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City: Norwich
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Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Earlham Institute
Expertise: Modelling, Data Integration
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Earlham Institute

Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Earlham Institute

Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Earlham Institute

The Disease Maps Project is designed as a large-scale community effort. It is a network of groups that work together in order to better understand disease mechanisms. The project exchanges best practices, share information, develop tools to make it easier for all the involved groups to achieve their goals.
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Web page: https://disease-maps.org
National Institute of Biology, Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology projects
Projects: HYp - Spatiotemporal analysis of hypersensitive response to Potato virus Y in potato, pISA-tree, MOA - Multiomics analysis of potato response to Potato virus Y (PVY) infection, SUSPHIRE - Sustainable Bioproduction of Pheromones for Insect Pest Control in Agriculture, INDIE - Biotechnological production of sustainable indole, _p_stRT, ADAPT - Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerAnt PoTato, _p_RNAinVAL, tst, tst2, Playground
Web page: http://www.nib.si/eng/index.php/departments/department-of-biotechnology-and-systems-biology
SUSPHIRE aims to provide a sustainable, low-cost biomanufacturing platform for the commercial production of insect pheromones.
Programme: NIBSys
Public web page: http://susphire.info/susphireproject/
Start date: 1st Apr 2018
End date: 30th Sep 2021
Here we share resources and best practices to develop a disease map for COVID-19. The project is progressing as a broad community-driven effort. We aim to establish a knowledge repository on virus-host interaction mechanisms specific to the SARS-CoV-2. The COVID-19 Disease Map is an assembly of molecular interaction diagrams established based on literature evidence.
Programme: Disease Maps
Public web page: http://doi.org/10.17881/covid19-disease-map