SNAPPER: Synergistic Neurotoxicology APP for Environmental Regulation

The Integrated Platform for Endocrine Disruptor Risk Assessment (SNAPPER) project will propose solutions based around three core philosophies: Integrated Science: Integration of knowledge from a complete pipeline of systems biology into a holistic yet mechanistic framework that enhances the understanding both of endocrine biology and of adverse effects due to externally induced disruption of the body’s endocrine system. The pipeline includes in vivo, in vitro, and in silico data resulting both from genomics and from more targeted studies; Integrated Tool: A state of the art cloud-based screening and testing tool for Endocrine disruptors (EDs) integrating a wide range of in silico tools (QSAR, PBPK/PD, AOP systems biology, etc), databases (OMICS, epidemiological and exposure data), with a decision support system for hazard and risk assessment of EDs; Integrated strategy and policy guideline: Collaboration with wide range of stakeholders and translation of the research results into validated test methods and strategies fit for regulatory purpose. This will contribute to the development of an integrated guideline strategy for testing EDs and for assessing associated hazards.

Programme: This Project is not associated with a Programme


Public web page: Not specified

Organisms: Homo sapiens

FAIRDOM PALs: No PALs for this Project

Project created: 12th Jan 2021

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