ITC multiple injection (MIM) experiments to determine the kinetic parameters of NDK (nitrononane-2,8-dione) and NADPH with Gre2p in 0.1%Tween-20-100 mM KPi buffer pH 7.5 Data from ITC recurrent single injection (rSIM) experiments were used to achieve proper fitting of kcat values.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: SOP for ITC-MIM experiments, SOP for usage of the ITC
Data files: ITC-MIM experiment for the reaction of NADPH an..., ITC-MIM experiment for the reaction of NADPH an...
Snapshots: No snapshots
ITC multiple injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in 0.1%Tween-20-KPI buffer (100 mM, pH 7.5) at 25 °C. *.csv file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC multiple injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in 0.1%Tween-20-KPI buffer (100 mM, pH 7.5) at 25 °C. *.apj file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC multiple injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in PBS buffer (1x, pH 7.5) at 25 °C. *.csv file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC multiple injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in PBS buffer (1x, pH 7.5) at 25 °C. *.apj file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC multiple injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in KPI buffer (100 mM, pH 7.5) at 25 °C. *.csv file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC multiple injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in KPI buffer (100 mM, pH 7.5) at 25 °C. *.apj file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC multiple injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in HEPES buffer (100 mM, pH 7.5) at 25 °C. *.csv file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
ITC multiple injection experiment for the reaction of NADPH and NDK with Gre2p in HEPES buffer (100 mM, pH 7.5) at 25 °C. *.apj file
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Python workflow for the analysis of ITC-BIND, ITC-MIM and ITC-(r)SIM experiments. Organized in a *.zip folder. Requires the following directory structure:
./ ./input/BINDING/.apj ./input/BINDING/.csv ./input/KINETICS/.apj ./input/KINETICS/.csv ./scripts/ ./scripts/
And can be executed by running python in the directory. Filenames for the input *.apj and *.csv files are defined in The output directory is written by ...
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
SOP describing how to perform an ITC multiple injections experiment with a MicroCal PEAQ ITC by Malvern.
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Studies: ITC kinetic experiments (enzyme activity)
Assays: Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ...
SOP describing the steps for use of the ITC device (MicroCal PEAQ ITC by Malvern).
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigations: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Studies: ITC binding experiments, ITC kinetic experiments (enzyme activity)
Assays: Binding of HK to Gre2p (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in HEPES Buffer (ITC-..., Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in PBS Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in HEPES Buffer (ITC-..., Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in PBS Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in Tween-KPi Buffer (..., Binding of NDK to Gre2p (ITC-BIND), Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with ...