MycoSynVac - Engineering Mycoplasma pneumoniae as a broad-spectrum animal vaccine

The MycoSynVac project AIMS at using cutting-edge synthetic biology methodologies to engineer Mycoplasma pneumoniae as a universal chassis for vaccination.
Designing a universal Mycoplasma chassis that can be deployed as single- or multi-vaccine in a range of animal hosts. Annually, infections caused by Mycoplasma species in poultry, cows, and pigs result in multimillion Euro losses in the USA and Europe. There is no effective vaccination against many Mycoplasmas that infect pets, humans and farm animals (e.g. Mycoplasma bovis cow infection). Furthermore, most Mycoplasmas are difficult to grow in axenic culture, re-quiring a complex media that includes animal serum.

FAIRDOM PALs: Niels Zondervan

Project created: 4th Apr 2017

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