Details about this organism
Synonyms (0)None defined
Definitions (0)
None defined
NCBI taxonomy browser
Strain details
Name | Provider name | Provider's strain ID | Genotypes | Phenotypes | Synonym | Comments | Based on |
K-12/MG1655 | Not specified | Not specified | wild-type | wild-type | Not specified | None | Not specified |
MC4100 | Not specified | Not specified | wild-type | wild-type | Not specified | None | Not specified |
BW25113 | KEIO Collection | JW0001-1 | del thrA722;del lacZ4787 | wild-type | Not specified | From the Keio Collection of single-gene knockouts | Not specified |
MG1655 | Yale CGSC | CGSC#: 6300 | del LAM;del rph-1 | pyrimidine starvation | Not specified | This culture was grown from lyophil Oct. 2003 and it tested Fnr+. The previous working culture was mixed fnr-/fnr+. | Not specified |
BW25113 WT | Not specified | Not specified | wild-type | wild-type | Not specified | None | BW25113 |
Related items
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The Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation is a new institution through which a profound reforming effort is being undertaken in the field of Research and Innovation in the country. The Organization supports unrestricted research (the systematic inquiry born of scientific curiosity) and new researchers by providing scholarships for doctoral candidates, as well as research projects for post-doctoral students, Researchers and Faculty Members. Through H.F.R.I., the research and academic ...
Web page:
ERA CoBioTech is an ERA-Net Cofund Action under H2020, which aims to strengthen the European Research Area (ERA) in the field of Biotechnology through enhanced cooperation and coordination of different national and regional research programs, promoting systems biology and synthetic biology as technology driversto speed up research and innovation in industrial biotechnology.
› By maximizing synergies between current mechanisms of biotechnology research funding in Europe; › By fostering the exchange ...
Projects: Sustainable co-production, BESTER, Rhodolive, HOTSOLUTE, TRALAMINOL, C1Pro, Cell4Chem
Web page:
The main objective of the ERANET proposal Systems Biology Applications - ERASysAPP (app = application = translational systems biology) is to promote multidimensional and complementary European systems biology projects, programmes and research initiatives on a number of selected research topics. Inter alia, ERASysAPP will initiate, execute and monitor a number of joint transnational calls on systems biology research projects with a particular focus on applications - or in other words so called ...
Projects: SysVirDrug, SysMilk, SysMetEx, MetApp, IMOMESIC, WineSys, CropClock, SYSTERACT, XyloCut, RootBook, ROBUSTYEAST, LEANPROT, ErasysApp Funders
Web page:
Projects: Toggle switch, Reduce Complexity (RCO) reconstruction, Model Driven Prime Editing, PULSE 2.0, Plant optogenetics
Projects: SynBio4Flav
Web page:
SynthSys is the University of Edinburgh's research organisation in interdisciplinary, Synthetic and Systems Biology, founded in 2012 as the successor to the Centre for Systems Biology at Edinburgh (CSBE).
Projects: Millar group, PHYTOCAL: Phytochrome Control of Resource Allocation and Growth in Arabidopsis and in Brassicaceae crops, TiMet, POP - the Parameter Optimisation Problem, Regulation of flowering time in natural conditions, PlaSMo model repository
Web page:
Projects that do not fall under current programmes.
Projects: Manchester Institute for Biotechnology, ICYSB 2015 - International Practical Course in Systems Biology, iRhythmics, INBioPharm, EmPowerPutida, Systo models, MycoSynVac - Engineering Mycoplasma pneumoniae as a broad-spectrum animal vaccine, Multiscale modelling of state transitions in the host-microbiome-brain network, Extremophiles metabolsim, NAD COMPARTMENTATION, Agro-ecological modelling, Bergen(Ziegler lab) project AF-NADase, NAMPT affinity, Stress granules, Modelling COVID-19 epidemics, Bio-crop, ORHIZON, Coastal Data, SASKit: Senescence-Associated Systems diagnostics Kit for cancer and stroke, hybrid sequencing, HOST-PAR, BioCreative VII, Boolean modeling of Parkinson disease map, Orphan cytochrome P450 20a1 CRISPR/Cas9 mutants and neurobehavioral phenotypes in zebrafish, Selective Destruction in Ageing, Viral Metagenomic, Synthetic biology in Synechococcus for bioeconomy applications (SynEco), testproject, SDBV ephemeral data exchanges, Test project, The BeeProject, PHENET, LiceVault, EbN1 Systems Biology, UMRPégase, DeCipher, Heat stress response of the red-tide dinoflagellate Prorocentrum cordatum, middle ear, datamgmt, Institut Pasteur's projects, The nucleus of Prorocentrum cordatum, qpcr, MRC-UNICORN, Test project for Sciender, qPCR, Artificial organelles_Pathogen digestion, Supplementary Information 2 associated with the manuscript entitled " Label free Mass spectrometry proteomics reveals different pathways modulated in THP-1 cells infected with therapeutic failure and drug resistance Leishmania infantum clinical isolates", FAIR Functional Enrichment, PTPN11 mutagenesis, Supplementary Information 2 associated with the manuscript entitled "Label free Mass spectrometry proteomics reveals different pathways modulated in THP-1 cells infected with therapeutic failure and drug resistance Leishmania infantum clinical isolates", iPlacenta- Placenta on a chip, Near Surface Wave-Coherent Measurements of Temperature and Humidity, A Meta-Analysis of Functional Recovery of Aphasia after Stroke by Acupuncture Combined with Language Rehabilitation Training, Phytoplankton phenology in the Bay of Biscay: using remote sensing to assess and raise awareness of climate change impacts on the sea, Master-BIDS, Endometriosis, Vitis Data Crop, MESI-STRAT Review, Establishing an innovative and transnational feed production approach for reduced climate impact of the aquaculture sector and future food supply, ARAX: a web-based computational reasoning system for translational biomedicine, Adaptation of Salmonella enterica, I AM FRONTIER, ., PhD Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors, SFB1361 playground, Amaizing, Conspicuous chloroplast with LHC‒PSI/II‒megacomplex and diverse PBPs in the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum cordatum, icpm-kth, SDBV/HITS, sample project, TestingSeek, Genomic Medicine, Remodeling of cIV, Virtual Human Platform for Safety Assessment, PROMISEANG, URGI, Matsutake, UNDESIRABLE EFFECTS OF POST COVID-19 VACCINATION: A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY, WINTER 2022, Semantic Table Interpretation in Chemistry, MS identification of L infantum proteins related to their drug resistance patterns for new drug targets identification and ecotoxicological evaluations of their environmental and interspecies impact, the Supplementary materials for paper, ToxiGen - Reproductive toxicity and transgenerational effects of petroleum mixtures in fish, PhotoBoost, Measurement of Fisheries Provisioning Services and its Pressure to Support Sustainability of Fisheries in The Jatigede Reservoir, Indonesia, FIsh data on 2022 in the Jatigede Reservoir, ImmPort - data sharing, MESI-Review 2024, REWIRED: comparative RNA-seq and ATAC-seq in six salmonids and six outgroup telest fishes, REWIRED, Data Repository, APPN Test Project, Enhanced Anticancer Effect of Thymidylate Synthase Dimer Disrupters Promoting Intracellular Accumulation, BIDS, BioRECIPE representation format, UMass Chan BioImage DMS Core_FAIR Metadata Templates, Function, control and engineering of microbial methylotrophy, Pectobacterium pangenome, New Optical Coherence Tomography Biomarkers Identified with Deep Learning for Risk Stratification of Patients with Age-related Macular Degeneration, Virulence-related genes expression in planktonic mixed cultures of Candida albicans and non-albicans Candida species, Screening of Secondary Plant Metabolites on Antihelmintic Activity in Ascaris scum, Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology, Test project May 2024, Biospecimen Collection Protocol, Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Grain Yield, Quality, and Net Photosynthesis When Grown Under Semi-Transparent Cadmium Telluride Photovoltaic Modules Near Maturity, Benefit for All FAIR Data, Implementation of Nanopore Sequencing for Detection of Treatment Induced Transcriptomic and Epitranscriptomic Changes in Leukaemic Tumour Models, DPL, Glycogen Metabolism in bacteria, ILS Ceramide Ring Trial, Project Test, DeepCurate, Revisiting mutational resistance to ampicillin and cefotaxime in Haemophilus influenzae, Cancer Systems Biology Consortium (CSBC), Biochemical characterization of the feedforward loop between CDK1 and FOXM1 in epidermal stem cells, Drug Discovery and Biotechnology Standard Operating Procedures, EDITH (Ecosystem Digital Twins in Health) test project, Fluid flow project, Smart Garden Watering System, The role of different fatty acids, AQUACIRCLE, IDIM, Sampling vicinity of industrial settings for pathogens and GMO identification, RNA-seq data for paper, RNA-seq data, Academic Scientific Research Group, SYLOBIO, ete murine fibroblast as feeder-layer
Web page: Not specified
Projects that do not fall under current programmes.
Projects: Manchester Institute for Biotechnology, ICYSB 2015 - International Practical Course in Systems Biology, iRhythmics, INBioPharm, EmPowerPutida, Systo models, MycoSynVac - Engineering Mycoplasma pneumoniae as a broad-spectrum animal vaccine, Multiscale modelling of state transitions in the host-microbiome-brain network, Extremophiles metabolsim, NAD COMPARTMENTATION, Agro-ecological modelling, Bergen(Ziegler lab) project AF-NADase, NAMPT affinity, Stress granules, Modelling COVID-19 epidemics, Bio-crop, ORHIZON, Coastal Data, SASKit: Senescence-Associated Systems diagnostics Kit for cancer and stroke, hybrid sequencing, HOST-PAR, BioCreative VII, Boolean modeling of Parkinson disease map, Orphan cytochrome P450 20a1 CRISPR/Cas9 mutants and neurobehavioral phenotypes in zebrafish, Selective Destruction in Ageing, Viral Metagenomic, Synthetic biology in Synechococcus for bioeconomy applications (SynEco), testproject, SDBV ephemeral data exchanges, Test project, The BeeProject, PHENET, LiceVault, EbN1 Systems Biology, UMRPégase, DeCipher, Heat stress response of the red-tide dinoflagellate Prorocentrum cordatum, middle ear, datamgmt, Institut Pasteur's projects, The nucleus of Prorocentrum cordatum, qpcr, MRC-UNICORN, Test project for Sciender, qPCR, Artificial organelles_Pathogen digestion, Supplementary Information 2 associated with the manuscript entitled " Label free Mass spectrometry proteomics reveals different pathways modulated in THP-1 cells infected with therapeutic failure and drug resistance Leishmania infantum clinical isolates", FAIR Functional Enrichment, PTPN11 mutagenesis, Supplementary Information 2 associated with the manuscript entitled "Label free Mass spectrometry proteomics reveals different pathways modulated in THP-1 cells infected with therapeutic failure and drug resistance Leishmania infantum clinical isolates", iPlacenta- Placenta on a chip, Near Surface Wave-Coherent Measurements of Temperature and Humidity, A Meta-Analysis of Functional Recovery of Aphasia after Stroke by Acupuncture Combined with Language Rehabilitation Training, Phytoplankton phenology in the Bay of Biscay: using remote sensing to assess and raise awareness of climate change impacts on the sea, Master-BIDS, Endometriosis, Vitis Data Crop, MESI-STRAT Review, Establishing an innovative and transnational feed production approach for reduced climate impact of the aquaculture sector and future food supply, ARAX: a web-based computational reasoning system for translational biomedicine, Adaptation of Salmonella enterica, I AM FRONTIER, ., PhD Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors, SFB1361 playground, Amaizing, Conspicuous chloroplast with LHC‒PSI/II‒megacomplex and diverse PBPs in the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum cordatum, icpm-kth, SDBV/HITS, sample project, TestingSeek, Genomic Medicine, Remodeling of cIV, Virtual Human Platform for Safety Assessment, PROMISEANG, URGI, Matsutake, UNDESIRABLE EFFECTS OF POST COVID-19 VACCINATION: A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY, WINTER 2022, Semantic Table Interpretation in Chemistry, MS identification of L infantum proteins related to their drug resistance patterns for new drug targets identification and ecotoxicological evaluations of their environmental and interspecies impact, the Supplementary materials for paper, ToxiGen - Reproductive toxicity and transgenerational effects of petroleum mixtures in fish, PhotoBoost, Measurement of Fisheries Provisioning Services and its Pressure to Support Sustainability of Fisheries in The Jatigede Reservoir, Indonesia, FIsh data on 2022 in the Jatigede Reservoir, ImmPort - data sharing, MESI-Review 2024, REWIRED: comparative RNA-seq and ATAC-seq in six salmonids and six outgroup telest fishes, REWIRED, Data Repository, APPN Test Project, Enhanced Anticancer Effect of Thymidylate Synthase Dimer Disrupters Promoting Intracellular Accumulation, BIDS, BioRECIPE representation format, UMass Chan BioImage DMS Core_FAIR Metadata Templates, Function, control and engineering of microbial methylotrophy, Pectobacterium pangenome, New Optical Coherence Tomography Biomarkers Identified with Deep Learning for Risk Stratification of Patients with Age-related Macular Degeneration, Virulence-related genes expression in planktonic mixed cultures of Candida albicans and non-albicans Candida species, Screening of Secondary Plant Metabolites on Antihelmintic Activity in Ascaris scum, Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology, Test project May 2024, Biospecimen Collection Protocol, Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Grain Yield, Quality, and Net Photosynthesis When Grown Under Semi-Transparent Cadmium Telluride Photovoltaic Modules Near Maturity, Benefit for All FAIR Data, Implementation of Nanopore Sequencing for Detection of Treatment Induced Transcriptomic and Epitranscriptomic Changes in Leukaemic Tumour Models, DPL, Glycogen Metabolism in bacteria, ILS Ceramide Ring Trial, Project Test, DeepCurate, Revisiting mutational resistance to ampicillin and cefotaxime in Haemophilus influenzae, Cancer Systems Biology Consortium (CSBC), Biochemical characterization of the feedforward loop between CDK1 and FOXM1 in epidermal stem cells, Drug Discovery and Biotechnology Standard Operating Procedures, EDITH (Ecosystem Digital Twins in Health) test project, Fluid flow project, Smart Garden Watering System, The role of different fatty acids, AQUACIRCLE, IDIM, Sampling vicinity of industrial settings for pathogens and GMO identification, RNA-seq data for paper, RNA-seq data, Academic Scientific Research Group, SYLOBIO, ete murine fibroblast as feeder-layer
Web page: Not specified
Projects that do not fall under current programmes.
Projects: Manchester Institute for Biotechnology, ICYSB 2015 - International Practical Course in Systems Biology, iRhythmics, INBioPharm, EmPowerPutida, Systo models, MycoSynVac - Engineering Mycoplasma pneumoniae as a broad-spectrum animal vaccine, Multiscale modelling of state transitions in the host-microbiome-brain network, Extremophiles metabolsim, NAD COMPARTMENTATION, Agro-ecological modelling, Bergen(Ziegler lab) project AF-NADase, NAMPT affinity, Stress granules, Modelling COVID-19 epidemics, Bio-crop, ORHIZON, Coastal Data, SASKit: Senescence-Associated Systems diagnostics Kit for cancer and stroke, hybrid sequencing, HOST-PAR, BioCreative VII, Boolean modeling of Parkinson disease map, Orphan cytochrome P450 20a1 CRISPR/Cas9 mutants and neurobehavioral phenotypes in zebrafish, Selective Destruction in Ageing, Viral Metagenomic, Synthetic biology in Synechococcus for bioeconomy applications (SynEco), testproject, SDBV ephemeral data exchanges, Test project, The BeeProject, PHENET, LiceVault, EbN1 Systems Biology, UMRPégase, DeCipher, Heat stress response of the red-tide dinoflagellate Prorocentrum cordatum, middle ear, datamgmt, Institut Pasteur's projects, The nucleus of Prorocentrum cordatum, qpcr, MRC-UNICORN, Test project for Sciender, qPCR, Artificial organelles_Pathogen digestion, Supplementary Information 2 associated with the manuscript entitled " Label free Mass spectrometry proteomics reveals different pathways modulated in THP-1 cells infected with therapeutic failure and drug resistance Leishmania infantum clinical isolates", FAIR Functional Enrichment, PTPN11 mutagenesis, Supplementary Information 2 associated with the manuscript entitled "Label free Mass spectrometry proteomics reveals different pathways modulated in THP-1 cells infected with therapeutic failure and drug resistance Leishmania infantum clinical isolates", iPlacenta- Placenta on a chip, Near Surface Wave-Coherent Measurements of Temperature and Humidity, A Meta-Analysis of Functional Recovery of Aphasia after Stroke by Acupuncture Combined with Language Rehabilitation Training, Phytoplankton phenology in the Bay of Biscay: using remote sensing to assess and raise awareness of climate change impacts on the sea, Master-BIDS, Endometriosis, Vitis Data Crop, MESI-STRAT Review, Establishing an innovative and transnational feed production approach for reduced climate impact of the aquaculture sector and future food supply, ARAX: a web-based computational reasoning system for translational biomedicine, Adaptation of Salmonella enterica, I AM FRONTIER, ., PhD Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors, SFB1361 playground, Amaizing, Conspicuous chloroplast with LHC‒PSI/II‒megacomplex and diverse PBPs in the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum cordatum, icpm-kth, SDBV/HITS, sample project, TestingSeek, Genomic Medicine, Remodeling of cIV, Virtual Human Platform for Safety Assessment, PROMISEANG, URGI, Matsutake, UNDESIRABLE EFFECTS OF POST COVID-19 VACCINATION: A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY, WINTER 2022, Semantic Table Interpretation in Chemistry, MS identification of L infantum proteins related to their drug resistance patterns for new drug targets identification and ecotoxicological evaluations of their environmental and interspecies impact, the Supplementary materials for paper, ToxiGen - Reproductive toxicity and transgenerational effects of petroleum mixtures in fish, PhotoBoost, Measurement of Fisheries Provisioning Services and its Pressure to Support Sustainability of Fisheries in The Jatigede Reservoir, Indonesia, FIsh data on 2022 in the Jatigede Reservoir, ImmPort - data sharing, MESI-Review 2024, REWIRED: comparative RNA-seq and ATAC-seq in six salmonids and six outgroup telest fishes, REWIRED, Data Repository, APPN Test Project, Enhanced Anticancer Effect of Thymidylate Synthase Dimer Disrupters Promoting Intracellular Accumulation, BIDS, BioRECIPE representation format, UMass Chan BioImage DMS Core_FAIR Metadata Templates, Function, control and engineering of microbial methylotrophy, Pectobacterium pangenome, New Optical Coherence Tomography Biomarkers Identified with Deep Learning for Risk Stratification of Patients with Age-related Macular Degeneration, Virulence-related genes expression in planktonic mixed cultures of Candida albicans and non-albicans Candida species, Screening of Secondary Plant Metabolites on Antihelmintic Activity in Ascaris scum, Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology, Test project May 2024, Biospecimen Collection Protocol, Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Grain Yield, Quality, and Net Photosynthesis When Grown Under Semi-Transparent Cadmium Telluride Photovoltaic Modules Near Maturity, Benefit for All FAIR Data, Implementation of Nanopore Sequencing for Detection of Treatment Induced Transcriptomic and Epitranscriptomic Changes in Leukaemic Tumour Models, DPL, Glycogen Metabolism in bacteria, ILS Ceramide Ring Trial, Project Test, DeepCurate, Revisiting mutational resistance to ampicillin and cefotaxime in Haemophilus influenzae, Cancer Systems Biology Consortium (CSBC), Biochemical characterization of the feedforward loop between CDK1 and FOXM1 in epidermal stem cells, Drug Discovery and Biotechnology Standard Operating Procedures, EDITH (Ecosystem Digital Twins in Health) test project, Fluid flow project, Smart Garden Watering System, The role of different fatty acids, AQUACIRCLE, IDIM, Sampling vicinity of industrial settings for pathogens and GMO identification, RNA-seq data for paper, RNA-seq data, Academic Scientific Research Group, SYLOBIO, ete murine fibroblast as feeder-layer
Web page: Not specified
SysMO is a European transnational funding and research initiative on "Systems Biology of Microorganisms".
The goal pursued by SysMO was to record and describe the dynamic molecular processes going on in unicellular microorganisms in a comprehensive way and to present these processes in the form of computerized mathematical models.
Systems biology will raise biomedical and biotechnological research to a new quality level and contribute markedly to progress in understanding. Pooling European research ...
Projects: BaCell-SysMO, COSMIC, SUMO, KOSMOBAC, SysMO-LAB, PSYSMO, SCaRAB, MOSES, TRANSLUCENT, STREAM, SulfoSys, SysMO DB, SysMO Funders, SilicoTryp, Noisy-Strep
Web page:
SysMO is a European transnational funding and research initiative on "Systems Biology of Microorganisms".
The goal pursued by SysMO was to record and describe the dynamic molecular processes going on in unicellular microorganisms in a comprehensive way and to present these processes in the form of computerized mathematical models.
Systems biology will raise biomedical and biotechnological research to a new quality level and contribute markedly to progress in understanding. Pooling European research ...
Projects: BaCell-SysMO, COSMIC, SUMO, KOSMOBAC, SysMO-LAB, PSYSMO, SCaRAB, MOSES, TRANSLUCENT, STREAM, SulfoSys, SysMO DB, SysMO Funders, SilicoTryp, Noisy-Strep
Web page:
Investigation of the regulation and function of the glycogen metabolism within different bacteria with special focus on the phosphoglucomutase enzyme
Programme: Independent Projects
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, Escherichia coli
FUNCEMM is a project bringing together 2 teams from France and Austria focusing on synthetic methylotrophy.
Programme: Independent Projects
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Escherichia coli
The main objective of SynBio4Flav is to go further in the standardization of high complexity synthetic biological parts, and to demonstrate the development of a standardized, and systematic platform for flavonoids production based on synthetic microbial consortia (SMCs).
Programme: Systems Biology Programme
Public web page: Not specified
Programme: Independent Projects
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Escherichia coli
Ion and solute homeostasis in enteric bacteria: an integrated view generated from the interface of modelling and biological experimentation
Programme: SysMO
Public web page:
Organisms: Escherichia coli
Andrew Millar's research group, University of Edinburgh
Programme: SynthSys
Public web page:
Organisms: Escherichia coli, Arabidopsis thaliana, Ostreococcus tauri
Background- Thermophilic organisms are composed of both bacterial and archaeal species. The enzymes isolated from these species and from other extreme habitats are more robust to temperature, organic solvents and proteolysis. They often have unique substrate specificities and originate from novel metabolic pathways. Thermophiles as well as their stable enzymes (‘thermozymes’) are receiving increased attention for biotechnological applications.
The proposed project will establish thermophilic in ...
Programme: Era CoBioTech
Public web page:
CEPOPA envisions a sustainable cascade one-pot process for the synthesis of optically pure amines from alcohols and/or alkynes, using enzymes immobilized onto catalytically active nanomaterials. In the framework of the project, efficient chemoenzymatic processes will be developed for the synthesis of a set of amines that can be used as building blocks for pharmaceuticals or biomaterials.
Programme: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation - Supporting academic Staff and Researchers
Public web page: Not specified
Start date: 24th Feb 2020
End date: 23rd Aug 2023
Organisms: Escherichia coli
generation of a toggle switch based on a non-cooperative network
Organisms: Escherichia coli, Homo sapiens, Arabidopsis thaliana
Escherichia coli is a well-established and the most widely used organism for the production of recombinant proteins (used in medical and industrial applications, as molecular biology reagents, etc.). Production of proteins is the most resource exhaustive process for the cells and therefore needs to be optimized to achieve maximal productivities. Natural environment of E. coli is much harsher compared to the near optimal growth conditions used in production processes. In order to survive cells ...
Programme: ERASysAPP
Public web page:
Organisms: Escherichia coli
"Systems Understanding of Microbial Oxygen responses" (SUMO) investigates how Escherichia coli senses oxygen, or the associated changes in oxidation/reduction balance, via the Fnr and ArcA proteins, how these systems interact with other regulatory systems, and how the redox response of an E. coli population is generated from the responses of single cells. There are five sub-projects to determine system properties and behaviour and three sub-projects to employ different and complementary modelling ...
Programme: SysMO
Public web page:
Organisms: Escherichia coli, Escherichia coli K-12
This assay describes how to analyze gene expression rates via RT-PCR.
Submitter: Sonja Steinsiek
Assay type: Gene Expression Profiling
Technology type: qRT-PCR
Investigation: Steady state studies for different oxygen avail...
Organisms: Escherichia coli
SOPs: Evans Medium, SUMO chemostat conditions, SUMO mRNA isolation Epicentre
Data files: Gene expression rates at different aerobiosis l... and 3 hidden items
Snapshots: No snapshots
This document describes by-product formation rates measured in MG1655 at steady-state conditions in Infors-Multifors-Bioreactors.
Submitter: Sonja Steinsiek
Assay type: Metabolomics
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Steady state studies for different oxygen avail...
Organisms: Escherichia coli
SOPs: DCW measurement, Evans Medium, Measurement of extracellular metabolites, SUMO chemostat conditions
Data files: 3 hidden items
Snapshots: No snapshots
This experiment uses a low-copy plasmid based system (MG1655 Δlac FF(-41.5)/RW50) for measuring FNR activity. Initial acetate calibration of the chemostat with the MG1655 Δlac strain was carried out, with β-galactosidase activity from the FF(-41.5)/RW50 reporter plasmid measured at 100%, 80%, 50%, 20% and 0% aerobiosis levels. Finally, the aerobiosis levels were re-determined by calculating the actual acetate flux in the sampled chemostat runs.
Note: the strain used (MG1655 Δlac) is not the same ...
Submitter: Michael Ederer
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Steady state studies for different oxygen avail...
Organisms: Escherichia coli
SOPs: DCW measurement, Evans Medium, SUMO B-galactosidase assay
Data files: FNR activity at different aerobiosis levels REC..., FNR reporter activity at different aerobiosis l...
Snapshots: No snapshots
The task of this assay is to determine the impact of oxygen availability on the concentrations of metabolites from different central metabolic pathways. The focus lies on metabolites connected to glycolysis, tri-carbon-acid-cycle and energy metabolism. All strains have been cultured and analysed according to the SOPs listed below
Submitter: Stefan Stagge
Assay type: Metabolomics
Technology type: Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
Investigation: Steady state studies for different oxygen avail...
Organisms: Escherichia coli
SOPs: DCW measurement, Quenching and Extraction of intracellular metab..., SUMO chemostat conditions
Data files: 3 hidden items
Snapshots: No snapshots
These files show physiological measurements from the Sheffield Infors chemostat which were made during acetate calibration and also when sampling for the steady-state transcriptional profiles.
Submitter: Matthew Rolfe
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Steady state studies for different oxygen avail...
Organisms: Escherichia coli : K-12/MG1655 (wild-type / wild-type)
SOPs: DCW measurement, Evans Medium, SUMO chemostat conditions
Data files: Sheffield chemostat parameters .csv, Sheffield chemostat parameters .pdf
Snapshots: No snapshots
This assay involved the determination of transcriptional profiles at 0, 2, 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes through aerobic to anaerobic gas transitions and anaerobic to aerobic gas transitions. In each case an aerobic or anaerobic steady state was created, RNA sampled (0 min) and then the gas supply changed. RNA samples were then taken from the time at which the gas supply was changed.
For anaerobic conditions 5% CO2, 95% N2 was used.
The full transcriptional dataset is available from ArrayExpress ...
Submitter: Matthew Rolfe
Assay type: Transcriptional Profiling
Technology type: Microarray
Investigation: Dynamical studies for different oxygen availabi...
Organisms: Escherichia coli : K-12/MG1655 (wild-type / wild-type)
SOPs: Evans Medium, SUMO RNA isolation from E. coli, SUMO Transcriptional profiling of E. coli, SUMO chemostat conditions
Data files: Dissolved oxygen tension aerobic to anaerobic .pdf, Dissolved oxygen tension anaerobic to aerobic .pdf, Entire transcriptional dataset - aerobic to ana..., Entire transcriptional dataset - anaerobic to a..., Filtered dataset - anaerobic to aerobic .csv, Filtered datset - aerobic to anaerobic transiti...
Snapshots: No snapshots
The transcriptional profiles of steady state E. coli cultures at a range of aerobiosis levels were determined. Two biological replicates and two technical replicates were carried out. Microarrays were carried out in a reference style (i.e. RNA vs a gDNA reference).
Submitter: Matthew Rolfe
Assay type: Transcriptomics
Technology type: Microarray
Investigation: Steady state studies for different oxygen avail...
Organisms: Escherichia coli : K-12/MG1655 (wild-type / wild-type)
SOPs: SUMO RNA isolation from E. coli, SUMO Transcriptional profiling of E. coli
Data files: Steady state transcriptional profiles at differ...
Snapshots: No snapshots
This assay describes the determination of concentrations and ratio of metabolites of adenine nucleotides (NAD and NADH). These metabolites have been extracted from Escherichia coli MG1655 and isgenic mutant strains.
Submitter: Stefan Stagge
Assay type: Metabolomics
Technology type: Initial Rate Experiment
Investigation: Steady state studies for different oxygen avail...
Organisms: Escherichia coli : K-12/MG1655 (wild-type / wild-type)
SOPs: 1 hidden item
Data files: 2 hidden items
Snapshots: No snapshots
This assay describes the determination of concentrations and ratio of metabolites of ubiquinones (oxidised and reduced form). These metabolites have been extracted from Escherichia coli MG1655 and isgenic mutant strains.
Submitter: Stefan Stagge
Assay type: Metabolomics
Technology type: HPLC
Investigation: Steady state studies for different oxygen avail...
Organisms: Escherichia coli : K-12/MG1655 (wild-type / wild-type)
SOPs: DCW measurement, Q/QH2 sampling, SUMO chemostat conditions
Data files: 091016 quinones complete data magdeburg, 091016 quinones complete data magdeburg
Snapshots: No snapshots
This .csv file shows the numbers of different cytochrome molecules per cell from steady-state continuously-grown cultures at various aerobiosis levels (0%, 31%, 56%, 85% and 115% AAU).
Submitter: Alison Graham
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Steady state studies for different oxygen avail...
Organisms: Escherichia coli : K-12/MG1655 (wild-type / wild-type)
Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: No snapshots
E. coli MG1655 and ∆sdhC and ∆frdA isogenic mutant strains were characterized in batch growth curves aerobic and anaerobically. Optical density, glucose consumption and by-product accumulation were measured during growth.
Submitter: Sonja Steinsiek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Steady state studies for different oxygen avail...
Organisms: Escherichia coli : K-12/MG1655 (wild-type / wild-type)
SOPs: Evans Medium, Measurement of extracellular metabolites
Data files: 2 hidden items
Snapshots: No snapshots
The model describes the behaviour of E. coli in a stationary chemostat with different oxygen availability.
Submitter: Michael Ederer
Biological problem addressed: Metabolic Network
Investigation: Steady state studies for different oxygen avail...
Organisms: Escherichia coli : MG1655 (del LAM;del rph-1 / pyrimidine starvation )
Models: A Mathematical Model of Metabolism and Regulati...
Data files: 091016 quinones complete data magdeburg, Map with simulation results and 1 hidden item
Snapshots: No snapshots
Glucose transporter mutants were analyzed under aerobic and aerobic conditions in batch cultures with glucose as substrate. Acetate formation rates and glucose consumption rates were measured, as well as extracellular cAMP concentrations.
Submitter: Sonja Steinsiek
Assay type: Extracellular Metabolite Concentration
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Analysis of the glucose transport in Escherichi...
Organisms: Escherichia coli : MG1655 (del LAM;del rph-1 / pyrimidine starvation )
SOPs: Measurement of extracellular metabolites and 1 hidden item
Data files: Growth, by-product formation and glucose consum..., Growth, yield and cAMP excretion under anaerobi...
Snapshots: No snapshots
ArcA phosphorylation in chemostat cultures grown at different aerobiosis levels was quantitated by Phos-tag SDS-PAGE gel analysis and subsequent immunodetection of ArcA.
Submitter: Matthew Rolfe
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: SDS-PAGE
Investigation: Steady state studies for different oxygen avail...
Organisms: Escherichia coli : MG1655 (del LAM;del rph-1 / pyrimidine starvation )
SOPs: Determination of protein phosphorylation levels..., Evans Medium, SUMO chemostat conditions
Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: No snapshots
Maps of cloned genes for rescuing selected clock mutants
Submitter: Uriel Urquiza Garcia
Assay type: Transformation
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Absolute units for proteins in Arabidopsis cloc...
Organisms: Arabidopsis thaliana, Escherichia coli
Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Sebastian Hans
Provider Name: Not specified
Provider's strain ID: Not specified
Organism: Escherichia coli
Genotypes: wild-type
Phenotypes: wild-type
Comment: Not specified
Submitter: Sonja Steinsiek
Provider Name: Not specified
Provider's strain ID: Not specified
Organism: Escherichia coli
Genotypes: wild-type
Phenotypes: wild-type
Comment: Not specified
Submitter: Not available
Provider Name: KEIO Collection
Provider's strain ID: JW0001-1
Organism: Escherichia coli
Genotypes: del thrA722;del lacZ4787
Phenotypes: wild-type
Comment: From the Keio Collection of single-gene knockouts
Submitter: Not available
Provider Name: Yale CGSC
Provider's strain ID: CGSC#: 6300
Organism: Escherichia coli
Genotypes: del LAM;del rph-1
Phenotypes: pyrimidine starvation
Comment: This culture was grown from lyophil Oct. 2003 and it tested Fnr+. The previous working culture was mixed fnr-/fnr+.
Submitter: Not available
Provider Name: Not specified
Provider's strain ID: Not specified
Organism: Escherichia coli
Genotypes: wild-type
Phenotypes: wild-type
Comment: Not specified
First version of enzyme-constrained model (ecModel) for Escherichia coli
Creator: Cheewin Kittikunapong
Submitter: Cheewin Kittikunapong
Model type: Stoichiometric model
Model format: SBML
Environment: Matlab
Organism: Escherichia coli
Investigations: Systems Biology and Analysis
Studies: 1 hidden item
Assays: 1 hidden item
The model describes the catabolism of Escherichia coli and its regulation. The metabolic reactions are modeled by the thermokinetic model formalism. The model is simplified by assuming rapid equilibrium of many reactions. Regulation is modeled by phenomenological laws describing the activation or repression of enzymes and genes in dependence of metabolic signals. The model is intended to describe the behavior of E. coli in a chemostat culture in depedence on the oxygen supply.
The model is described ...
Creators: Michael Ederer, David Knies
Submitter: Michael Ederer
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: Mathematica
Environment: Not specified
Organism: Escherichia coli
Investigations: Steady state studies for different oxygen avail...
This ordinary-differential equation model is a spatially lumped model showing the behaviour of oxygen in the three compartments medium, membrane and cytoplasm and its impact on FNR inactivation, hereby showing the effects of different oxygen concentrations, diffusion coefficients and reaction rates. The model was created with the Matlab SimBiology toolbox.
Creator: Samantha Nolan
Submitter: David Knies
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
This partial-differential equations model focuses on the oxygen gradients in consideration of the three-dimensional cell and environment.
Creator: Samantha Nolan
Submitter: David Knies
Model type: Partial differential equations (PDE)
Model format: Mathematica
Environment: Not specified
Code for joint probabilistic inference of transcription factor behaviour and gene-transcription factor as well as metabolite-transcription factor interaction based on genome and metabolite data.
Creators: Botond Cseke, Guido Sanguinetti
Submitter: Botond Cseke
Model type: Not specified
Model format: Matlab package
Environment: Matlab
The model presents the response of E.coli to different levels of oxygen supply, in which the oxidases, Cyo and Cyd, and their regulators, FNR and ArcBA systems, are included. The initial file 0.xml and supporting documents are for the model with FNR only. Four 0.xml files provided are at AAU level 31, 85, 115 and 217 respectively. The ArcBA system can be activated by revising the number of agents, ArcB, ArcA dimer, ArcA monomer, ArcA tetramer and ArcA octamer, in the initial file. The model needs ...
The model describes the electron transport chain (ETC) of Escherichia coli by ordinary differential equations. Also a simplified growth model based on an abstract reducing potential describing the balance of electron donor (glucose) and electron acceptors is coupled to the ETC. The model should reproduce and predict the regulation of the described system for different oxygen availability within the aerobiosis scale (glucose limited continuous culture<=>chemostat). Therefore oxygen is changed ...
Creator: Sebastian Henkel
Submitter: Sebastian Henkel
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: SBML
Environment: JWS Online
Organism: Escherichia coli
Investigations: Steady state studies for different oxygen avail...
A model of E. coli central carbon core metabolism, used as starting point for B. subtilis modelling. It is developed by Chassagnole et al. doi:10.1002/bit.10288.
Creators: Ulf Liebal, Fei He
Submitter: Ulf Liebal
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
Simplified model of the electron-transport chain(s) (ETC) of Escherichia coli and its regulation by ArcA and FNR. The goal is to demonstrate a hypothetical design principle in the regulatory structure (->partly qualitative parameter values). Oxygen is changed slowly (100% aerobiosis at 1000000 time units) thus the basis variable is not the time but the oxygen flux voxi.
Creator: Sebastian Henkel
Submitter: Sebastian Henkel
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
Organism: Escherichia coli
Investigations: Steady state studies for different oxygen avail...
The agent-based model involves the representation of each individual molecule of interest as an autonomous agent that exists within the cellular environment and interacts with other molecules according to the biochemical situation. FLAME environmet has beem used for agent-based development. The FLAME framework is an enabling tool to create agent-based models that can be run on high performance computers (HPCs). Models are created based upon extended finite state machines that include message input ...
Creator: Afsaneh Maleki-Dizaji
Submitter: Afsaneh Maleki-Dizaji
Model type: Agent based modelling
Model format: Not specified
Environment: FLAME
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Eleni Konia, Konstantinos Chatzicharalampous, Athina Drakonaki, Cornelia Muenke, Ulrich Ermler, Georgios Tsiotis, Ioannis V. Pavlidis
Date Published: 2021
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.1039/D1CC04664K
Citation: Chem. Commun.,10.1039.D1CC04664K
Abstract (Expand)
Date Published: 30th Sep 2014
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 25268772
Abstract (Expand)
Date Published: 27th Mar 2014
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 24723921
Abstract (Expand)
Date Published: 8th Oct 2012
Publication Type: Not specified
DOI: 10.1128/JB.01502-12
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: , Andrea Ocone, Melanie R Stapleton, Simon Hall, Eleanor W Trotter, , ,
Date Published: 8th Aug 2012
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 22870390
Date Published: 1st Jun 2011
Publication Type: Not specified
DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2011.03.015
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: , , , Eleanor W Trotter, H M Shahzad Asif, Guido Sanguinetti, , ,
Date Published: 22nd Jan 2011
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 21252224
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: H M Shahzad Asif, , , Neil D Lawrence, Magnus Rattray,
Date Published: 24th Aug 2010
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 20739311