Good data and model management improves the longevity and impact of your interdisciplinary research. FAIRDOM offers software and expertise to support you in better managing your interdisciplinary life-science projects, particularly in systems and synthetic biology. If you have never heard of data and model management, or are curious about it, or you are an expert keen to exchange ideas, our user meeting is the place for you!
At our users meeting you can:
- Learn why data and model management is important, and how it can improve the longevity and impact of your research.
- Learn how other research groups formulate their data and model management using FAIRDOM software.
- Have direct contact with the FAIRDOM Community and Tech Team, who can give you personalised advice on your data and model management, and using FAIRDOM.
- Learn how users have extended the platforms to include e.g. electronic lab notebooks.
- Be among the first people to hear about how to publish citable data and models using FAIRDOM!
Here you can find SEEK + tools presentations and tutorials
Programme: FAIRDOM
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Homo sapiens
FAIRDOM PALs: No PALs for this Project
Project created: 12th Sep 2016
Related items
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- Assays (9+8)
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Projects: FAIRDOM user meeting
Institutions: CEIT
Projects: FAIRDOM user meeting
Institutions: IDIBAPS
Projects: WG Infrastructure for Translational Research, GMDS Project Group "FAIRe Dateninfrastrukturen für die Biomedizinische Informatik", FAIRDOM user meeting, COVID-19 related studies and tools in Germany, nfdi4health - German National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data
Institutions: University Medical Center Göttingen
Projects: FAIRDOM user meeting
Institutions: Unicamp - University of Campinas
Projects: FAIRDOM user meeting
Institutions: ZonMw
Projects: IMOMESIC, FAIRDOM user meeting, Chronic Liver Disease Progression (LiSyM-DP - Pillar II), Regeneration and Repair in Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (LiSyM-ACLF - Pillar III)
Institutions: German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)

Expertise: Mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), Proteomics, Systems Biology
Projects: FAIRDOM user meeting
Institutions: SYSBIO - Centre of Systems Biology

Expertise: Bioinformatics, Data Management, Databases, Microarray analysis, Systems Biology
Projects: FAIRDOM user meeting
Institutions: UPF
Projects: SysMO DB, FAIRDOM, FAIRDOM user meeting, COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: University of Manchester - Department of Computer Science, Manchester Centre for Integrative Systems Biology, University of Manchester

Expertise: Software Engineering, semantics, VREs, standards, Distributed Systems
Tools: Data Management, Workflows, semantic web, Web services, Ontologies, web development
Professor of Computer Science University of Manchester Co-Director of the FAIRDOM Initiative and co-leader of the SEEK4Science Platform Development Deputy Head of Node ELIXIR-UK Co-lead ELIXIR Interoperability Backbone Platform Lead ISBE WP Data and Model Management Data lead SynBioChem Manchester Synthetic Biology Research Centre for Fine and Speciality Chemicals
Projects: FAIRDOM, Early Metabolic Injury (LiSyM-EMI - Pillar I), Chronic Liver Disease Progression (LiSyM-DP - Pillar II), Regeneration and Repair in Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (LiSyM-ACLF - Pillar III), LiSyM Core Infrastructure and Management (LiSyM-PD), Liver Function Diagnostics (LiSyM-LiFuDi - Pillar IV), Model Guided Pharmacotherapy In Chronic Liver Disease (LiSyM-MGP), Multi-Scale Models for Personalized Liver Function Tests (LiSyM-MM-PLF), The Hedgehog Signalling Pathway (LiSyM-JGMMS), Molecular Steatosis - Imaging & Modeling (LiSyM-MSIM), Kinetics on the move - Workshop 2016, Example use cases, FAIRDOM user meeting, MS_DILI, COMBINE Multicellular Modelling, FAIRDOM & LiSyM & de.NBI Data Structuring Training, EnzymeML, GMDS Project Group "FAIRe Dateninfrastrukturen für die Biomedizinische Informatik", FAIRDOM Community Workers, COVID-19 Disease Map, COVID-19 related studies and tools in Germany, nfdi4health - German National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data, ModeleXchange initiative, SDBV/HITS, EDITH (Ecosystem Digital Twins in Health) test project
Institutions: Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS gGmbH)

Data management and standardization expert for systems biology and systems medicine, responsible for the data management user requirements and user contacts within the German LiSyM network (Liver Systems Medicine: and associated to the FAIRDOM team. Involved in different standardization initiatives and committees, i.e. COMBINE (, ISO/TC 276 Biotechnology (, European COST action CHARME ( and ...
Projects: FAIRDOM user meeting
Institutions: Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Projects: HYp - Spatiotemporal analysis of hypersensitive response to Potato virus Y in potato, pISA-tree, MOA - Multiomics analysis of potato response to Potato virus Y (PVY) infection, SUSPHIRE - Sustainable Bioproduction of Pheromones for Insect Pest Control in Agriculture, INDIE - Biotechnological production of sustainable indole, FAIRDOM user meeting, _p_stRT, ADAPT - Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerAnt PoTato
Institutions: National Institute of Biology

Projects: FAIRDOM user meeting
Institutions: University of Edinburgh
Projects: FAIRDOM user meeting
Institutions: Caltech
Projects: FAIRDOM user meeting
Institutions: KAIST
Projects: FAIRDOM user meeting
Institutions: KAIST
Expertise: Cell biology, Molecular Biology, Cancer, Stem cell
Tools: Boolean modeling, Systems Biology
Projects: FAIRDOM user meeting
Institutions: Centre for Digital Life Norway
Projects: SulfoSys, FAIRDOM user meeting, Service to Milano-Bicocca with respect to their ATP-ROS model (Active NOW), Make Me My Model, Service to University of Lisbon (Portugal) with respect to their CFTR maturation model (Active NOW), Service to LCSB (Luxembourg) with respect to ROS management in Parkinson’s disease and cancer model (Active NOW), Service to URV Tarragona, Spain with respect to their Safety Assessment of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals model (Active NOW), Service to Universidade Católica Portugues with respect to their Molecular Insight into Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) model (Active NOW), Service to Slovenia with respect to their Protease signaling network in neurodegeneration model (Active NOW), Service to University of Duisburg- Essen (Germany): with respect to their The Yin-Yang of Metabolism; Endometatoxicity (YYME) model (Active NOW), Service to Sheffield University (UK): with respect to Mitochondrial perfect adaptation model (Active NOW), Service to Sanquin (Amsterdam): with respect to Modelling of acute and chronic inflammation (Prospective), Service to Munich (Germany): with respect toCharged peptide to charged membrane binding model (Prospective), Training Hunfeld, EraCoBiotech 2 nd call proposal preparation, ROS detailed model for MSB manucript, Mechanism based modeling viral disease ( COVID-19 ) dynamics in human population, COVID-19 Disease Map, Modelling COVID-19 epidemics, SNAPPER: Synergistic Neurotoxicology APP for Environmental Regulation
Institutions: University of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam, Infrastructure Systems Biology Europe, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB)
I have modelling expertise in precise kinetic models of metabolism and signal transduction; metabolic control analysis, hierarchical regulation analysis, non-equilibrium dynamics, statistical mechanics, enzyme kinetics, flux balance analysis. Energy and carbohydrate metabolism in Archaea, Bacteria and human; ammonium assimilation in Bacteria; differential network-based drug design; cancer metabolic rewiring; cell cycle; genome wide metabolic map and inborn errors of metabolism; epigenetics.
Projects: Kinetics on the move - Workshop 2016, Multi-Scale Models for Personalized Liver Function Tests (LiSyM-MM-PLF), FAIRDOM user meeting, COMBINE Multicellular Modelling, FAIRDOM & LiSyM & de.NBI Data Structuring Training
Institutions: Charité University Medicine Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin

We are investigating liver metabolism and function with the help of computational models and methods.
Group Leader Dr. Matthias König
Institute for Theoretical Biology Humboldt-University Berlin Philippstraße 13, 10115 Berlin, Germany phone +49 30 2093-98435
The König group works on computational modeling, data science, data management, bioinformatics methods and machine learning on ...
FAIRDOM is establishing a support and service network for European Systems Biology. FAIRDOM is a joint action of ERA-Net ERASysAPP and European Research Infrastructure ISBE to establish a data and model management service facility for Systems Biology. Our prime mission is to support researchers, students, trainers, funders and publishers by enabling Systems Biology projects to make their Data, Operating procedures and Models, Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR).
Projects: FAIRDOM, FAIRDOM user meeting, FAIRDOM Community Workers
Web page:
Data integration is an essential part of Systems Biology. Scientists need to combine different sources of information in order to model biological systems, and relate those models to available experimental data for validation. Currently, only a small fraction of the data and models produced during Systems Biology investigations are deposited for reuse by the community, and only a smaller fraction of that data is standards compliant, semantic content. By embedding semantic technologies into familiar ...
Submitter: Olga Krebs
Studies: Creating Templates for Proteomics, Creating Templates for Transcriptomics, Creating template for metabolomics data
Assays: Affy Transcriptomics Templates, Chip-chip Excel Template, General Transcriptomics Templates, Metabolomics Master Template, NimbleGen Transcriptomics Templates, Proteomics Template (gel electrophoresis), Proteomics Templates (Mass spectrometry), RT-PCR Excel Template, Standard-based Excel template for metabolomics data
Snapshots: Snapshot 1, Snapshot 2
Research in Systems Biology involves integrating data and knowledge about the dynamic processes in biological systems in order to understand and model them. By connecting fields such as genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, mathematics, cell biology, genetics, mathematics, engineering and computer sciences, Systems Biology enables discovery of yet unknown principles underlying the functioning of living cells. At the same time, testable and predictive models of complex cellular pathways and ...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Snapshots: No snapshots
Here you will find guidelines for creating MIAPE compliant proteomics data files as well as examples and links to online tools and resources
Submitter: Katy Wolstencroft
Investigation: Creating data sheet template for 'omics data
Assays: Proteomics Template (gel electrophoresis), Proteomics Templates (Mass spectrometry)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Here you will find guidelines for creating MAGE-TAB compliant transcriptomics data files as well as examples and links to online tools and resources.
Submitter: Katy Wolstencroft
Investigation: Creating data sheet template for 'omics data
Assays: Affy Transcriptomics Templates, Chip-chip Excel Template, General Transcriptomics Templates, NimbleGen Transcriptomics Templates, RT-PCR Excel Template
Snapshots: No snapshots
These templates can be used for a selection of metabolomics data types. There is a MASTER template for general use and adaptation as well as several more specific templates for particular types of experiment (e.g. HPLC), or specific assay types (e.g glucose pulse)
Submitter: Olga Krebs
Investigation: Creating data sheet template for 'omics data
Assays: Metabolomics Master Template, Standard-based Excel template for metabolomics data
Snapshots: No snapshots
Dear SEEK users, this Assay is just an example Excel sheet for intracellular metabolites concentration measurements performed using cell culture growing in chemostat
Submitter: Olga Krebs
Assay type: Metabolite Profiling
Technology type: Mass Spectrometry
Investigation: Creating data sheet template for 'omics data
Organisms: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Homo sapiens : MCF-7 (wild-type / wild-type)
Data files: Excel sheet template : concentrations of intrac..., The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Some generic examples of transcriptomics templates that conform to the MAGE-TAB specification. These templates were created and modified from templates produced by ArrayExpress and GEO. These templates are generic and non-specific for any particular array platform.
Submitter: Katy Wolstencroft
Assay type: Transcriptomics
Technology type: Microarray
Investigation: Creating data sheet template for 'omics data
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: Transcriptomics Template Guidelines
Data files: Transcriptomics Template (ArrayExpress Format)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Some examples of proteomics templates for Mass Spectrometry data that conform to the MIAPE specification
Submitter: Katy Wolstencroft
Assay type: Proteomics
Technology type: Mass Spectrometry
Investigation: Creating data sheet template for 'omics data
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: Guidelines for Proteomics Templates
Data files: Proteomics Mass Spec Template (SysMO JERM), Proteomics Template (empty) from PRIDE, Proteomics Template from PRIDE
Snapshots: No snapshots
This Excel template is the general (master) template for any type of metabolomics data. It can be used as it is, or extended and modified to create a more specific templates for particular technologies and assay types.
Submitter: Katy Wolstencroft
Assay type: Metabolomics
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Creating data sheet template for 'omics data
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: Metabolomics Master Excel Template and 1 hidden item
Snapshots: No snapshots
Some examples of transcriptomics templates for Affymetrix data that conform to the MAGE-TAB specification. These templates were taken from the GEO website ( and modified to conform to the SysMO-JERM (Just enough Results Model) for transcriptomics. Using these templates will mean easier submission to GEO/ArrayExpress and greater consistency of data in SEEK.
Submitter: Katy Wolstencroft
Assay type: Transcriptomics
Technology type: Microarray
Investigation: Creating data sheet template for 'omics data
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: Transcriptomics Template Guidelines
Data files: 3' or Whole Gene Expression Array Template (Aff..., Chip-chip Array Template (Affymetrix)
Snapshots: No snapshots
A example of an RT-PCR Excel template. RT-PCR is Reverse Transcriptase PCR (NOT to be confused with Real Time PCR, which is normally referred to as qPCR)
This template was taken from the GEO website ( and modified to conform to the SysMO-JERM (Just enough Results Model) for transcriptomics. Using templates will mean easier submission to public databases on publication and greater consistency of data in SEEK.
Submitter: Katy Wolstencroft
Assay type: Gene Expression Profiling
Technology type: qRT-PCR
Investigation: Creating data sheet template for 'omics data
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: Transcriptomics Template Guidelines
Data files: RT-PCR Excel Template
Snapshots: No snapshots
This Excel template is an example taken from the GEO web site ( which has been modified to conform to the SysMO JERM (Just Enough Results Model). Using templates helps with searching and comparing data as well as making it easier to submit data to public repositories for publications.
Submitter: Katy Wolstencroft
Assay type: Transcriptomics
Technology type: ChIP-on-chip
Investigation: Creating data sheet template for 'omics data
Organisms: No organisms
SOPs: Transcriptomics Template Guidelines
Data files: Chip-chip Excel template example
Snapshots: No snapshots
Some examples of transcriptomics templates for NimbleGen data that conform to the MAGE-TAB specification. These templates were taken from the GEO website ( and modified to conform to the SysMO-JERM (Just enough Results Model) for transcriptomics. Using templates will mean easier submission to GEO/ArrayExpress upon publication and greater consistency of data in SEEK for easier searching and comparing.
Submitter: Katy Wolstencroft
Assay type: Transcriptomics
Technology type: Microarray
Investigation: Creating data sheet template for 'omics data
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: Genomic Data Submission Excel Template (NimbleGen), Transcriptomics Gene Expression Excel Template ...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Examples of proteomics templates for gele electrophoresis data that conform to the MIAPE-GE specification
Submitter: Katy Wolstencroft
Assay type: Proteomics
Technology type: Electrophoresis
Investigation: Creating data sheet template for 'omics data
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: Proteomics Gel Electrophoresis Excel Template, Template for proteomics (2D gel)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Here published artikel about The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship
Creators: None
Submitter: Olga Krebs
Investigations: Creating data sheet template for 'omics data
test file
Creators: Olga Krebs, Vânia Pobre
Submitter: Olga Krebs
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: 1 hidden item
Assays: 1 hidden item
This guidlines has been developed by Rita Volkers from Wageningen University for IBISBA project, as example to use
Creators: Olga Krebs, Rita Volkers
Submitter: Olga Krebs
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: 1 hidden item
Assays: 1 hidden item
Author: Timon Oefelein
Date Published: 20th Nov 2018
Publication Type: InProceedings
DOI: 10.7557/5.4510
Citation: SCS(1)
Presented by Yannick Wurm at the first FAIRDOM user meeting.
Creators: Natalie Stanford, Yannick Wurm
Submitter: Natalie Stanford
Talk by Jon Olav Vik, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Creator: Jon Olav Vik
Submitter: Olga Krebs
Talk given by Sergey Lashin from Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk, Russia
Creators: Sergey Lashin, Alexandra Klimenko
Submitter: Olga Krebs
Presented by Martin Böhm, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany
Creators: Markus Stepath, Martin Böhm
Submitter: Olga Krebs
Our group develops computational models of the liver within the German systems biology projects VLN (Virtual Liver Network) and LiSyM (Systems Medicine of the Liver). In this talk we present our experiences in data and model management in recent years and future directions towards reproducible computational research we plan to implement.
We give an overview over the role of Fairdom and SEEK within our data management solution and how this integrates with and complements other approaches such as ...
Creator: Matthias König
Submitter: Matthias König
Managing your data and metadata well is an important research skill. Good data management enables the preparation, handling, storing, sharing, and reuse of data. These attributes of good data management equates to efficient research and saving of time and resources. Data management tools, utilizing data standards and best practices can help to make your research data and models FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).
SEEK, is a web-based (or locally installed) resource platform ...
Start Date: 6th Nov 2019
End Date: 7th Nov 2019
Event Website:
Country: Norway
City: Trondheim
Good data and model management improves the longevity and impact of your interdisciplinary research. FAIRDOM offers software and expertise to support you in better managing your interdisciplinary life-science projects, particularly in systems and synthetic biology. If you have never heard of data and model management, or are curious about it, or you are an expert keen to exchange ideas, our user meeting is the place for you! At the meeting you can
- Learn why data and model management is important, ...
Start Date: 15th Sep 2016
End Date: 15th Sep 2016
Event Website:
Country: Spain
City: barcelona