AFRC Wheat 2 julday submodel - PLM_35

Transform Calendar day to Julian Day. Converts day, month, year into the equivalent Julian Day allowing for leap years.	This is a submodel of AFRC Wheat 2 model in Simile notation (the XML version will follow shortly).<br><br><strong>Related Publications</strong><br>Porter J (1993). AFRCWHEAT2: A Model of the Growth and Development of Wheat Incorporating Responses to Water and Nitrogen. . Eur. J. Agron. 2(2): 69-82.. <br><br><strong>Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2011-02-04 15:30:45</strong>


Davey, Chris

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Chris Davey


Views: 1696

Created: 10th Jan 2019 at 16:37

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