This is the SimileXML for the Salazar model linked to the T6P/TPS pathway (Wahl et al. Science 2013). The Simile version of this model and the parameter file are also attached here. Time series data of T6P and <em>FT</em> mRNA for Col wild type and <em>tps1</em> mutant from Fig. 1 in Wahl et al were used to re-optimise Bco, KCO, kT6P and vT6P (which replaces VCO). <strong>Note:</strong> This set of parameter values has only been optimised and tested for a 16:8 light:dark cycle, and the initial values in the Simile model are for 12:12. <strong>Instructions to run the model in Simile</strong> 1. Save all the files into the same folder. 2. Copy and paste the attached ‘’ file in the following folder: Program File > Simile6.0 (or other software version)> Functions 3. Download the attached Simile file or import the XML into Simile: a. File > Import > XML Model Description 4. To run the model: a. Model > Run or click on the ‘Play’ (triangle) button 5. When you run the model for the first time, you will be prompted to load the parameter file. To do so: a. Load the ‘Salazar model.spf’ file at the TOP LEVEL 6. The time unit and time step also need to be adjusted as follows: a. The time step can be set in the run display window. The time step #1 should be set to 0.001 b. The time unit should be changed to ‘hour’, which can be done in the ‘Run settings’ tab in the run display window<br><br><strong>Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2014-03-18 13:27:16</strong>
Modelling analysis
Projects: PlaSMo model repository
Investigation: Existing models that were re-factored and integrated into the Arabidopsis Framework Model (AtFM)
Study: Salazar Photoperiodism Model with T6P - PLM_82
Assay position:
Biological problem addressed: Gene Regulatory Network
Organisms: No organisms

Additional credit
Yin Hoon
Views: 1701
Created: 10th Jan 2019 at 16:41
Last updated: 7th May 2019 at 11:24

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