ITC binding experiment for the binding of NADPH to Gre2p in KPi buffer (100 mM, pH 7.5) at 25 °C. *.apj file
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Created: 27th Apr 2021 at 06:50
Last updated: 5th May 2021 at 12:02

Version History
Version 1 (earliest) Created 27th Apr 2021 at 06:50 by Gudrun Gygli
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Projects: Simulation Foundries, CML for thermophysical properties of mixtures, Test Project (dummy), Towards Reproducible Enzyme Modeling
Institutions: University of Stuttgart, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Expertise: enzyme kinetics, enzymes, Enzymatic reactions, biochemical enzyme characterization, Biochemistry, molecular simulation, molecular modeling, Programming, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology
Tools: Gromacs, Python, Molecular Dynamics, bash, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biochemistry and protein analysis, Enzyme assay, enzyme kinetics, isothermal titration calorimetry, dynamic light scattering, Spectrophotometry
Polyglot European Scientist. I thrive working in interdisciplinary environments combining the study of enzyme reactions and mechanisms with bioinformatics, molecular modelling, automated data analysis and data stewardship.
Work of the Gygli group...
Projects: Test Project (dummy), Towards Reproducible Enzyme Modeling
Web page: Not specified
Investigation 1: An experimental workflow to provide detailed information of the molecular mechanisms of enzymes is described. This workflow will help in the application of enzymes in technical processes by providing crucial parameters needed to plan, model and implement biocatalytic processes more efficiently. These parameters are homogeneity of the enzyme sample (HES), kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of enzyme kinetics and binding of reactants to enzymes. The techniques used to measure ...
Organisms: Not specified
An experimental workflow to provide detailed information of the molecular mechanisms of enzymes is described. This workflow will help in the application of enzymes in technical processes by providing crucial parameters needed to plan, model and implement biocatalytic processes more efficiently. These parameters are homogeneity of the enzyme sample (HES), kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of enzyme kinetics and binding of reactants to enzymes. The techniques used to measure these properties are ...
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Studies: DLS measurements (homogeneity of an enzyme sample), ITC binding experiments, ITC kinetic experiments (enzyme activity), Spectrophotometric Activity Measurements
Assays: Analysis of data from ITC experiments (binding), Analysis of data from ITC experiments (kinetics), Binding of HK to Gre2p (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in HEPES Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in PBS Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in HEPES Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in PBS Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in Tween-KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NDK to Gre2p (ITC-BIND), DLS measurements in 2 buffers, DLS measurements in KPi Buffer and in KPi buffer with Tween added, DLS measurements in KPi buffer with BSA added, Kinetic parameters of Gre2p, Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with Gre2p (ITC-MIM) in HEPES ..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with Gre2p (ITC-MIM) in KPi bu..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with Gre2p (ITC-MIM) in PBS bu..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with Gre2p (ITC-MIM) in Tween-..., Kinetics of the reaction of NDK and NADPH with Gre2p (ITC-rSIM) in 3 buf..., Selwyn test of Gre2p, Specific activity of Gre2p
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Measure binding of reactants to Gre2p by ITC (isothermal titration calorimetry).
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Assays: Analysis of data from ITC experiments (binding), Binding of HK to Gre2p (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in HEPES Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADP+ to Gre2p in PBS Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in HEPES Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in PBS Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NADPH to Gre2p in Tween-KPi Buffer (ITC-BIND), Binding of NDK to Gre2p (ITC-BIND)
Snapshots: No snapshots
ITC binding (BIND) experiment to determine the binding parameters of NADPH to Gre2p in 100 mM KPi Buffer.
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Study: ITC binding experiments
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: SOP for ITC-BIND experiments, SOP for usage of the ITC
Data files: ITC-BIND experiment for NADPH binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADPH binding to Gre2p ...
Snapshots: No snapshots
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./ ./input/BINDING/.apj ./input/BINDING/.csv ./input/KINETICS/.apj ./input/KINETICS/.csv ./scripts/ ./scripts/
And can be executed by running python in the directory. Filenames for the input *.apj and *.csv files are defined in The output directory is written by ...
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Workflow for characterization of enzymes under ...
Study: ITC binding experiments
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: Python Workflow for analysis of ITC data
Data files: ITC-BIND experiment for HK binding to Gre2p (.apj), ITC-BIND experiment for HK binding to Gre2p (.apj), ITC-BIND experiment for HK binding to Gre2p (.csv), ITC-BIND experiment for HK binding to Gre2p (.csv), ITC-BIND experiment for NADP+ binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADP+ binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADP+ binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADP+ binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADP+ binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADP+ binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADPH binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADPH binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADPH binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADPH binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADPH binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADPH binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADPH binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NADPH binding to Gre2p ..., ITC-BIND experiment for NDK binding to Gre2p (...., ITC-BIND experiment for NDK binding to Gre2p (...., ITC-BIND experiment for NDK binding to Gre2p (...., ITC-BIND experiment for NDK binding to Gre2p (....
Snapshots: No snapshots