
INBioPharm - Integrated Novel Natural Product Discovery and Production Platform for Accelerated Biopharmaceutical Innovation from Microbial Biodiversity project will develop a new, generic technology platform for the more efficient discovery of novel bioactive compounds with improved prospects to become medical products. A unique national collection of marine microorganisms at SINTEF/NTNU will be used as the basis for the development of different new, complementary molecular biology, analytical and screening methods and their combination into one platform that can access and exploit the huge potential of microorganisms in nature to synthesize useful bioactive natural products in a more efficient way. Central to this effort will be the development of the actinobacterium Streptomyces coelicolor into a microbial cell factory that is capable of producing diverse bioactive compounds of other natural microorganisms, including the huge majority of bacteria that cannot be cultivated in the laboratory, and the large number of compounds of cultivable bacteria that are not produced under laboratory conditions. The INBioPharm project is funded by the Research Council of Norway with 27.5 million NOK as part of the 'Centre for Digital Life Norway' established in 2016.

FAIRDOM PALs: No PALs for this Project

Project created: 31st Oct 2016

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