
The Systems Biology Service Center of de.NBI (de.NBI-SysBio) provides bioinformatics support and a standards-based data management for systems biology projects, with focus on the provenance of experimental results and on the reproducibility of modeling experiments, as well as high-quality curated biochemical data to modelers and experimentalists. The node concentrates on two tools for the data management in life sciences research: SEEK, a catalogue for storage, registration and exchange of data and models; and SABIO-RK, a data repository for biochemical reaction kinetics. Within this project training material of de.NBI-SysBio-Trainings is collected.

Programme: de.NBI Systems Biology Service Center (de.NBI-SysBio)


Public web page: Not specified

Organisms: No Organisms specified

FAIRDOM PALs: No PALs for this Project

Project created: 28th Oct 2015

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