Xenophiles Systems Biology

Most systems biology deals with Life as we know it on this planet (Earth). This project will focus on how (nonsynthetic) Life may differ from mainstream Life. The ultimate focus thereby rests on extraterrestrial Life, but for lack of definitive evidence of this, the project studies Life found under conditions that may be similar to extraterrestrial conditions enabling Life. The focus is herewith on the systems biology in remote environments on Earth. The project deals both with the systems cell biology and the systems ecology aspects. There is a focus on microorganisms. The first main item is the PhD thesis manuscript by Joost W Aerts. A paralel item will be a set of lectures on Alien Systems Biology by Hans V. Westerhoff, in the context of a UvA course on 'How to deisgn an alien'

Programme: ISBE.NL service programme

SEEK ID: https://fairdomhub.org/projects/233

Funding codes:
  • no funding at present

Public web page: http://isbe.nl/

Organisms: No Organisms specified

FAIRDOM PALs: No PALs for this Project

Project start date: 8th Apr 2021

Project end date: 8th Apr 2035

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