Projects: BioRECIPE representation format
Institutions: University of Pittsburgh

Expertise: Bioinformatics, Computational Systems Biology, Databases, Dynamic modelling, Mathematical modelling, Software Engineering, Information Retrieval, Mathematical modelling; Nonlinear Dynamics; Time Series Analysis; network theory, dynamics of biological networks, Deterministic modelling of gene regulation networks, Mathematical and statistical modeling, sensitivity analysis
Tools: Bioinformatics, Databases, Stochastic models, Algebraic equations
Projects: COMBINE Multicellular Modelling
Institutions: Indiana University Bloomington

Expertise: Computational Biology, Mathematical modelling, Multicellular Modelling, Compucell3D, Virtual Tissues, Model Sharing, Language Standards, Agent-based modelling, Dynamic modelling, Computational Systems Biology, standards, Developmental Biology, Toxicology, Framework Development, Cancer, Immunology, Community Building
Tools: Compucell3D, Antimony, tellurium, SBML, CC3DML
Dr. Glazier’s research focuses on early embryonic development, developmental and chronic toxicity and disease, with more than 100 experimental and computational papers on biological development and developmental diseases (including polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), tumor growth and vascularization, Age Related Macular Degeneration and diabetic retinopathies, somitogenesis and liver toxicity) and more recently on modeling in-host viral infection and immune response. As part of his work on infection ...
Projects: BioDynamics
Institutions: Universitat Politècnica de València

Jesús Picó is Full Professor of Automatic Control at The Department of Systems Engineering and Control of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). In 2013 he created the Laboratory of Synthetic Biology and Biosystems Control (SB2CLab) of the Institute of Automation and Industrial Informatics (ai2) at the UPV, the first multidisciplinary lab in Spain integrating systems and control engineers, bioinformatics and biotechnologists. His research interests are in the application of systems ...
Projects: DigiSal, GenoSysFat, SEEK tutorial for DigiSal
Institutions: Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Expertise: Computational Systems Biology, Bioinformatics, Data analysis
Researcher at the DigiSal project. Recently graduated M.Sc. in Chemistry and Biotechnology.
Julio is the leader of the Computational Biology Lab at MBG-CSIC (Pontevedra, Spain), an institute of CSIC (Spanish National Research Council). More info at
Our research is focused in computational systems and synthetic biology.
We use mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization to understand complex biological systems and processes.
Current research topics include:
Reverse engineering: systems identification (dynamic modelling) of biological networks
Projects: Working Group Nicole Radde, SteaPKMod
Institutions: University of Stuttgart

Currently I focuse on the integration of data into multi-scale models with statistical methods and uncertainty tracking in the research unit QuaLiPerF.
Projects: FAIRDOM, BioCreative VII, The BeeProject, SDBV/HITS, Semantic Table Interpretation in Chemistry
Institutions: Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS gGmbH)

Expertise: Data analysis, Computational Systems Biology, Databases, Data Management, Table Curation
Tools: Machine Learning, Python, Java, standards, Data Integration
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Computational Systems Biology, Data Management, Databases, Python, R, Transcriptomics, Image analysis, Genomics, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Data analysis, Genetics
Tools: qPCR, Isolation purification and separation, Genomics, Data Science, RNA / DNA Techniques, Transcriptomics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Databases
I am a biochemist & bio-informatician working in phytobacteriology at the Plant Sciences Unit of ILVO, the Flanders Research Institute for Agricultural, Fisheries and Food Research. The focus is on genomics-based research and diagnostics for Plant Health.
My expertise is 'wet-lab' work (microbiology, sequencing, molecular biology, design & validation of diagnostics assays using qPCR/LAMP, automatisation) and 'dry-lab' work such as bio-informatics/data analysis (e.g. scripting analysis ...
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: National Institute of Informatics

Expertise: Bioinformatics, Computational Systems Biology, Curation, Data analysis, Systems Biology
Tools: SBML, Python, Matlab, Systems Biology, Bioinformatics
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: University of Tübingen

Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Pondicherry University

Expertise: Bioinformatics, Transcriptomics, Computational Systems Biology, Data analysis
Tools: Data Integration, R, Databases, Python, Cytoscape, network theory
PhD Student at Centre for Bioinformatics, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India.
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: University of Surrey

Reader (Professor) of Systems Biology; Executive Director for the International Society of Systems Biology (ISSB); Editor-in-Chief of Current Opinion in Systems Biology (Elsevier).
Projects: ERNEST Mapping Group Pilot Study
Institutions: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Expertise: Computational Systems Biology
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: BIOASTER
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map, Covid-19 Interferon pathway modelling and analysis
Institutions: Inria Saclay - Île-de-France, University of Évry Val d'Essonne

Expertise: Computational Systems Biology
Tools: Petri Nets, constraint programming, model checking, Python, ODE Modelling, Prolog
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: University of Tübingen

Expertise: Curation, Computational Systems Biology, Constraint-based Modelling, Systems Biology
Tools: SBML, Python, cobrapy toolbox, CellDesigner, libSBML, jupyter notebooks
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: University of Tübingen

Expertise: Systems Biology, Computational Systems Biology, Databases, Dynamic modelling, Java, Mathematical modelling, Metabolic Engineering, Disease Maps, Curation, Modeling, Data Integration, Constraint-based Modelling, Parameter estimation
Tools: SBML, SBGN, SBGNML, JSBML, Jupyter, Python, cobrapy toolbox, SBSCL, InSilico, Kinetic Modeling
Andreas Dräger is the assistant professor for Computational Systems Biology of Infection and Antimicrobial-Resistant Pathogens at the University of Tübingen in Germany. His group aims to combat the spreading antibiotics resistances by using mathematical modeling and computer simulation of bacterial systems up to entire microbiomes and host-pathogen interactions. In doing so, his group actively contributes to the advancement of various COMBINE standards.
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: University of Applied Sciences Mittweida

Expertise: standards, Systems Biology, Bioinformatics, Computational Systems Biology, Java, Python, SBGN
Tools: SBGN-ED
I am an Associate Professor of Computational Systems Biology, at Univ Evry, University of Paris-Saclay. My research focuses on the application of computational systems biology approaches in human diseases, including the construction of disease maps, tool development for model inference, network integration and dynamical modelling.
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Biomax Informatics AG
Expertise: Network biology, Computational Systems Biology, Cancer research, Data analysis, Bioinformatics, Curation
Tools: CellDesigner, Cytoscape, NaviCell, Pathway Tools
Network biology, knowledge formalisation, cancer, data analysis
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Barcelona Supercomputing Center

I completed my BSc in Biology and MSc in Cell Biology by the University of Valencia. During my last undergrad year I participated in synthetic biology’s iGEM competition where I dove in the use of models in Biology, which pushed me to pursue a PhD in the Department of Applied Mathematics in the Technical University of Valencia.
My research on Metabolic Engineering of hydrogen in cyanobacteria led me to be visiting researcher at Uppsala University, Denmark Technical University and EMBL Heidelberg. ...
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: University of Heidelberg

I am a Researcher at the National Laboratory of Scientific Computing (LNCC). I am a bioinformatician and my research interests are in data integration and analyses. I use scientific workflows technologies to integrate and analyse data in systems biology, phylogenomics, and functional genomics.
Post Doc (2010 – 2015) of the Department of Computer Science at the COPPE Institute of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and was supported by a FAPERJ’s grant “Post-Doc Note 10” (2013 – ...
Postdoctoral researcher at Luxembourg Centre For Systems Biomedicine (LCSB), University of Luxembourg