PlaSMo model repository

What is PlaSMo?

PlaSMo stands for Plant Systems-biology Modelling
Ensuring the achievements of yesterday's Mathematical Modellers will be available for the Systems Biologists of tomorrow.

Our aims

  • To identify plant mathematical models useful to the UK plant systems biology community, which are currently in a variety of legacy formats and in danger of being lost
  • To represent these models in a declarative XML-based format, which is closer to the systems biology standard SBML
  • To evaluate the behaviour of the models represented in this format against the output of the original models
  • To produce a portal to disseminate the models, and examples of their output, in XML format; so that they can be used in the programming language and computating environment of a scientist's choice
  • To provide an interface to enable researchers to share reviews, annotations and enhancements of models

Who is it for?

  • Plant scientists wishing to apply systems biology approaches to the study of plant growth and development
  • Crop scientists and the plant breeding and agricultural industries
  • Current and retired mathematical modellers wishing to safeguard their models and make them more widely available
  • Those researching plant responses to climate change
  • Those needing to model the growth of new crops or new uses of existing crops, such as bioenergy production

PlaSMo has moved

PlaSMo project used to have its dedicated repository under All PlaSMo resources have been migrated into the FairdomHub in order to benefit from rich SEEK features and assure data longevity. You can access the list of all the PlaSMo models here.

You can read more about PlaSMo in the project document

Our funders

PlaSMo was establised with funding from the BBSRC's Bioinformatics and Biological Resources initiative and is maintained with funding from the European Commission's FP7 Collaborative Project TiMet.

Programme: SynthSys


Public web page: Not specified

Organisms: Arabidopsis thaliana, Ostreococcus tauri

FAIRDOM PALs: No PALs for this Project

Project created: 28th Nov 2018

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