On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and kinetic modelling

Because enzyme activity depends very much on the reaction conditions, it is crucial to report all these metadata (see for example the STRENDA Guidelines:https://www.beilstein-strenda-db.org/strenda/public/guidelines.xhtml).

Another challenge in experiments to determine enzyme reaction parameters is the choice of suitable substrate concentrations to enable optimal kinetic fits and the informed choice of a kinetic model.

A Jupyter notebook is given to assist in the choice of substrate concentrations for initial rate experiments and show the impact of noise in the raw data on the linear fit of the initial rates.

To be able to fully judge the quality of experimental reaction parameters, more information is needed on the modelling process:

  1. the linear fits of the raw data used to calculate the initial reaction rates
  2. the fits of the initial reaction rates with the Michaelis-Menten

A Jupyter notebook to automatically provide these data is given. This notebook works with data from https://fairdomhub.org/investigations/464, which is included here again.

Investigation position:

help Creators and Submitter
Gygli, G. (2022). On the reproducibility of enzyme reactions and kinetic modelling. FAIRDOMHub. https://doi.org/10.15490/FAIRDOMHUB.1.INVESTIGATION.483.1
Note: This is a citation for Snapshot 1 of this Investigation, the contents of which may vary from what is shown on this page.
Snapshot 1 (23rd Mar 2022) DOI

Views: 1167

Created: 8th Oct 2021 at 13:35

Last updated: 12th Oct 2021 at 06:54

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