I am a research associate in the department of computer science at the University of Sheffield since January 2008. My research is primarily involved with using agent-based modelling techniques and mathematical modelling techniques to model Escherichia coli K-12 Respiratory Adaptation. My research interests also include, development of workflows to analyze Microarray Data.
SEEK ID: https://fairdomhub.org/people/270
United Kingdom
ORCID: Not specified
Joined: 2nd Mar 2009
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Agent-based modelling, Microarray Data Analysis
Tools: Java, Copasi, Taverna, Bioconductor Packages in R
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The goal pursued by SysMO was to record and describe the dynamic molecular processes going on in unicellular microorganisms in a comprehensive way and to present these processes in the form of computerized mathematical models.
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Web page: http://sysmo.net/
"Systems Understanding of Microbial Oxygen responses" (SUMO) investigates how Escherichia coli senses oxygen, or the associated changes in oxidation/reduction balance, via the Fnr and ArcA proteins, how these systems interact with other regulatory systems, and how the redox response of an E. coli population is generated from the responses of single cells. There are five sub-projects to determine system properties and behaviour and three sub-projects to employ different and complementary modelling ...
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The agent-based model involves the representation of each individual molecule of interest as an autonomous agent that exists within the cellular environment and interacts with other molecules according to the biochemical situation. FLAME environmet has beem used for agent-based development. The FLAME framework is an enabling tool to create agent-based models that can be run on high performance computers (HPCs). Models are created based upon extended finite state machines that include message input ...
Creator: Afsaneh Maleki-Dizaji
Submitter: Afsaneh Maleki-Dizaji
Model type: Agent based modelling
Model format: Not specified
Environment: FLAME
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: , Salem Adra, Mesude Bicak, Shawn Chin, Simon Coakley, , , Chris Greenough, Duncan Jackson, Mariam Kiran, Sheila MacNeil, , Phil McMinn, Mark Pogson, , Eva Qwarnstrom, Francis Ratnieks, , Rod Smallwood, Tao Sun, David Worth
Date Published: 2012
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 22052476