AquaHealth (ERA-BlueBio)

Microalgae Microbiomes: A natural source for the prevention and treatment of diseases in aquaculture

Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing food sectors in the world. In order to guarantee continuous, efficient and sustainable production and to safeguard the growth of this important sector, its protection from biological threats is crucial. Within the AquaHealth project, an international consortium of highly experienced partners will assemble and apply an advanced meta’omics toolbox on the natural synergy of microalgae and microbial consortia associated with fish to discover and validate novel bioactive and prebiotic candidates for sustainable use in preventing and treating disease in land-based aquaculture systems. Targeted classes include biofilm and microbial pathogens inhibiting enzymes, peptides and small molecules, and antiviral drugs such as reverse-transcriptase inhibitors. This primary objective will be addressed in seven work packages.

FAIRDOM PALs: No PALs for this Project

Project start date: 1st May 2020

Project end date: 30th Apr 2023

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