Model outputs mRNA expression of PIF4/5 that is under control of the Pokhilko extended circadian clock. The first version (Model 2a in the supplementary file) has inhibition of PIFs from TOC1. The second version (Model 2c) has PIF activity promoted by LHY/CCA1 - this is currently the most accurate model when compared to data. Models shall be updated later to include PIF4/5 protein levels. Parameter values for this and other External Coincidence models found in supplementary file.<br><br><strong>Version Comments</strong><p>
As stated in description for the previous version of External Coincidence model, this model links PIF activity to LHY/CCA1 in the Pokhilko Extended circadian clock. Due to lack of protein data, the parameters for this equation have not been optimised yet and will be done later. For two different sets of parameter values for this model based on different constraints see supplementary file (currently the unconstrained paramater set leads to the more accurate model).</p>
Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2011-01-25 13:23:32
Modelling analysis
Projects: PlaSMo model repository
Investigation: Smith, Rob
Study: External Coincidence Model - PLM_31
Assay position:
Biological problem addressed: Gene Regulatory Network
Organisms: No organisms
Additional credit
Rob Smith
Views: 1778
Created: 10th Jan 2019 at 16:40
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