell plates (96w) using an UV-Vis Plate reader (Synergy H1).
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
SOP describing how to perform activity measurements (inital rates) with Gre2p in multiwell plates (96w) using an UV-Vis Plate reader (Synergy H1).
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Studies: Spectrophotometric Activity Measurements
Assays: Kinetic parameters of Gre2p
Instructions and details on the data analysis workflow.
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Juergen Pleiss, Xinmeng Xu
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: Deep Eutectic Solvents
Studies: Meta-analysis of viscosity of aqueous deep eute...
Assays: VFT and Arrhenius Modelling
Master Bash script to launch Molecular Dynamics when running the Simulation part of Simulation Foundry. Make sure you followed "Preparations" instructions! Read the Manual!
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: Simulation Foundry for Methanol-Water Mixtures
Assays: Simulation Version 1.5
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Felix Ott, Kersten S. Rabe, Christof M. Niemeyer, Gudrun Gygli
Date Published: 3rd Sep 2021
Publication Type: Journal
Citation: ACS Catal. 11(17):10695-10704
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Gudrun Gygli, Juergen Pleiss
Date Published: 27th Apr 2020
Publication Type: Journal
Citation: J. Chem. Inf. Model. 60(4):1922-1927
Authors: Xinmeng Xu, Jan Range, Gudrun Gygli, Jürgen Pleiss
Date Published: 12th Mar 2020
Publication Type: Journal
Citation: J. Chem. Eng. Data 65(3):1172-1179
Date recorded: September 14 2021
Enzymes are the catalysts of life, accelerating chemical reactions in living organisms. Enzyme reactions are widely applied in industry, for example as ingredients in laundry detergents, in the production of cheese, or to synthesize pharmaceutical drugs.
To apply enzymes in industrial processes, a detailed understanding of the molecular mechanisms is needed, requiring in depth studies on their reaction mechanisms. Such mechanistic studies can be performed with ...
Start Date: 14th Sep 2021
End Date: 14th Sep 2021
Event Website: https://www.malvernpanalytical.com/en/learn/events-and-training/webinars/W210914Enzyme
Country: Not specified
City: Online
dummy ifle fo rtesting file uplad and nbviewer
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Scripts and Input Files for Simulation V1.5
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: Simulation Foundry for Methanol-Water Mixtures
Assays: Simulation Version 1.5
Overview of the results obtained from the Simulation Foundry.
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Overview of the quality control checks obtained from the Simulation Foundry.
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
This is a list of errors that can be produced if the Simulation Foundry is not used correctly - the messages are cryptic, hopefully the file is helpful to some.
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: Simulation Foundry for Methanol-Water Mixtures
Assays: Preparation
Manual to Simulation Foundry Version 1.5.
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: Simulation Foundry for Methanol-Water Mixtures
Assays: Preparation
Scripts and Input Files for Analysis V1.5
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: Simulation Foundry for Methanol-Water Mixtures
Assays: Analysis Version 1.5
OPLSAA force field used by GROMACS on the BINAC Supercomputer (chem/gromacs/5.1.4-gnu-4.9, https://wiki.bwhpc.de/e/Category:BwForCluster_BinAC )
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: Simulation Foundry for Methanol-Water Mixtures
Assays: Preparation
Screenshot of the directory structure required for the Simulation Foundry.
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: Simulation Foundry for Methanol-Water Mixtures
Assays: Preparation