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Projects: Molecular Systems Biology
Institutions: Stellenbosch University
Projects: WP 2: Antimalarial drug encapsulation, Project Coordination, WP 5: Intradermal 3D drug device administration, WP 4: Evaluation of drug activity against multiple life cycle stages of malaria parasites, Unshackling Membrane Protein Research: New Amphiphilic Copolymers for Extraction of Stable, Active Membrane Proteins, WP1 - Structure-activity relationships of amphiphilic copolymers, WP2.1 - Mono-chain-end functional amphiphilic copolymers, WP2.2 - Hetero di-chain-end functional amphiphilic copolymers, WP2.4 - Block copolymers for tethering to surfaces, WP2.3 - Meta-stable amphiphilic copolymers, WP2.5 - Fusion of SMALPs, WP2.6 - SMALPs for photosynthetic research, WP3 - Scalability of polymer production process, WP4 - Community engagement and technical advice
Institutions: University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch University

Projects: SulfoSys, SulfoSys - Biotec, Glucose metabolism in cancer cell lines
Institutions: University Duisburg-Essen, Stellenbosch University
Projects: PSYSMO, MOSES, SysMO DB, SysMO-LAB, SulfoSys, SulfoSys - Biotec, Whole body modelling of glucose metabolism in malaria patients, FAIRDOM, Molecular Systems Biology, COMBINE Multicellular Modelling, HOTSOLUTE, Steroid biosynthesis, Yeast glycolytic oscillations, Computational pathway design for biotechnological applications, SCyCode The Autotrophy-Heterotrophy Switch in Cyanobacteria: Coherent Decision-Making at Multiple Regulatory Layers, Project Coordination, WP 3: Drug release kinetics study, Glucose metabolism in cancer cell lines
Institutions: Manchester Centre for Integrative Systems Biology, University of Manchester, University of Stellenbosch, University of Manchester - Department of Computer Science, Stellenbosch University
The Snoep Lab’s core research efforts are in Computational Systems Biology; a combined experimental, modeling and theoretical approach to quantitatively understand the functional behavior of Biological Systems resulting from the characteristics of their components. Our main focus is on metabolism, of human pathogens such as Plasmodium falciparum, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but also of breast cancer cell lines, and on modelling disease states such as glucose homeostatis in type 2 diabetes, and ...
Projects: Whole body modelling of glucose metabolism in malaria patients, Steroid biosynthesis, Yeast glycolytic oscillations, Computational pathway design for biotechnological applications, Glucose metabolism in cancer cell lines
Web page:
Projects: Unshackling Membrane Protein Research: New Amphiphilic Copolymers for Extraction of Stable, Active Membrane Proteins, WP1 - Structure-activity relationships of amphiphilic copolymers, WP2.1 - Mono-chain-end functional amphiphilic copolymers, WP2.2 - Hetero di-chain-end functional amphiphilic copolymers, WP2.4 - Block copolymers for tethering to surfaces, WP2.3 - Meta-stable amphiphilic copolymers, WP2.5 - Fusion of SMALPs, WP2.6 - SMALPs for photosynthetic research, WP3 - Scalability of polymer production process, WP4 - Community engagement and technical advice
Web page: Not specified
Projects: WP 1: Biodegradable and responsive polymer matrix, WP 2: Antimalarial drug encapsulation, WP 3: Drug release kinetics study, WP 4: Evaluation of drug activity against multiple life cycle stages of malaria parasites, WP 5: Intradermal 3D drug device administration, Project Coordination
Web page: Not specified
This is the exchange platform of the COMBINE network.
COMBINE is an initiative to coordinate the development of various community standards and formats for computational models: BioPax, CellML, NeuroML, Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL), Systems Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN), Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML), Simulation Experiment Description Markup Language (SED-ML).
Projects: COMBINE Multicellular Modelling, ModeleXchange initiative
Web page:
This programme is used to store published data files that are not available in other FAIRDOM projects. We specifically store information for journals that we collaborate with for technical curation of mathematical models. These files are used in COMBINE archives to reproduce journal figures.
Projects: Molecular Systems Biology
Web page: Not specified
Programme: COMBINE (Computational Modeling in Biology Network)
Public web page:
Organisms: Not specified
Up-regulation of glycolytic flux (glucose to lactate conversion), also known as the “Warburg effect”, has been associated with 90% of cancers. We implemented a systems biology approach in order to improve the overall understanding of the “Warburg effect” as well as identifying drug targets within the glycolytic pathway.
Programme: SARCHI: Mechanistic modelling of health and epidemiology
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Programme: SARCHI: Mechanistic modelling of health and epidemiology
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Programme: SARCHI: Mechanistic modelling of health and epidemiology
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Hypoglycaemia and lactic acidosis are key diagnostics for poor chances of survival in malaria patients. In this project we aim to test to what extent the metabolic activity of Plasmodium falciparum contributes to a changed glucose metabolism in malaria patients. The approach is to start with detailed bottom up models for the parasite and then merge these with more coarse grained models at the whole body level.
Programme: SARCHI: Mechanistic modelling of health and epidemiology
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Plasmodium falciparum, Homo sapiens
The Molecular Systems Biology project holds information for reproducing simulation figures in the journal. This can include experimental data files, model files and manuscript information.
Programme: Journals
Public web page:
Organisms: Not specified
Programme: Wellcome Trust Development Grant - Unshackling membrane proteins ...
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
Programme: Wellcome Trust Development Grant - Unshackling membrane proteins ...
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
Programme: Wellcome Trust Development Grant - Unshackling membrane proteins ...
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
Programme: Wellcome Trust Development Grant - Unshackling membrane proteins ...
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
Programme: Wellcome Trust Development Grant - Unshackling membrane proteins ...
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
Programme: Wellcome Trust Development Grant - Unshackling membrane proteins ...
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
Programme: Wellcome Trust Development Grant - Unshackling membrane proteins ...
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
Programme: Wellcome Trust Development Grant - Unshackling membrane proteins ...
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
Programme: Wellcome Trust Development Grant - Unshackling membrane proteins ...
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
The goal of the project is to establish a new biotechnological platform for the production of hydroxy-amino acids, since the current production of these important building blocks is very expensive. Enzyme engineering, systems biotechnology and metabolic engineering will be used in a synthetic biology approach.
Programme: SARCHI: Mechanistic modelling of health and epidemiology
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Caulobacter
Programme: Wellcome Trust Development Grant - Unshackling membrane proteins ...
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
LEADER: StU (prof. B. Klumperman)
• Optimization of antimalarial drug encapsulation for fast release.
• Development of transmission blocking drug encapsulation for slow release.
**07.2022 D ...
Programme: M-era.Net 3D4D2
Public web page: Not specified
Start date: 1st Jul 2021
End date: 1st Jan 2024
Organisms: Not specified