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This project houses all the publicly available datasets generated by the Hi-IMPAcTB consortium over the course of its 7+ years.
What is Hi-IMPAcTB?
Hi-IMPAcTB is an ambitious endeavor bringing together a team of international, interdisciplinary researchers to improve our understanding of host-pathogen interactions in the context of tuberculosis (TB). Funded by a multi-center contract from the NIH, the long-term goal of the consortium is to enable principled vaccine design by improving ...
Programme: Metastasis Network
Public web page:
A healthy lifestyle is the basis for adequate management in cardiovascular and other chronic conditions. The BENEFIT program aims to provide long-term support to patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) in their own home with a healthy lifestyle.The FAIR Data approach in BENEFIT standardises and structures the data collected in the project, for better use and reuse. This metadata record describes the data available and provides a contact point for researchers who would like to apply to use the ...
Programme: Independent Projects
Public web page:
Ionizing radiation (IR) leads to DNA double-strand breaks and can therefore be used as cancer treatment. However, some tumors are less responsive to radiation treatment because of their underlying molecular profile. Our ultimate goal is to understand the reaction of lung cancer cells with different phenotypes to IR on a molecular level to then provide the best therapy options for lung cancer patients with IR therapy.
OLCIR is funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF, ...
Programme: This Project is not associated with a Programme
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Aug 2023
End date: 31st Dec 2027
Programme: Independent Projects
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Jan 2020
End date: 25th Jul 2024
Programme: Cancer drug discovery preclinical research
Public web page: Not specified
Programme: Multicomponent Therapy for Age-related Skin Stem Cell Deficiency
Public web page: Not specified
Programme: Multicomponent Therapy for Age-related Skin Stem Cell Deficiency
Public web page: Not specified
Programme: Multicomponent Therapy for Age-related Skin Stem Cell Deficiency
Public web page: Not specified
Good data and model management improves the longevity and impact of your interdisciplinary research. FAIRDOM offers software and expertise to support you in better managing your interdisciplinary life-science projects, particularly in systems and synthetic biology. If you have never heard of data and model management, or are curious about it, or you are an expert keen to exchange ideas, our user meeting is the place for you!
At our users meeting you can:
- Learn why data and model management is ...
Programme: FAIRDOM
Public web page: Not specified
nfdi4health aims to create the most comprehensive inventory of German epidemiological, public health and clinical trial data to date. It builds a centralised data catalogue with elaborate search functionalities, sophisticated data access management, and a data analysis toolbox, while respecting stringent requirements for privacy concerning personal health data. Standardisation services ensure a high degree of interoperability. Use cases covering prototypical study types and areas of research show ...
Programme: nfdi4health - German National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Jul 2020
MESI-STRAT: Systems Medicine of Metabolic-Signaling Networks -A New Concept for Breast Cancer Patient Stratification. Breast cancer is a complex disease with high prevalence in the European Union and world-wide. 75%-80 of the patients have estrogen receptor-positive (ER)-positive tumors and are treated with endocrine therapies. Endocrine therapies, which block ER-driven tumor growth, show high efficacy. Yet, a significant proportion of the patients will eventually relapse with metastatic breast ...
Programme: This Project is not associated with a Programme
Public web page:
PoLiMeR is funded through the EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN), which drives scientific excellence and innovation. ITNs bring together universities, research institutes, industry and clinical partners from across the world to train researchers to doctorate level.
Metabolic diseases are a burden on the European population and health care system. It is increasingly recognised that individual differences with respect to history, lifestyle, and genetic make-up affect disease ...
Programme: This Project is not associated with a Programme
Public web page:
The project is aimed at integrated analysis of multi-omics TCGA data. We are going to use multiSOM approach.
Programme: TCGA-reanalysis
Public web page: Not specified
Project Overview
Databases of biomedical knowledge are rapidly proliferating and growing, with recent advances (such as the RTX-KG2 knowledge-base that we have recently developed; (Wood et al. 2022)) increasingly focusing on integration of knowledge under a standardized schema and semantic layer (i.e., controlled vocabularies for types of concepts and types of relationships, for example, the Biolink standard (Unni et al. 2022)). The rise of standardized knowledge-bases sets the stage for the ...
Programme: Independent Projects
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Jan 2020
End date: 28th Nov 2023
This project bundles information about COVID-19 related studies and tools in Germany. It intends to provide an information hub for the different initiatives, their aims, their processes, standards and study protocols, as well as their available data and metadata. It is initiated by the German National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data (nfdi4health), a consortium that plans to establish a concept for a federated research data infrastructure for personal health data in Germany. ...
Up-regulation of glycolytic flux (glucose to lactate conversion), also known as the “Warburg effect”, has been associated with 90% of cancers. We implemented a systems biology approach in order to improve the overall understanding of the “Warburg effect” as well as identifying drug targets within the glycolytic pathway.
Programme: SARCHI: Mechanistic modelling of health and epidemiology
Public web page: Not specified
Developing a placenta on a chip
Programme: Independent Projects
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Jan 2018
End date: 31st May 2022
Programme: LiSyM - Systems Medicine of the Liver
Public web page: Not specified
Programme: LiSyM - Systems Medicine of the Liver
Public web page: Not specified
The project "INtegrative COllaborative modeling in systems MEdicine" aims at connecting different heterogenous datasets and individual models within systems medicine.
Programme: e:med
Public web page: Not specified
Programme: Model repository for M4 (Make Me My Model) clients of ISBE
Public web page: Not specified
Programme: Model repository for M4 (Make Me My Model) clients of ISBE
Public web page: Not specified
Using standard systems biology methodologies a 14-compartment dynamic model was developed for the Corona virus epidemic. The model predicts that: (i) it will be impossible to limit lockdown intensity such that sufficient herd immunity develops for this epidemic to die down, (ii) the death toll from the SARS-CoV-2 virus decreases very strongly with increasing intensity of the lockdown, but (iii) the duration of the epidemic increases at first with that intensity and then decreases again, such that ...
Programme: Model repository for M4 (Make Me My Model) clients of ISBE
Public web page: Not specified
Start date: 1st Mar 2020
End date: 24th Mar 2023
IMOMESIC - Integrating Modelling of Metabolism and Signalling towards an Application in Liver Cancer
One of the most challenging questions in cancer research is currently the interconnection of metabolism and signalling. An understanding of mechanisms that facilitate the physiological shift towards a proliferative metabolism in cancer cells is considered a major upcoming topic in oncology and is a key activity for future drug development. Due to the complexity of interrelations, a systems biology ...
Programme: ERASysAPP
Public web page: Not specified
Programme: SARCHI: Mechanistic modelling of health and epidemiology
Public web page: Not specified
This project aims to characterise the mechanisms through which microRNAs and small non-coding RNAs act to regulate cellular processes focusing on Naïve CD4 T cell activation and viral replication - namely HIV - and to explore their potential use as a therapeutic co-adjuvant agents or targets.
Programme: RNA Systems Biology Lab
Public web page:
to complete
Programme: Independent Projects
Public web page: Not specified
Programme: LiSyM - Systems Medicine of the Liver
Public web page: Not specified
Programme: LiSyM - Systems Medicine of the Liver
Public web page: Not specified