Determination of thermophysical properties (densities, diffusion coefficients, energy contributions) of different methanol-water mixtures using molecular dynamics simulations.
DOI: 10.15490/
Zenodo URL: None
Created at: 24th Mar 2020 at 11:33
Preparation needed to use Simulation Foundry, Version 1.5.
Please read the manual before working with this Simulation Foundry.
Pay careful attention to the installation instructions.
Note the known issues.
Installation Instructions
Follow the instructions in this file to get the necessary software packages to run the Simulation Foundry Version 1.5.
This is a list of errors that can be produced if the Simulation Foundry is not used correctly - the messages are cryptic, hopefully the file is helpful to some.
OPLSAA force field used by GROMACS on the BINAC Supercomputer (chem/gromacs/5.1.4-gnu-4.9, )
Screenshot of the directory structure required for the Simulation Foundry.
- Directory.PNG
Simulation Version 1.5
This is the simulation part of the Simulation Foundry, Version 1.5.
Download and unpack the zip file and the .sh bash script. Copy them into a folder which has a meaningful name.
Launch the bash script, following the instructions in the manual.
Make sure you followed the instructions in "Preparation" before running this.
Master Bash script to launch Molecular Dynamics when running the Simulation part of Simulation Foundry.
Make sure you followed "Preparations" instructions!
Read the Manual!
Analysis Version 1.5
This is the analysis part of the Simulation Foundry, Version 1.5.
Download and unpack the zip file and the .sh bash script. Copy them into a folder which has a meaningful name.
Launch the bash script, following the instructions in the manual.
Make sure you followed the instructions in "Preparation" before running this.
Master Bash script to launch Molecular Dynamics when running the Analysis part of Simulation Foundry.
Make sure you followed "Preparations" instructions!
Read the Manual!
Here would be the results from the Analysis part of the Simulation foundry. For the newest version, which was improved based on reviewers comments to represent best practices, of the Simulation Foundry for Methanol-Water mixtures no such results exist yet.
These checksums allow you to check a Snapshot you have downloaded hasn't been modified. For details on how to use these please visit this guide
MD5: 45d17efa707b787f3955a0af61982c07
SHA1: 888507a3a29d5eab46d8903a914aabf7ee2168bf

Views: 1596 Downloads: 16
Created: 24th Mar 2020 at 11:33
Last updated: 14th Apr 2020 at 06:47