Tools for Systems biology modeling and data exchange: COPASI, CellNetAnalyzer, SABIO-RK, FAIRDOMHub/SEEK 2019

During this 3-day course, attendees will learn basic techniques for modeling of biochemical networks including data access and storage due to the FAIR principles. The first day introduces kinetic modeling techniques which will be illustrated and exercised with COPASI. The second day continues with principles of stoichiometric and constraint-based modeling coupled with hands on exercises using CellNetAnalyzer. The third day SABIO-RK is used as a resource for kinetic data and FAIRDOMHub/SEEK is introduced as a data and model management platform fitted to the needs of systems biologists.

The hands on exercises throughout the three days will ensure that attendees become familiar with the software tools and with analyzing, creating, editing, importing, simulating and storing biochemical networks.


Projects: FAIRDOM, de.NBI-SysBio

Maja Rey

18th Mar 2019 at 10:00

20th Mar 2019 at 17:00

Seminar Room 42, BioQUANT, Im Neuenheimer Feld 267

69120 Heidelberg


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