Projects: Integrated BIOfactory for the multiproduct valorisation of PIG MAnure (BIOPIGMA)
Institutions: University of Granada

Expertise: Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, antibiotic resistance
He earned his degree in Pharmacy in 2009 from the University of Granada, receiving a national collaboration grant in his fifth year to work in the Department of Microbiology. Later, through an excellence contract from the Andalusian Regional Government, he completed his international doctoral thesis at the University of Granada, studying new autotrophic nitrogen removal systems from both a technical and microbiological perspective. As part of his doctoral research, he conducted a research stay ...
Projects: Not specified
Institutions: Not specified
Expertise: Biotechnology, pharmaceutical, life sciences
Creative Biolabs provides professional custom service packages to fully meet client's specific needs in drug development journey, especially for various antibody related modalities (monoclonal antibody, single domain antibody, bispecific antibody, multi-specific antibody, ADC, CAR T, etc.).
Projects: SulfoSys, SulfoSys - Biotec, HOTSOLUTE, Computational pathway design for biotechnological applications, SCyCode The Autotrophy-Heterotrophy Switch in Cyanobacteria: Coherent Decision-Making at Multiple Regulatory Layers
Institutions: University Duisburg-Essen, Universitity Duisburg-Essen

Head of the group of Molecular Enzyme Technology and Biochemistry (Faculty of Chemistry) at the University of Duisburg-Essen. My research interest is on archaeal physiology with a special focuss on the central carbohydrate metabolism of (hyper)thermophilic Archaea and its regulation. The aim is to gain a systems level understanding by the combination of modern highthrouput analyses with classical biochemistry and molecular biology. Archaea possess many novel enzymes and pathways and our aim is ...
Projects: INDIE - Biotechnological production of sustainable indole
Institutions: Axxence Aromatic GmbH
Expertise: Biochemistry, Biotechnology
Project leader at Axxence Aromatic
Projects: Environmentally-friendly bioadhesives from renewable resources (WooBAdh)
Institutions: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Expertise: Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Fermentation, Biorefinery
Dr. Noelia Pérez-Rodríguez holds a PhD in Agro-Food Science and Technology and has over 6 years of expertise in the areas of Biomass Conversion and Bioprocess Technology with focus on the development of biorefinery strategies for total and sustainable conversion of biomass (lignocellulosic materials) into biobased products. Dr. Pérez-Rodríguez’s research interests include: i) biomass pretreatment and hydrolysis using chemical, physico-chemical or biological methods; ii) biomass conversion by ...
Projects: Rhodolive, Establishing an innovative and transnational feed production approach for reduced climate impact of the aquaculture sector and future food supply, Establishing an innovative and transnational feed production approach for reduced climate impact of the aquaculture sector and future food supply
Institutions: Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Institut for Food and Environmental Research (ILU), Institute for Food and Environmental Research (ILU)
Expertise: Biotechnology, Fermentation, Alga, Organic residues
Tools: Bioreactor experiments/Fermentation (batch, analytics
Projects: EmPowerPutida, COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Wageningen University & Research, University Maastricht

Expertise: Systems Biology, Mathematical modelling, Biotechnology, Synthetic Biology, Metabolic Engineering, metabolism, Metabolic Networks, SARS-CoV 2, COVID-19, Pathway Curation, Pathway Analysis, Network Analysis
Tools: Matlab, Computational Systems Biology, Flux balance analysis, omics analysis, Python, R, Constraint-based analysis
My research interest is in studying cellular and molecular pathways of COVID-19 disease.
Assist. Prof. of Enzyme Technology Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Crete, Greece
Projects: SysMetEx
Institutions: Ruhr University Bochum
Expertise: Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, membrane biology
Tools: Proteomics
Projects: SUMO
Institutions: Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
Expertise: Microbiology, Molecular Biology, E. coli, Biotechnology
Tools: qRT-PCR, Bioreactor experiments/Fermentation (batch, Chemostat), Enzyme assays, 2D-PAGE
Projects: COSMIC
Institutions: University of Ulm
Expertise: Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology
Tools: Fermentation, DNA, Gaschromatographic analysis, Protein, Mutant construction
Phd student University of Ulm Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology Albert-Einstein- Allee 11 89069 Ulm, Germany
Projects: COSMIC
Institutions: University of Rostock
Expertise: Microbiology, Biotechnology
Tools: Transcriptomics, Fermentation, Proteomics (2D-PAGE), Gaschromatographic analysis
PhD University of Rostock, Germany Institute of Biological Sciences Division of Microbiology Albert-Einstein-Str. 3 18051 Rostock
Projects: PSYSMO, DigiSal, GenoSysFat, HUMET Startup, EmPowerPutida, MycoSynVac - Engineering Mycoplasma pneumoniae as a broad-spectrum animal vaccine, SAFE-Aqua, INDIE - Biotechnological production of sustainable indole
Institutions: Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research Braunschweig, Wageningen University & Research
Expertise: Microbiology, Mathematical modelling of biosystems and bioprocesses, Optimal experimental design, Systems Biology, Biotechnology
Tools: Bioinformatics, Genetic modification, Proteomics, Fermentation, Microarray analysis, Computational Systems Biology, Metabolic Engineering, microbiology techniques, reverse engineering, computational platform development, metabolic netwlrk visualization
My research activities has been to use mathematical models and Computational Biology to answer biological questions, intertwining in silico and experimental methods at all stages. I have a strong interest in exploring the interfaces between Fundamental Biology and bona fide Engineering, specifically in the realm of environmental and industrial problems. The research goals of my group are to contribute to the elucidation of mechanisms underlying basic cellular processes, evolution and ecological ...