Effect of 11BHSD inhibition on 11-ketotestosterone biosynthesis

The figures 2, 3, 4 and 6 in the main text of the manuscript: "Inhibition of the glucocorticoid-activating enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 drives concurrent 11-oxygenated androgen excess", submitted to FASEB by Lina Schiffer, Imken Oestlund, Jacky Snoep, Lorna C. Gilligan, Angela E. Taylor, Alexandra J. Sinclair, Rishi Singhal, Adrian Freeman, Ramzi Ajjan, Ana Tiganescu, Wiebke Arlt and Karl-Heinz Storbeck, are reproduced in Mathematica notebooks. The notebooks and the corresponding Excel files with data are made available in the Investigation.

Investigation position: 1

help Creators and Submitter
Snoep, J. (2024). Effect of 11BHSD inhibition on 11-ketotestosterone biosynthesis. FAIRDOMHub. https://doi.org/10.15490/FAIRDOMHUB.1.INVESTIGATION.658.1
Note: This is a citation for Snapshot 1 of this Investigation, the contents of which may vary from what is shown on this page.
Snapshot 1 (17th Mar 2024) DOI

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Created: 16th Feb 2024 at 10:28

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