Andrew's "ongoing work" record for the P2011 clock model. Many different versions, with annotations made during SBSI development in 2011-2013 - see version records.<br><br><strong>Version Comments</strong><p>
Version 2 is the 'public' version with the StepFunction, PLM_64v4. For some reason this was crashing SBSI, but was then cleaned up by passing through Copasi. Thus the file name of this version was Arabidopsis_clock_P2011_exCopasi.xml</p>
This version should be suitable for SBSI optimisation to LD-LL data sets, because it was successfully tested as PLM_64v4_Steptest. NB - needs the close solver tolerances for StepFunction use!
Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2012-05-31 22:18:27
Modelling analysis
Projects: Millar group, PlaSMo model repository
Investigation: Millar, Andrew (ex-PlaSMo models)
Study: At_Pokh2011_LD_degr_Op1Ap3.xml - PLM_67
Assay position:
Biological problem addressed: Gene Regulatory Network
Organisms: No organisms

Additional credit
Andrew Millar
Views: 1947
Created: 10th Jan 2019 at 16:40
Last updated: 22nd Jan 2019 at 17:18

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