Educational reconstruction of size-depended-properties in nanotechnology for teaching in tertiary education
There is an overarching theme in Science Education to integrate in the school and university curriculum interdisciplinary state-of-art innovations. The field of Nanotechnology is such an example, because it combines the aforementioned interdisciplinarity and novelty with a well-documented educational value. Herein, a novel teaching approach concerning size-dependent properties at the nanoscale for chemistry and physics undergraduate students is proposed. The analysis of the scientific content and its following reconstruction for teaching purposes is based on the theoretical framework of the Model of Educational Reconstruction (MER). This analysis yielded two fundamental concepts and a series of activities that can be the main core of teaching Nanotechnology at a university level.
Projects: CEPOPA - Development of sustainable chemoenzymatic processes for optical...
Publication type: Journal
Journal: Chemistry Teacher International
Citation: Chemistry Teacher International 0(0),000010151520210011
Date Published: 13th Jul 2021
Registered Mode: by DOI
Views: 1166
Created: 14th Nov 2021 at 08:03
Last updated: 8th Dec 2022 at 17:26
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