WP 4: Evaluation of drug activity against multiple life cycle stages of malaria parasites

LEADER: prof. L-M. Birkholtz



• Evaluation of the ability of the novel polymer-drug systems to kill the transmissible gametocytes.

• Validation using treatment of anopheline mosquitoes in a membrane feeding assay.


01.2022 D 4.1

Antimalarial drug candidates identified and prioritised for inclusion in the nanoencapsulation based on efficacy evaluated against both asexual and sexual stages of the human malaria parasite P. falciparum: 1-3 lead compounds with dual activity against bothasexual and sexual stages. 1-2 lead compounds with preferential activity against specific stages (UP)

10.2022 D 4.2

Evaluation of toxicity of polymer matrices against malaria parasites and hemolytic activity. Polymer formulations without toxicity to malaria parasites or hemolytic activity identified (UP)

01.2023 D 4.3

Evaluation of toxicity of polymers to mosquito vector. Polymer formulations without toxicity to mosquito vector identified (WITS)

04.2023 M 4.1

Confirmed transmission-blocking activity of lead compounds via gamete formation and in mosquito feeding assays

10.2023 M 4.2

Polymer formulations without toxicity to malaria parasites and to mosquito vector identified

04.2024 D 4.6

Adjusted chemical composition, particle morphology and drug loading for effective transmission-blocking activity against gamete formation. (StU)

07.2024 D 4.4

Evaluation of asexual and sexual stage activity of nanoparticle encapsulated compounds on control antimalarials with required dynamic parameters. (UP)

07.2024 D4.5

Evaluation of transmission-blocking activity of polymer encapsulated compounds against gamete formation and mosquito feeding assays. (WITS)

07.2024 D 4.7

Adjusted chemical composition, particle morphology and drug loading of lipid nanoparticles for effective stage specific activity. (SU)

Programme: M-era.Net 3D4D2

SEEK ID: https://fairdomhub.org/projects/264

Public web page: Not specified

Organisms: No Organisms specified

FAIRDOM PALs: No PALs for this Project

Project start date: 1st Jul 2021

Project end date: 30th Jun 2024

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