
What is an Investigation?
16 Investigations visible to you, out of a total of 16

Collection of models submitted to PLaSMo by Uriel Urquiza Garcia and automatically transferred to FAIRDOM Hub.

Project to test effects of temperature cycles on expression of Arabidopsis florigen gene FT, and whether these are mediated by temperature-dependent leaf development or temperature-specific FT expression, or both. Re-used and extended Arabidopsis Framework Model v1 to address this question. Led by Hannah Kinmonth-Schultz in Kim and Imaizumi labs, collaborating with Millar lab.

Collection of models submitted to PLaSMo by Andrew Millar and automatically transferred to FAIRDOM Hub.

Submitter: BioData SynthSys

Studies: Arabidopsis clock model P2011, graphical diagram - PLM_1045, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.3.1 - PLM_1041, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.4.1 - PLM_1042, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.5.1 - PLM_1043, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.6.1 - PLM_1044, Arabidopsis clock models P2011.1.2 and P2011.2.1 - PLM_71, Arabidopsis_clock_P2011 - PLM_64, Arabidopsis_clock_P2012 - PLM_70, At_Pokh2011_LD_degr_Op1Ap3.xml - PLM_67, At_Pokh2011v6_plasmo_ltdParams.xml - PLM_68, AuxSim - PLM_27, AuxSim full - PLM_30, DomijanTS_AtClock2011 - PLM_50, Locke2005_CircadianClock_tanh - PLM_8, Locke2006_CircadianClock_tanh - PLM_10, OK MEP pathway 2013 - PLM_72, P2012_AJMv2_NoABA - PLM_69, Salazar2009_FloweringPhotoperiod - PLM_9, Sorokina2011_Ostreo_starch - PLM_44, Wilczek photothermal Science - PLM_48

Assays: Arabidopsis clock model P2011, graphical diagram - PLM_1045, version 1, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.1.2 - PLM_71, version 1, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.2.1 - PLM_71, version 2, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.3.1 - PLM_1041, version 1, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.4.1 - PLM_1042, version 1, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.5.1 - PLM_1043, version 1, Arabidopsis clock model P2011.6.1 - PLM_1044, version 1, Arabidopsis_clock_P2011 - PLM_64, version 1, Arabidopsis_clock_P2011 - PLM_64, version 2, Arabidopsis_clock_P2011 - PLM_64, version 3, Arabidopsis_clock_P2011 - PLM_64, version 4, Arabidopsis_clock_P2012 - PLM_70, version 1, Arabidopsis_clock_P2012 - PLM_70, version 2, At_Pokh2011_LD_degr_Op1Ap3.xml - PLM_67, version 1, At_Pokh2011_LD_degr_Op1Ap3.xml - PLM_67, version 2, At_Pokh2011_LD_degr_Op1Ap3.xml - PLM_67, version 3, At_Pokh2011_LD_degr_Op1Ap3.xml - PLM_67, version 4, At_Pokh2011_LD_degr_Op1Ap3.xml - PLM_67, version 5, At_Pokh2011_LD_degr_Op1Ap3.xml - PLM_67, version 6, At_Pokh2011v6_plasmo_ltdParams.xml - PLM_68, version 1, AuxSim - PLM_27, version 1, AuxSim full - PLM_30, version 1, DomijanTS_AtClock2011 - PLM_50, version 1, DomijanTS_AtClock2011 - PLM_50, version 2, Locke2005_CircadianClock_tanh - PLM_8, version 1, Locke2006_CircadianClock_tanh - PLM_10, version 1, OK MEP pathway 2013 - PLM_72, version 1, P2012_AJMv2_NoABA - PLM_69, version 1, P2012_AJMv2_NoABA - PLM_69, version 2, Salazar2009_FloweringPhotoperiod - PLM_9, version 1, Salazar2009_FloweringPhotoperiod - PLM_9, version 2, Sorokina2011_Ostreo_starch - PLM_44, version 1, Wilczek photothermal Science - PLM_48, version 1, Wilczek photothermal Science - PLM_48, version 2

Collection of models submitted to PLaSMo by Jonathan Massheder and automatically transferred to FAIRDOM Hub.

Collection of models submitted to PLaSMo by Rob Smith and automatically transferred to FAIRDOM Hub.

Collection of models submitted to PLaSMo by Maria-Luisa Guerriero and automatically transferred to FAIRDOM Hub.

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