Steve Baeyen

About Steve Baeyen:

I am a biochemist & bio-informatician working in phytobacteriology at the Plant Sciences Unit of ILVO, the Flanders Research Institute for Agricultural, Fisheries and Food Research. The focus is on genomics-based research and diagnostics for Plant Health.

My expertise is 'wet-lab' work (microbiology, sequencing, molecular biology, design & validation of diagnostics assays using qPCR/LAMP, automatisation) and 'dry-lab' work such as bio-informatics/data analysis (e.g. scripting analysis pipelines, hybrid assemblies, annotation, comparative genomics, bio-statistics, visualisation, phylogenomics, developing diagnostic assays).

I am also a lab manager, setting up and evaluating public tenders, buying equipment , reagents and services with sustainablity in mind. Member of several working groups on lab safety, research data management, etc.

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