Escherichia coli

Details about this organism

Synonyms (0)

None defined

Definitions (0)

None defined

NCBI taxonomy browser

Strain details

Name Provider name Provider's strain ID Genotypes Phenotypes Synonym Comments Based on
K-12/MG1655 Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
MC4100 Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
BW25113 KEIO Collection JW0001-1 del thrA722;del lacZ4787 wild-type Not specified From the Keio Collection of single-gene knockouts Not specified
MG1655 Yale CGSC CGSC#: 6300 del LAM;del rph-1 pyrimidine starvation Not specified This culture was grown from lyophil Oct. 2003 and it tested Fnr+. The previous working culture was mixed fnr-/fnr+. Not specified
BW25113 WT Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None BW25113
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