"LINTUL simulates potential growth of a crop, i.e. its dry matter accumulation under ample supply of water and nutrients in a pest-, disease- and weed-free environment, under the prevailing weather conditions. The rate of dry matter accumulation is a function of irradiation and crop characteristics. The model makes use of the common observation that the crop growth rate under favourable conditions is proportional to the amount of light intercepted (Monteith, 1977). Dry matter production is, therefore, modelled as the product of light interception and a constant light use efficiency. The dry matter produced is partitioned among the various plant organs, using partitioning factors defined as a function of the phenological development stage of the crop. The dry weights of the plant organs are obtained by integration of their growth rates over time." (Source: LINTUL documentation)<br><br><strong>Additional Attributes</strong><br>Original Model: <p>
The original implementation of LINTUL was written in FST, the FORTRAN Simulation Translator (van Kraalingen et al., 1994), which runs on various computer platforms, e.g. VAX-mainframe, IBM-PC or compatible, and Apple-Macintosh. The source file for this model was obtained from the public download site of the Centre for Crop Systems Analysis at Wageningen University (<a href="http://www.csa.wur.nl/UK/Downloads/LINTUL/">http://www.csa.wur.nl/UK/Downloads/LINTUL/</a>). </p>
The aim of LINTUL is to simulate potential growth of a crop, i.e. its dry matter accumulation under ample supply of water and nutrients in a pest-, disease- and weed-free environment, under the prevailing weather conditions.
Related Publications
Spitters, C.J.T. & A.H.C.M. Schapendonk (1990). Evaluation of breeding strategies for drought tolerance in potato by means of crop growth simulation.. Plant and Soil 123: 193-203..
Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2010-01-27 13:53:11

Additional credit
Robert Muetzelfeldt
Views: 3282
Created: 10th Jan 2019 at 16:38

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