United Kingdom
Joined: 19th Sep 2018
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Systems modelling molecular mechanisms of ageing
Projects: Systems modelling age-related changes in the maintenance of dermal extra-cellular matrix: mechanisms and interventions, Are microRNAs key mediators of cartilage destruction in osteoarthritis?, Dynamic interplay between nuclei and mitochondria in ageing cells, Outreach - Senescence RStudio-Shiny application, Outreach - Simulation of cellular senescence using an agent based modelling approach
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Overall, we will measure in-vitro and model in-silico the short-term biochemical network dynamics of extra cellular matrix maintenance (ECM) in populations of young, old and senescent dermal fibroblasts. We have shown in previous work that differences in network dynamics are highly informative and provide a means to identify parts of the network that could be targeted to restore healthy function.
The work will be first carried out in 2D culture of human dermal fibroblasts then extended to a novel ...
Programme: Newcastle University Systems Modelling of Ageing
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Organisms: Not specified
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Adriana Buskin, Lili Zhu, Valeria Chichagova, Basudha Basu, Sina Mozaffari-Jovin, David Dolan, Alastair Droop, Joseph Collin, Revital Bronstein, Sudeep Mehrotra, Michael Farkas, Gerrit Hilgen, Kathryn White, Dean Hallam, Katarzyna Bialas, Git Chung, Carla Mellough, Yuchun Ding, Natalio Krasnogor, Stefan Przyborski, Jumana Al-Aama, Sameer Alharthi, Yaobo Xu, Gabrielle Wheway, Katarzyna Szymanska, Martin McKibbin, Chris F Inglehearn, David J Elliott, Susan Lindsay, Robin R Ali, David H Steel, Lyle Armstrong, Evelyne Sernagor, Eric Pierce, Reinhard Luehrmann, Sushma-Nagaraja Grellscheid, Colin A Johnson, Majlinda Lako
Date Published: No date defined
Publication Type: Not specified
DOI: 10.1101/232397
Citation: Human iPSC-derived RPE and retinal organoids reveal impaired alternative splicing of genes involved in pre-mRNA splicing in PRPF31 autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa