Details about this organism
Synonyms (1)man
Definitions (0)
None defined
NCBI taxonomy browser
Strain details
Name | Provider name | Provider's strain ID | Genotypes | Phenotypes | Synonym | Comments | Based on |
MCF-7 | Opitz lab | MCF-7 | wild-type | wild-type | Not specified | The cells were sent to CHAB from Opitz lab and STR profiled to confirm their identity. Their mutational pattern was analysed by panel DNA sequencing as described in file "MESI-STRATcells.docx". | Not specified |
GM03417 t(14:21) fibroblasts | Coriell Institute | GM03417 | wild-type | wild-type | Not specified | Mosaic t(14,21) translocation | Not specified |
Related items
- Programmes (70)
- Projects (76)
- Assays (22+38)
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- Models (32+17)
- Publications (10)
- Samples (0+1)
Projects: MIT SRP, Hi-IMPAcTB, MetNet, Endometriosis, Cancer Systems Biology Consortium (CSBC)
Web page:
Chronic non-healing skin ulcers are a source of considerable suffering worldwide, particularly in rapidly growing aging populations. Why skin becomes fragile and heals poorly as we age remains unclear, although current research indicates that a major reason may reside in defective “stem cells” in skin that normally fuel its renewal and regeneration in order to maintain healthful and youthful function and appearance. Our findings indicate that stem cell pathways involving cell metabolism, DNA ...
Projects: Project 3: Multipotent ABCB5(+) Stem Cells for Therapy of Age-related Skin Disorders, Project 1: Metabolic Reprogramming and Regeneration in the Aged Epidermis, Project 2: Epigenetic regulation of skin regeneration
Web page: Not specified
Chronic non-healing skin ulcers are a source of considerable suffering worldwide, particularly in rapidly growing aging populations. Why skin becomes fragile and heals poorly as we age remains unclear, although current research indicates that a major reason may reside in defective “stem cells” in skin that normally fuel its renewal and regeneration in order to maintain healthful and youthful function and appearance. Our findings indicate that stem cell pathways involving cell metabolism, DNA ...
Projects: Project 3: Multipotent ABCB5(+) Stem Cells for Therapy of Age-related Skin Disorders, Project 1: Metabolic Reprogramming and Regeneration in the Aged Epidermis, Project 2: Epigenetic regulation of skin regeneration
Web page: Not specified
Chronic non-healing skin ulcers are a source of considerable suffering worldwide, particularly in rapidly growing aging populations. Why skin becomes fragile and heals poorly as we age remains unclear, although current research indicates that a major reason may reside in defective “stem cells” in skin that normally fuel its renewal and regeneration in order to maintain healthful and youthful function and appearance. Our findings indicate that stem cell pathways involving cell metabolism, DNA ...
Projects: Project 3: Multipotent ABCB5(+) Stem Cells for Therapy of Age-related Skin Disorders, Project 1: Metabolic Reprogramming and Regeneration in the Aged Epidermis, Project 2: Epigenetic regulation of skin regeneration
Web page: Not specified
The Snoep Lab’s core research efforts are in Computational Systems Biology; a combined experimental, modeling and theoretical approach to quantitatively understand the functional behavior of Biological Systems resulting from the characteristics of their components. Our main focus is on metabolism, of human pathogens such as Plasmodium falciparum, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but also of breast cancer cell lines, and on modelling disease states such as glucose homeostatis in type 2 diabetes, and ...
Projects: Whole body modelling of glucose metabolism in malaria patients, Steroid biosynthesis, Yeast glycolytic oscillations, Computational pathway design for biotechnological applications, Glucose metabolism in cancer cell lines
Web page:
The Snoep Lab’s core research efforts are in Computational Systems Biology; a combined experimental, modeling and theoretical approach to quantitatively understand the functional behavior of Biological Systems resulting from the characteristics of their components. Our main focus is on metabolism, of human pathogens such as Plasmodium falciparum, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but also of breast cancer cell lines, and on modelling disease states such as glucose homeostatis in type 2 diabetes, and ...
Projects: Whole body modelling of glucose metabolism in malaria patients, Steroid biosynthesis, Yeast glycolytic oscillations, Computational pathway design for biotechnological applications, Glucose metabolism in cancer cell lines
Web page:
The Snoep Lab’s core research efforts are in Computational Systems Biology; a combined experimental, modeling and theoretical approach to quantitatively understand the functional behavior of Biological Systems resulting from the characteristics of their components. Our main focus is on metabolism, of human pathogens such as Plasmodium falciparum, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but also of breast cancer cell lines, and on modelling disease states such as glucose homeostatis in type 2 diabetes, and ...
Projects: Whole body modelling of glucose metabolism in malaria patients, Steroid biosynthesis, Yeast glycolytic oscillations, Computational pathway design for biotechnological applications, Glucose metabolism in cancer cell lines
Web page:
Background. RB1 is a paradigm gene for heritable cancer. Almost all RB1 mutation-carriers develop retinoblastoma (heritable-Rb-patient) during childhood and many heritable-Rb-survivors develop second primary malignancies (SPMs; notably sarcomas and melanomas) throughout life, which are often fatal. To date, no standard protocols are available for early detection of SPMs. Recently, blood-based cancer tests have opened up encouraging new possibilities for surveillance. We have developed novel ...
Projects: NIRBTEST
Web page: Not specified
RNA-Seq projects from SECARNA
Projects: Investigation of the activity of antisense oligonucleotides targeting multiple genes
Web page: Not specified
The principal research aim of iPLACENTA is to improve our ability to study, model and visualise the placenta. This will contribute to developing diagnostic tests and therapies for pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Placental defects are thought to be the cause of many major pregnancy complications, such as preeclampsia and intra-uterine growth restriction. Preeclampsia affects between 5 and 8 out of every 100 pregnant women and claims the lives ...
Projects: Molecular characterization and angiogenic properties of extracellular vesicles in healthy and preeclamptic amniotic fluid, Overexpression of microRNAs miR-25-3p, miR-185-5p and miR-132-3p in Late Onset Fetal Growth Restriction, Validation of Results and Study of the Biochemical Pathways Involved, Comparative Proteome Profile of Placental Sub-anatomical regions, The deregulated interplay of complement system and antioxidant activity as a driver of adverse pregnancy outcomes
Web page:
Projects: Mass spectrometry proteomics for biomarker discovery, TEAD-(YAP) structure, function and inhibition, Thymidylate synthase dimer dissociation
Web page: Not specified
This page is dedicated to the bioinformatics analysis and computational modelling related to Covid-19 disease map pathways.
Projects: Covid-19 Interferon pathway modelling and analysis
Web page: Not specified
We develop macrophage logical models to represent the activation/polarization of this immune cell. Interactions are manually curated with available macrophage literature. The models are mainly built and analyzed in GINsim. But other resources are used to integrate specific pathways or small modules (CasQ software) and to analyze the logical models (CoLoMoTo Notebooks).
Projects: C19DM - Macrophage logical model
Web page: Not specified
We used the Neo4j graph database approach to integrate the content of the COVID-19 Disease Map diagrams to efficiently access, query and manage the content of these diagrams and enable communication with external resources, such as Reactome and Recon, that already provide support via a similar environment.
Projects: C19DM-Neo4j
Web page: Not specified
Projects: Consensus Hallmark Annotation, The evolution of Gene Ontology
Web page: Not specified
nfdi4health aims to create the most comprehensive inventory of German epidemiological, public health and clinical trial data to date. It builds a centralised data catalogue with elaborate search functionalities, sophisticated data access management, and a data analysis toolbox, while respecting stringent requirements for privacy concerning personal health data. Standardisation services ensure a high degree of interoperability. Use cases covering prototypical study types and areas of research show ...
Projects: COVID-19 related studies and tools in Germany, nfdi4health - German National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data
Web page:
nfdi4health aims to create the most comprehensive inventory of German epidemiological, public health and clinical trial data to date. It builds a centralised data catalogue with elaborate search functionalities, sophisticated data access management, and a data analysis toolbox, while respecting stringent requirements for privacy concerning personal health data. Standardisation services ensure a high degree of interoperability. Use cases covering prototypical study types and areas of research show ...
Projects: COVID-19 related studies and tools in Germany, nfdi4health - German National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data
Web page:
The Disease Maps Project is designed as a large-scale community effort. It is a network of groups that work together in order to better understand disease mechanisms. The project exchanges best practices, share information, develop tools to make it easier for all the involved groups to achieve their goals.
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Web page:
This project houses all the publicly available datasets generated by the Hi-IMPAcTB consortium over the course of its 7+ years.
What is Hi-IMPAcTB?
Hi-IMPAcTB is an ambitious endeavor bringing together a team of international, interdisciplinary researchers to improve our understanding of host-pathogen interactions in the context of tuberculosis (TB). Funded by a multi-center contract from the NIH, the long-term goal of the consortium is to enable principled vaccine design by improving ...
Programme: NExtSEEK
Public web page:
Organisms: Mus musculus, Homo sapiens, Macaca fascicularis, Macaca mulatta
A healthy lifestyle is the basis for adequate management in cardiovascular and other chronic conditions. The BENEFIT program aims to provide long-term support to patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) in their own home with a healthy lifestyle.The FAIR Data approach in BENEFIT standardises and structures the data collected in the project, for better use and reuse. This metadata record describes the data available and provides a contact point for researchers who would like to apply to use the ...
Programme: Independent Projects
Public web page:
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Ionizing radiation (IR) leads to DNA double-strand breaks and can therefore be used as cancer treatment. However, some tumors are less responsive to radiation treatment because of their underlying molecular profile. Our ultimate goal is to understand the reaction of lung cancer cells with different phenotypes to IR on a molecular level to then provide the best therapy options for lung cancer patients with IR therapy.
OLCIR is funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF, ...
Programme: This Project is not associated with a Programme
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Aug 2023
End date: 31st Dec 2027
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Programme: Independent Projects
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Jan 2020
End date: 25th Jul 2024
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Programme: Cancer drug discovery preclinical research
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Programme: Multicomponent Therapy for Age-related Skin Stem Cell Deficiency
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus
Programme: Multicomponent Therapy for Age-related Skin Stem Cell Deficiency
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus
Programme: Multicomponent Therapy for Age-related Skin Stem Cell Deficiency
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus
Good data and model management improves the longevity and impact of your interdisciplinary research. FAIRDOM offers software and expertise to support you in better managing your interdisciplinary life-science projects, particularly in systems and synthetic biology. If you have never heard of data and model management, or are curious about it, or you are an expert keen to exchange ideas, our user meeting is the place for you!
At our users meeting you can:
- Learn why data and model management is ...
Programme: FAIRDOM
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Homo sapiens
nfdi4health aims to create the most comprehensive inventory of German epidemiological, public health and clinical trial data to date. It builds a centralised data catalogue with elaborate search functionalities, sophisticated data access management, and a data analysis toolbox, while respecting stringent requirements for privacy concerning personal health data. Standardisation services ensure a high degree of interoperability. Use cases covering prototypical study types and areas of research show ...
Programme: nfdi4health - German National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Jul 2020
Organisms: Homo sapiens
MESI-STRAT: Systems Medicine of Metabolic-Signaling Networks -A New Concept for Breast Cancer Patient Stratification. Breast cancer is a complex disease with high prevalence in the European Union and world-wide. 75%-80 of the patients have estrogen receptor-positive (ER)-positive tumors and are treated with endocrine therapies. Endocrine therapies, which block ER-driven tumor growth, show high efficacy. Yet, a significant proportion of the patients will eventually relapse with metastatic breast ...
Programme: This Project is not associated with a Programme
Public web page:
Organisms: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus
PoLiMeR is funded through the EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN), which drives scientific excellence and innovation. ITNs bring together universities, research institutes, industry and clinical partners from across the world to train researchers to doctorate level.
Metabolic diseases are a burden on the European population and health care system. It is increasingly recognised that individual differences with respect to history, lifestyle, and genetic make-up affect disease ...
Programme: This Project is not associated with a Programme
Public web page:
Organisms: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus
The project is aimed at integrated analysis of multi-omics TCGA data. We are going to use multiSOM approach.
Programme: TCGA-reanalysis
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Project Overview
Databases of biomedical knowledge are rapidly proliferating and growing, with recent advances (such as the RTX-KG2 knowledge-base that we have recently developed; (Wood et al. 2022)) increasingly focusing on integration of knowledge under a standardized schema and semantic layer (i.e., controlled vocabularies for types of concepts and types of relationships, for example, the Biolink standard (Unni et al. 2022)). The rise of standardized knowledge-bases sets the stage for the ...
Programme: Independent Projects
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Jan 2020
End date: 28th Nov 2023
Organisms: Homo sapiens
This project bundles information about COVID-19 related studies and tools in Germany. It intends to provide an information hub for the different initiatives, their aims, their processes, standards and study protocols, as well as their available data and metadata. It is initiated by the German National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data (nfdi4health), a consortium that plans to establish a concept for a federated research data infrastructure for personal health data in Germany. ...
Up-regulation of glycolytic flux (glucose to lactate conversion), also known as the “Warburg effect”, has been associated with 90% of cancers. We implemented a systems biology approach in order to improve the overall understanding of the “Warburg effect” as well as identifying drug targets within the glycolytic pathway.
Programme: SARCHI: Mechanistic modelling of health and epidemiology
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Developing a placenta on a chip
Programme: Independent Projects
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Jan 2018
End date: 31st May 2022
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Programme: LiSyM - Systems Medicine of the Liver
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus
Programme: LiSyM - Systems Medicine of the Liver
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus
The project "INtegrative COllaborative modeling in systems MEdicine" aims at connecting different heterogenous datasets and individual models within systems medicine.
Programme: e:med
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Dear SEEK users, this Assay is just an example Excel sheet for intracellular metabolites concentration measurements performed using cell culture growing in chemostat
Submitter: Olga Krebs
Assay type: Metabolite Profiling
Technology type: Mass Spectrometry
Investigation: Creating data sheet template for 'omics data
Organisms: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Homo sapiens : MCF-7 (wild-type / wild-type)
Data files: Excel sheet template : concentrations of intrac..., The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Data digitized from publication.
Hetzler1990 Description
Submitter: Matthias König
Investigation: MM-PLF: Multiscale modeling for personalized li...
Study: PKDB Caffeine Study
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Data files: CSV (Hetzler1990), PNG (Hetzler1990)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Data digitized from publication.
Magnusson2008 Description
Submitter: Matthias König
Investigation: MM-PLF: Multiscale modeling for personalized li...
Study: PKDB Caffeine Study
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Data files: CSV (Magnusson2008), PNG (Magnusson2008)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Data digitized from publication.
Perera2011 Description
Submitter: Matthias König
Investigation: MM-PLF: Multiscale modeling for personalized li...
Study: PKDB Caffeine Study
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Data files: CSV (Perera2011), PNG (Perera2011)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Data digitized from publication.
Tanaka2014 Description
Submitter: Matthias König
Investigation: MM-PLF: Multiscale modeling for personalized li...
Study: PKDB Caffeine Study
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Data files: CSV (Tanaka2014), PNG (Tanaka2014)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Data digitized from publication.
Blanchard1983a Description
Submitter: Matthias König
Investigation: MM-PLF: Multiscale modeling for personalized li...
Study: PKDB Caffeine Study
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Data files: CSV (Blanchard1983a), PNG (Blanchard1983a)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Data digitized from publication.
Kaplan1997 Description
Submitter: Matthias König
Investigation: MM-PLF: Multiscale modeling for personalized li...
Study: PKDB Caffeine Study
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Data files: CSV (Kaplan1997), PNG (Kaplan1997)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Data digitized from publication.
Amchin1999 Description
Submitter: Matthias König
Investigation: MM-PLF: Multiscale modeling for personalized li...
Study: PKDB Caffeine Study
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Data files: CSV (Amchin1999), PNG (Amchin1999)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Data digitized from publication.
Haller2002 Description
Submitter: Matthias König
Investigation: MM-PLF: Multiscale modeling for personalized li...
Study: PKDB Caffeine Study
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Data files: CSV (Haller2002), PNG (Haller2002)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Data digitized from publication.
Kakuda2014 Description
Submitter: Matthias König
Investigation: MM-PLF: Multiscale modeling for personalized li...
Study: PKDB Caffeine Study
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Data files: CSV (Kakuda2014), PNG (Kakuda2014)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Data digitized from publication.
Akinyinka2000 Description
Submitter: Matthias König
Investigation: MM-PLF: Multiscale modeling for personalized li...
Study: PKDB Caffeine Study
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Data files: CSV (Akinyinka2000), PNG (Akinyinka2000)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Data digitized from publication.
Healy1991 Description
Submitter: Matthias König
Investigation: MM-PLF: Multiscale modeling for personalized li...
Study: PKDB Caffeine Study
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Data files: CSV (Healy1991), PNG (Healy1991)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Data digitized from publication.
Oh2012 Description
Submitter: Matthias König
Investigation: MM-PLF: Multiscale modeling for personalized li...
Study: PKDB Caffeine Study
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Data files: CSV (Oh2012), PNG (Oh2012)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Data digitized from publication.
Jeppesen1996 Description
Submitter: Matthias König
Investigation: MM-PLF: Multiscale modeling for personalized li...
Study: PKDB Caffeine Study
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Data files: CSV (Jeppesen1996), PNG (Jeppesen1996)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Data digitized from publication.
Spigset1999a Description
Submitter: Matthias König
Investigation: MM-PLF: Multiscale modeling for personalized li...
Study: PKDB Caffeine Study
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Data files: CSV (Spigset1999a), PNG (Spigset1999a)
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Alexey Kolodkin
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: ROS networks: designs, aging, Parkinson's disea...
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Models: Calibrated comprehensive model of ROS management, Calibrated comprehensive model of ROS managemen..., Detailed model of ROS management
Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Arnau Montagud
Biological problem addressed: Gene Regulatory Network
Investigation: PhysiBoSS-COVID: the Boolean modelling of COVID...
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Models: No Models
Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Arnau Montagud
Biological problem addressed: Gene Regulatory Network
Investigation: PhysiBoSS-COVID: the Boolean modelling of COVID...
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Models: No Models
Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: No snapshots
Validation of model's ability to predict oxygen consumption flux as measured usign permeabilised cells in an Oroboros Oxygraph. Generates Fig. 2A in the associated publication.
Download "Model_notebooks.rar", unzip, and run: "2, generate-model-Oroboros-validation-[needs(1)]-20221109.nb" and "4, Fig2A-Oroboros-simulation-data-[needs-(1-2-and-3)]-20221109.nb" after running "1, generate-model-20221109.nb"
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Biological problem addressed: Validation
Investigation: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Study: Model validation
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Models: Model notebooks, odendaal2
Data files: HepG2 protein concentration for O2 consumption ..., Oxygen concentration and consumption flux in pe...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Theresa Kouril
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Metabolic control analysis of glyceraldehyde 3-...
Organisms: Homo sapiens
SOPs: SOP_Cancer cell lines_standard cell culture, SOP_Inhibitor titration intact cells, SOP_Preparation of cell lysates, SOP_Quantification of glycolytic flux (glucose,...
Data files: MCF7_IAA titration_flux_GAPDH_intact cells, MDA231_IAA titration_flux_GAPDH_intact cells
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Margarida Gama-Carvalho
Provider Name: Coriell Institute
Provider's strain ID: GM03417
Organism: Homo sapiens
Genotypes: wild-type
Phenotypes: wild-type
Comment: Mosaic t(14,21) translocation
Submitter: Pamela Riemer
Provider Name: Opitz lab
Provider's strain ID: MCF-7
Organism: Homo sapiens
Genotypes: wild-type
Phenotypes: wild-type
Comment: The cells were sent to CHAB from Opitz lab and STR profiled to confirm their identity. Their mutational pattern was analysed by panel DNA sequencing as described in file "MESI-STRATcells.docx".
Mathematica notebook with model simulation of metabolite profiles after 24h incubation with different ratios of HSD11B1 and AKR1C3 transfected HEK293 cells.
Creator: Jacky Snoep
Submitter: Jacky Snoep
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: Not specified
Environment: Mathematica
Organism: Homo sapiens
Investigations: Effect of 11BHSD inhibition on 11-ketotestoster...
Studies: HSD11B1/AKR1C3 ratio experiments
Adjusted model to test the model's ability to oxygen consumption rate by permeabilised HepG2 cells in an Oroboros oxygraph. Data from Fletcher et al. (2019).
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Emmalie Jager, Terry G.J. Derks, Barbara Bakker
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: SBML
Environment: JWS Online
Organism: Homo sapiens
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction, Model validation
Assays: HepG2 oxygen consumption, Models
Adjusted model to test the model's ability to predict palmitoyl-CoA and octanoyl-CoA dehydrogenation in human liver lysate, with and without anti-MCAD and anti-VLCAD antibodies. Data from Aoyama et al. (1995).
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Emmalie Jager, Terry G.J. Derks
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: SBML
Environment: JWS Online
Organism: Homo sapiens
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model construction, Model validation
Assays: ACAD activity partitioning, Models
Unzip model notebooks and keep in the same folder. Notebook names state which notebooks need to be run before them in order for them to word, e.g. "[needs-(1)]" indicates that the notebook numbered 1 must be run and its exported output generated before the given notebook can work. This has to do with the model being generated in only one notebook to avoid duplication.
Creators: Christoff Odendaal, Barbara Bakker, Emmalie Jager, Terry G.J. Derks
Submitter: Christoff Odendaal
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: Mathematica
Environment: Mathematica
Organism: Homo sapiens
Investigations: Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human liver
Studies: Model analysis, Model construction, Model validation
Assays: ACAD activity partitioning, Comparing acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiencies, HepG2 oxygen consumption, MCADD patient personalised modelling, MCADD rescue titration, Metabolic control analysis, Models, Predicting urinary acylcarnitines under metabol..., Whole-body ketogenic flux
NLRP3 inflammasome activation
Creators: Julia Somers, Gökçe Yağmur Summak, Ebru Kocakaya
Submitter: Marek Ostaszewski
Model type: Graphical model
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
Thrombotic complications and coagulopathy in COVID-19
Creators: Goar Frischmann, Gisela Fobo, Corinna Montrone
Submitter: Marek Ostaszewski
Model type: Graphical model
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
Kynurenine synthesis pathway
Creators: Julia Somers, Gökçe Yağmur Summak, Ebru Kocakaya
Submitter: Marek Ostaszewski
Model type: Graphical model
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
TGF beta signalling
Creator: Francesco Messina
Submitter: Marek Ostaszewski
Model type: Graphical model
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
The role of the interaction between the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein and the renin-angiotensin pathway, in particular human ACE2 in pulmonary blood pressure regulation
Creators: Enrico Glaab, Andreas Ruepp, Corinna Montrone, Gisela Fobo
Submitter: Marek Ostaszewski
Model type: Graphical model
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
The Interferon-lambda (IFNL) map describes the action of the drug candidate IFNL on intra- and intercellular signal transduction under SARS-CoV-2.
Creators: Marius Rameil, Vanessa Nakonecnij, Marta Conti
Submitter: Marek Ostaszewski
Model type: Graphical model
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
The relation of the interferon 2 pathway and SARS-CoV-2.
Creators: Anna Niarakis, Vidisha Singh, Sara Sadat AGHAMIRI
Submitter: Marek Ostaszewski
Model type: Graphical model
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
The pathway of heme metabolism under COVID-19, involving Orf3a and Orf9c
Creators: Julia Somers, Emek Demir
Submitter: Marek Ostaszewski
Model type: Graphical model
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
The impact of SARS-CoV-2 on the apoptosis pathway
Creators: Anna Niarakis, Vidisha Singh, Sara Sadat AGHAMIRI
Submitter: Marek Ostaszewski
Model type: Graphical model
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
The pathways focused on SARS-CoV infections curated in Reactome. These pathways are work-in-progress.
Creators: Marc Gillespie, Robin Haw, Peter D'Eustachio
Submitter: Marek Ostaszewski
Model type: Graphical model
Model format: SBGN-ML PD
Environment: Not specified
A diagram of Nsp9 interactions.
Creators: Noriko Hiroi, Yusuke Hiki, Takahiro G. Yamada, Akira Funahashi
Submitter: Marek Ostaszewski
Model type: Graphical model
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
Orf10 of SARS-CoV-2 and its interaction with the Cul2 pathway.
Creators: Jan Hasenauer, Leonard Schmiester, Paul Stapor
Submitter: Marek Ostaszewski
Model type: Graphical model
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
Pyrimidine deprivation and immune response related to human coronavirus infection
Creators: Zsolt Bocskei, Franck Augé, Anna Niarakis
Submitter: Marek Ostaszewski
Model type: Graphical model
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
The mechanisms of the Electron Transport Chain under COVID-19, including Nsp7, Nsp8 and Orf9c
Creator: Julia Scheel
Submitter: Marek Ostaszewski
Model type: Graphical model
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
SARS-CoV-2 impact on the ER stress
Creators: Cristobal Monraz, Inna Kuperstein, Barbara Brauner
Submitter: Marek Ostaszewski
Model type: Graphical model
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
COVID-19 Causal Networks: The SIGNOR team has curated the causal relationships that, according to available evidence, are likely to be relevant for the COVID-19 pathology. The perturbations caused by viral infection are integrated into the cell networks. Evidence obtained using related human coronaviruses diseases such as SARS and MERS are also mapped to the networks. Most of these are indirect relationships as few mechanistic details are clarified to date. As new evidence will be published, it ...
Creators: Luana Licata, Marta Iannuccelli, University of Rome Tor Vergata, IT
Submitter: Marek Ostaszewski
Model type: Graphical model
Model format: Not specified
Environment: Not specified
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Mitsuhiro Odaka, Morgan Magnin, Katsumi Inoue
Date Published: 11th Feb 2022
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.21203/
Citation: [Preprint]
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Hans V. Westerhoff, Alexey N. Kolodkin
Date Published: 1st Dec 2020
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.1038/s41540-020-0138-8
Citation: npj Syst Biol Appl 6(1),18
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: A. N Kolodkin, R. P. Sharma, A. M. Colangelo, A. Ignatenko, F. Martorana, D. Jennen, J. J. Briede, N. Brady, M. Barberis, T. D. G. A. Mondeel, M. Papa, V. Kumar, B. Peters, A. Skupin, L. Alberghina, R. Balling, H. V. Westerhoff
Date Published: 26th Oct 2020
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 33106503
Citation: NPJ Syst Biol Appl. 2020 Oct 26;6(1):34. doi: 10.1038/s41540-020-00150-w.
Authors: Michael Getz, Yafei Wang, Gary An, Maansi Asthana, Andrew Becker, Chase Cockrell, Nicholson Collier, Morgan Craig, Courtney L. Davis, James R. Faeder, Ashlee N. Ford Versypt, Tarunendu Mapder, Juliano F. Gianlupi, James A. Glazier, Sara Hamis, Randy Heiland, Thomas Hillen, Dennis Hou, Mohammad Aminul Islam, Adrianne L. Jenner, Furkan Kurtoglu, Caroline I. Larkin, Bing Liu, Fiona Macfarlane, Pablo Maygrundter, Penelope A Morel, Aarthi Narayanan, Jonathan Ozik, Elsje Pienaar, Padmini Rangamani, Ali Sinan Saglam, Jason Edward Shoemaker, Amber M. Smith, Jordan J.A. Weaver, Paul Macklin
Date Published: 5th Apr 2020
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.1101/2020.04.02.019075
Citation: biorxiv;2020.04.02.019075v4,[Preprint]
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: A. Montagud, P. Traynard, L. Martignetti, E. Bonnet, E. Barillot, A. Zinovyev, L. Calzone
Date Published: 19th Jul 2019
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 29237040
Citation: Brief Bioinform. 2019 Jul 19;20(4):1238-1249. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbx163.
Authors: Gaelle Letort, Arnau Montagud, Gautier Stoll, Randy Heiland, Emmanuel Barillot, Paul Macklin, Andrei Zinovyev, Laurence Calzone
Date Published: 1st Apr 2019
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty766
Citation: Bioinformatics 35(7):1188-1196
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: G. Stoll, B. Caron, E. Viara, A. Dugourd, A. Zinovyev, A. Naldi, G. Kroemer, E. Barillot, L. Calzone
Date Published: 15th Jul 2017
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 28881959
Citation: Bioinformatics. 2017 Jul 15;33(14):2226-2228. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx123.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: M. Poenisch, P. Metz, H. Blankenburg, A. Ruggieri, J. Y. Lee, D. Rupp, I. Rebhan, K. Diederich, L. Kaderali, F. S. Domingues, M. Albrecht, V. Lohmann, H. Erfle, R. Bartenschlager
Date Published: 8th Jan 2015
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 25569684
Citation: PLoS Pathog. 2015 Jan 8;11(1):e1004573. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004573. eCollection 2015 Jan.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: G. Stoll, E. Viara, E. Barillot, L. Calzone
Date Published: 29th Aug 2012
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 22932419
Citation: BMC Syst Biol. 2012 Aug 29;6:116. doi: 10.1186/1752-0509-6-116.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Alexey Kolodkin, Raju Prasad Sharma, Anna Maria Colangelo, Andrew Ignatenko, Francesca Martorana, Danyel Jennen, Jacco J. Briede, Nathan Brady, Matteo Barberis, Thierry D.G.A. Mondeel, Michele Papa, Vikas Kumar, Bernhard Peters, Alexander Skupin, Lilia Alberghina, Rudi Balling, Hans V. Westerhoff
Date Published: No date defined
Publication Type: Not specified
DOI: 10.1101/647776
Citation: Design principles of ROS dynamic networks relevant to precision therapies for age-related diseases 74 : 324