Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation - Supporting academic Staff and Researchers

The Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation is a new institution through which a profound reforming effort is being undertaken in the field of Research and Innovation in the country. The Organization supports unrestricted research (the systematic inquiry born of scientific curiosity) and new researchers by providing scholarships for doctoral candidates, as well as research projects for post-doctoral students, Researchers and Faculty Members. Through H.F.R.I., the research and academic community is, for the first time, actively involved in shaping the country’s research and innovation policy without thematic or geographical exclusions, but with the sole criterion of scientific quality and excellence. H.F.R.I. was created out of the vital need to support young scientists and as a necessary tool in reversing the outflow of outstanding scientists abroad. Indeed, one of H.F.R.I.’s key goals is to impede the scientific and economic haemorrhage that the loss of gifted Greek researchers entails.

In order to achieve its goals, H.F.R.I.: • Grants scholarships for doctoral dissertations and post-doctoral studies • Funds high quality research projects in which post-graduate students, researchers and faculty members are principal investigators • Finances the acquisition of research equipment • Enables Universities, TEIs, research and technology stakeholders, to access innovative research program financing • Supports the creation and operation of start-ups in order to utilize research results

Web page: http://www.elidek.gr/en/homepage/

Funding details:
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