United Kingdom
Imperial College London
University of Aberdeen
University of Essex
University of Lancaster
University of London UCL
Manchester Centre for Integrative Systems Biology, University of Manchester
University of Newcastle
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
University of Nottingham
University of Sheffield
University of Warwick
Queen's University Belfast
University of Manchester - Department of Computer Science
University of Glasgow
University of Edinburgh
Ammad Abbas
Danilo Bueno
Yin Hoon Chew
Botond Cseke
Haydee De Luna Valenciano
Liam Fergusson
liz fletcher
Rupsha Fraser
Tom Freeman
Ashwin Ganpudi
Karen Halliday
Johnny Hay
Katharina Heil
Johanna Krahmer
Keith Matthews
keith matthews
Andrew Millar
Robert Muetzelfeldt
Federico Rojas
Andres Romanowski
Guido Sanguinetti
Daniel Seaton
Melanie Stefan
Melanie Stefan
BioData SynthSys
Uriel Urquiza Garcia
Marissa Valdivia Cabrera
Andrew Wood
Argyris Zardilis
Tomasz Zielinski
Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
University of Ulster
Liverpool John Moores University
University of Cambrige
Ingenza Ltd.
University College London (UCL)
University of Exeter
University of Birmingham
Durham University
Green Biologics Ltd
University of Oxford
There are no known members in this Institution
Iceni Diagnostics Ltd
John Innes Centre
Earlham Institute
University of St Andrews
The European Bioinformatics Institute < EMBL-EBI
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust and King's College London
MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research
Quadram Institute Bioscience
There are no known members in this Institution
University of Rochester
University of Surrey
Cardiff University
Moredun Research Institute
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
University of Northampton
Hypha Discovery Ltd.
There are no known members in this Institution
Johnson Matthey
Manchester Institute of Biotechnology/ University of Manchester
University of Dundee
European Bioinformatics Institute
University of Manchester

Imperial College London
University of Aberdeen
University of Essex
University of Lancaster
University of London UCL
Manchester Centre for Integrative Systems Biology, University of Manchester
University of Newcastle
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
University of Nottingham
University of Sheffield
University of Warwick
Queen's University Belfast
University of Manchester - Department of Computer Science
University of Glasgow
University of Edinburgh
Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
University of Ulster
Liverpool John Moores University
University of Cambrige
Ingenza Ltd.
University College London (UCL)
University of Exeter
University of Birmingham
Durham University
Green Biologics Ltd
University of Oxford
Iceni Diagnostics Ltd
John Innes Centre
Earlham Institute
University of St Andrews
The European Bioinformatics Institute < EMBL-EBI
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust and King's College London
MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research
Quadram Institute Bioscience
University of Rochester
University of Surrey
Cardiff University
Moredun Research Institute
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
University of Northampton
Hypha Discovery Ltd.
Johnson Matthey
Manchester Institute of Biotechnology/ University of Manchester
University of Dundee
European Bioinformatics Institute
University of Manchester