Computational Biologist and Biostatistician at Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology, National Institute of Biology (NIB)
, Not specified
Joined: 6th Jun 2018
Expertise: Molecular Biology, Statistics, Bioinformatics, Mathematical and statistical modeling, Programming, Data analysisMathematical modellingBioinformaticsSystems biology, Data Management, Data analysis, Visualization, Data Integration, Computational Biology
Tools: Bioinformatics, Computational and theoretical biology, Computational Systems Biology, Data Management, Databases, Dynamic modelling, Molecular Biology, Python, R, Systems Biology, Data Integration

Related items
- Programmes (1)
- Projects (7)
- Institutions (2)
- Investigations (1+8)
- Studies (4+13)
- Assays (23+18)
- Data files (92+9)
- Publications (6)
- Presentations (0+3)
- Documents (54)
National Institute of Biology, Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology projects
Projects: HYp - Spatiotemporal analysis of hypersensitive response to Potato virus Y in potato, pISA-tree, MOA - Multiomics analysis of potato response to Potato virus Y (PVY) infection, SUSPHIRE - Sustainable Bioproduction of Pheromones for Insect Pest Control in Agriculture, INDIE - Biotechnological production of sustainable indole, _p_stRT, ADAPT - Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerAnt PoTato, _p_RNAinVAL, tst, tst2, Playground
Web page:
pISA-tree: Standard project directory tree
A set of batch files is used to create standard directory tree for research projects. Batch files are provided to make standardized nested directories in accordance with the ISA Abstract Model levels (Investigation/Study/Assay).
Linked resources:
- R support for pISA-tree DOI ...
Programme: NIBSys
Public web page:
Organisms: Not specified
project: _p_stRT Short Name: stRT Title: Solanum tuberosum Reference Transcriptomes Description: Cultivar-specific transcriptome and pan-transcriptome reconstruction of tetraploid potato pISA projects path: ../pISA-Projects Local pISA-tree organisation: National Institute of Biology pISA project creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA project creator: Maja Zagorscak, Ziva Ramsak, Marko Petek Project funding code: This project was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency (grants P4-0165, J4-4165, J4-7636, ...
Programme: NIBSys
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Dec 2017
End date: 1st Jan 2020
Organisms: Potato virus Y, Solanum tuberosum
Our world is changing fast! Key global trends are rapid urbanisation, growing and ageing populations, and increased prosperity. This results in depletion of natural and petrochemical resources and climate change, which affects the quality of the environment and people's lives. Therefore, developing a bio-based economy is key to sustain our planet in the long term. Raw materials will have to be recruited from renewable sources.
Industrial biotechnology is potentially a very powerful technology in ...
Programme: NIBSys
Public web page:
Organisms: Corynebacterium glutamicum
Programme: NIBSys
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
Programme: NIBSys
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
In this project, the involved partners are trying to develop the knowledge base that will enable the breeding of new potato varieties, tolerant to multiple environmental stressors.
Programme: NIBSys
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Jul 2020
End date: 30th Jun 2024
Organisms: Solanum tuberosum
Despite the intensive use of agrochemicals, plant pathogens are responsible for huge yield losses worldwide. Understanding the interaction between plant and pathogens is crucial to ensure long lasting and environmentally friendly system of plant protection. Therefore research of the most important human food crops in combination with their pathogens is one of the highest priorities for sustainable agriculture.
The aim of the proposed research project is to bring new perspective into understanding ...
Programme: NIBSys
Public web page:
Organisms: Potato virus Y
Investigation: _I_STRT Short Name: STRT Title: Cultivar-specific transcriptome and pan-transcriptome reconstruction of tetraploid potato Description: Cultivar-specific transcriptome and pan-transcriptome reconstruction of tetraploid potato Phenodata: ./phenodata_20191022.txt pISA Investigation creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA Investigation creator: Maja Zagorscak, Ziva Ramsak, Marko Petek Principal investigator: Kristina Gruden License: MIT Sharing permission: Public Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Studies: SupplementaryInformation, _S_01_sequences, _S_02_denovo, _S_03_stCuSTr, _S_04_stPanTr
Assays: Supplementary Information, _A_01_GC_content-count, _A_01_evigene, _A_02.1_BUSCO, _A_02.2_assembly-contribution-count, _A_02.3_InterProScan, _A_02.4_STAR, _A_02.5_STARlong_matchAnnot, _A_02.6_TransRate, _A_02.7_VecScreen, _A_02.8_DIAMOND, _A_02_cdhit_3cvs-GFFmerged, _A_03.1_filtering, _A_03.2_components, _A_03_components_3cvs-GFFmerged, _A_04_BUSCO_3cvs-GFFmerged, _A_04_TransRate, _A_05_BUSCO, _A_05_MSA_3cvs-GFFmerged, _A_06_tr_rep-transrate, _A_07_Desiree-mapping, _A_08_centrifuge_3cvs-GFFmerged, _A_09_annotation-GFFmerged
Snapshots: No snapshots
Supplementary Information linked together
Snapshots: No snapshots
Study: _S_03_stCuSTr Short Name: 03_stCuSTr Title: Solanum tuberosum Cultivar-Specific Transcriptomes Description: Solanum tuberosum Cultivar-Specific Transcriptomes Raw Data: ../_S_01_sequences/, ../_S_02_denovo/ pISA Study creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA Study creator: Maja Zagorscak, Marko Petek, Ziva Ramsak Principal investigator: Kristina Gruden License: MIT Sharing permission: Public Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigation: _I_STRT
Assays: _A_01_evigene, _A_02.1_BUSCO, _A_02.2_assembly-contribution-count, _A_02.3_InterProScan, _A_02.4_STAR, _A_02.5_STARlong_matchAnnot, _A_02.6_TransRate, _A_02.7_VecScreen, _A_02.8_DIAMOND, _A_03.1_filtering, _A_03.2_components, _A_04_TransRate, _A_05_BUSCO
Snapshots: No snapshots
Study: _S_02_denovo Short Name: 02_denovo Title: De novo assemblies Description: De novo assemblies for cration of potato reference transcriptomes Raw Data: ../_S_01_sequences/ pISA Study creation date: 2019-10-23 pISA Study creator: Maja Zagorscak, Marko Petek, Ziva Ramsak Principal investigator: Kristina Gruden License: MIT Sharing permission: Public Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Study: _S_01_sequences Short Name: 01_sequences Title: NGS sequences for de novo assembly Description: NGS sequences for de novo assembly; input for Study 02_denovo Raw Data: see: ./reports/SupplementaryTableS1-Input_sequences_information.xlsx pISA Study creation date: 2019-10-23 pISA Study creator: Maja Zagorscak, Marko Petek, Ziva Ramsak Principal investigator: Kristina Gruden License: MIT Sharing permission: Public Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Assay: _A_01_evigene Short Name: 01_evigene Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: evigene Title: EvidentialGene VERSION 2016.07.11 Description: See pISA Assay creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA Assay creator: Maja Zagorscak Phenodata: None Featuredata: None Data: see ./input/path_to_files.txt
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Biological problem addressed: Integration
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_03_stCuSTr
Organisms: Solanum tuberosum, Potato virus Y
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/path_to_files.txt, /intermediate_tr2aacds_Desiree.tar.gz, /intermediate_tr2aacds_PW363.tar.gz.aa, /intermediate_tr2aacds_PW363.tar.gz.ab, /intermediate_tr2aacds_Rywal.tar.gz, /output/output.tar, /scripts/, /scripts/, /scripts/
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Assay: _A_02.1_BUSCO Short Name: 02.1_BUSCO Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: BUSCO Title: BUSCO on assemblies and tr2aacds output Description: BUSCO on assemblies and tr2aacds output pISA Assay creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA Assay creator: Maja Zagorscak Phenodata: None Featuredata: None Data: see ./input/path_to_files.txt
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Biological problem addressed: Validation
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_03_stCuSTr
Organisms: Solanum tuberosum
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/input.tar, /output/output.tar, /scripts/scripts.tar
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Assay: _A_02.2_assembly-contribution-count Short Name: 02.2_assembly-contribution-count Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: count Title: assembly contribution count Description: assembly contribution count, input/output tr2aacds pISA Assay creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA Assay creator: Maja Zagorscak Phenodata: None Featuredata: None Data: see ./input/path_to_files.txt
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_03_stCuSTr
Organisms: Solanum tuberosum
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/input.tar, /intermediate_Desiree.tar.gz, /intermediate_PW363.tar.gz, /intermediate_Rywal.tar.gz, /output/output.tar, /reports/SupplementaryFigure1.pdf, /reports/SupplementaryFigure2.pdf, /reports/SupplementaryFigure3.pdf, /reports/SupplementaryTableS6, /scripts/scripts.tar
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Assay: _A_02.3_InterProScan Short Name: 02.3_InterProScan Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: InterProScan Title: InterProScan on tr2aacds output Description: InterProScan on tr2aacds output pISA Assay creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA Assay creator: Marko Petek Phenodata: None Featuredata: None Data: see ./input/path_to_files.txt
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Biological problem addressed: Annotation
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_03_stCuSTr
Organisms: Solanum tuberosum
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/path_to_files.txt, /intermediate/intermediate.tar, /output/Desiree_IPS_filtered_aggregated_filtere..., /output/PW363_IPS_filtered_aggregated_filtered.tsv, /output/Rywal_IPS_filtered_aggregated_filtered.tsv, /reports/IPS_PowerQuery_PivotTable.xlsx, /scripts/01_potato_tr_evigene_IPS_commands.txt, /scripts/02_reshape_merge_aggregate_filter.Rmd
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Assay: _A_02.4_STAR Short Name: 02.4_STAR Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: STAR Title: mapping reads back to evigene .tr output Description: mapping reads back to evigene .tr output using STAR to check the percentage of reads that map pISA Assay creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA Assay creator: Marko Petek Phenodata: None Featuredata: None Data: see ./input/path_to_files.txt
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Biological problem addressed: Validation
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_03_stCuSTr
Organisms: Solanum tuberosum
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/path_to_files.txt, /output/output_STAR_logs-n-SJ.tar.gz, /output/, /reports/summaryCounts&SJ.xlsx, /scripts/STAR_commands.txt
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Assay: _A_02.5_STARlong_matchAnnot Short Name: 02.5_STARlong_matchAnnot Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: matchAnnot Title: potato transcriptome v2 (evigene) STARlong mapping of transcripts to reference genome and MatchAnnot to get transcript annotations Description: potato initial transcriptome (evigene) STARlong mapping of transcripts to reference genome and MatchAnnot to get transcript annotations pISA Assay creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA Assay creator: Marko Petek Phenodata: None Featuredata: None ...
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Biological problem addressed: Annotation
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_03_stCuSTr
Organisms: Solanum tuberosum
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/path_to_files.txt, /output/output_1_STARlong-logs-n-SJ.tar.gz, /output/output_2_matchAnnot-parsed-txt.tar.gz, /scripts/STARlongMatchAnnot_commands_ENCODE_den...
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Assay: _A_02.6_TransRate Short Name: 02.6_TransRate Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: TransRate Title: TransRate stat on raw tr2aacds transcriptomes Description: TransRate stat on raw (initial) tr2aacds transcriptomes, basic and reference-based pISA Assay creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA Assay creator: Maja Zagorscak Phenodata: None Featuredata: Nonde Data: see ./input/path_to_files.txt
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Biological problem addressed: Validation
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_03_stCuSTr
Organisms: Solanum tuberosum
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/input.tar, /output/output.tar, /scripts/scripts.tar
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Assay: _A_02.7_VecScreen Short Name: 02.7_VecScreen Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: VecScreen Title: VecScreen on raw tr2aacds output Description: VecScreen (contamination screening) and blastn (contaminants annotation) on raw (initial) tr2aacds output pISA Assay creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA Assay creator: Maja Zagorscak Phenodata: None Featuredata: None Data: see ./input/path_to_files.txt
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Biological problem addressed: Validation
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_03_stCuSTr
Organisms: Solanum tuberosum, Potato virus Y
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/path_to_files.txt, /intermediate.tar.gz, /output/Desiree_vecscreen.tsv, /output/PW363_vecscreen.tsv, /output/Rywal_vecscreen.tsv, /scripts/, /scripts/, /scripts/
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Assay: _A_02.8_DIAMOND Short Name: 02.8_DIAMOND Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: DIAMOND Title: DIAMOND on raw tr2aacds output Description: DIAMOND on raw tr2aacds output, both .cds and .tr; including lost and found pISA Assay creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA Assay creator: Maja Zagorscak Phenodata: None Featuredata: None Data: see ./input/path_to_files.txt
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Biological problem addressed: Annotation
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_03_stCuSTr
Organisms: Solanum tuberosum
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/input.tar, /output/output.tar, /scripts/scripts.tar
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Assay: _A_03.1_filtering Short Name: 03.1_filtering Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: filtering Title: Filtering according to biological evidence; removal of contaminants, chimeras and suspicious constructs Description: Filtering according to biological evidence; removal of contaminants, chimeras and suspicious constructs pISA Assay creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA Assay creator: Maja Zagorscak Phenodata: None Featuredata: None Data: see ./input/path_to_files.txt
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Biological problem addressed: Validation
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_03_stCuSTr
Organisms: No organisms
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/input.tar, /intermediate/intermediate.tar, /output/Desiree_tr.cds.tsv.gz, /output/PW363_tr.cds.tsv.gz, /output/Rywal_tr.cds.tsv.gz, /output/other/output_full.tar.gz, /output/other/output_summary.tar.gz, /reports/03.1_Rywal_combo_withFiltering.html, /reports/03.2_PW363_combo_withFiltering.html, /reports/03.3_Desiree_combo_withFiltering.html, /reports/SupplementaryTableS3, /reports/SupplementaryTableS4, /reports/SupplementaryTableS5, /scripts/scripts.tar
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Assay: _A_03.2_components Short Name: 03.2_components Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: components Title: Components: tr2aacds headers, cdhit-2d Description: Components: tr2aacds headers, cdhit-2d; post-filtering redefinition of paralogue clusters pISA Assay creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA Assay creator: Ziva Ramsak Phenodata: None Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Biological problem addressed: Annotation
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_03_stCuSTr
Organisms: Solanum tuberosum
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/input.tar, /intermediate_4_cdhit-2d.tar.gz, /output/output.tar, /scripts/scripts.tar
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Assay: _A_04_TransRate Short Name: 04_TransRate Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: TransRate Title: TransRate post filtering and reassignment Description: TransRate post filtering and reassignment pISA Assay creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA Assay creator: Maja Zagorscak Phenodata: None Featuredata: None Data: see ./input/path_to_files.txt
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Biological problem addressed: Validation
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_03_stCuSTr
Organisms: Solanum tuberosum
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/path_to_files.txt, /output/output.tar, /scripts/
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Assay: _A_05_BUSCO Short Name: 05_BUSCO Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: BUSCO Title: BUSCO post filtering and reassignment Description: BUSCO post filtering and reassignment pISA Assay creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA Assay creator: Maja Zagorscak Phenodata: None Featuredata: None Data: see ./input/path_to_files.txt
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Biological problem addressed: Validation
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_03_stCuSTr
Organisms: Solanum tuberosum
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/input.tar, /output/output.tar, /scripts/scripts.tar, /transfer/
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Supplementary Information linked together
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: SupplementaryInformation
Organisms: No organisms
Models: No Models
Data files: /reports/SupplementaryFigure1.pdf, /reports/SupplementaryFigure2.pdf, /reports/SupplementaryFigure3.pdf, /reports/SupplementaryFigure4.pdf, /reports/SupplementaryFile2.html, /reports/SupplementaryFile3.html, /reports/SupplementaryTableS1, /reports/SupplementaryTableS2, /reports/SupplementaryTableS3, /reports/SupplementaryTableS4, /reports/SupplementaryTableS5, /reports/SupplementaryTableS6, /reports/SupplementaryTableS7, /reports/SupplementaryTableS8, SupplementaryFile1
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Short Name: cdhit_3cvs-GFFmerged Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: GFFmerged Title: cdhit-est and cdhit-2d on 3cv and ITAG/PGSC Description: cdhit-est and cdhit-2d on 3cv and ITAG/PGSC pISA Assay creation date: 2020-03-09 pISA Assay creator: Maja Zagorscak Phenodata: None Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Andrej Blejec
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_04_stPanTr
Organisms: No organisms
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/Solanum_tuberosum_ITAG_DM_v1_description..., /input/Solanum_tuberosum_PGSC_DM_v4.04_converte..., /input/StPGSC4.04n_seq_4_PGSC-p-rep_ITAG-pep_gf..., /input/path_to_files.txt, /intermediate/singletons.DM.seqID.txt, /intermediate/singletons.seqID.txt, /intermediate/singletons.tetra.seqID.txt, /intermediate/stCuSTr_cds_repAlt_cdhitEST-conda..., /intermediate/stPanTr_aa_singletons_DM_on_tetra..., /intermediate/stPanTr_aa_singletons_tetra_on_DM..., /output/5cv_weak-components.txt, /output/5cv_weak-components_withAnnotation.tsv, /output/VennDiagrams/stPanTr+stCuSTr_geneCount_..., /output/VennDiagrams/stPanTr_geneCount_weak-com..., /output/VennDiagrams/stPanTr_geneCount_weak-com..., /output/VennDiagrams/stPanTr_geneCount_weak-com..., /output/VennDiagrams/stPanTr_geneCount_weak-com..., /output/VennDiagrams/stPanTr_geneCount_weak-com..., /output/VennDiagrams/stPanTr_geneCount_weak-com..., /output/VennDiagrams/stPanTr_geneCount_weak-com..., /output/VennDiagrams/stPanTr_geneCount_weak-com..., /output/annot.alias.aa.tsv, /output/annot.alias.cds.tsv, /output/cdhit-est_rep-alt_aS.75_c.90_pairs.tsv, /output/cdhit-est_representativesMatched_aS.75_..., /output/cdhit-est_singletons_aS.75_c.90.tsv, /output/stPanTr-clusters.tsv, /output/trueSingle.DM.ID, /output/trueSingle.polyploid.ID, /reports/SupplementaryFigure4.pdf, /reports/SupplementaryTableS7, /reports/cvID_group-Rplot.pdf, /reports/cv_group-Rplot.pdf, /scripts/01.1_commands-CDHIT-EST.txt, /scripts/01.2_commands-CDHIT-2D.txt, /scripts/02_cd-hit-est_cdhit-2d.html, /scripts/03_stPanTr_components_all.html, /scripts/04_summary_stPanTr_v4.html and 4 hidden items
Snapshots: Snapshot 1, Snapshot 2
Short Name: 01_GC_content-count Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: count Title: GC content and sequence length Description: A, C, T, G content and sequence length pISA Assay creation date: 2020-03-09 pISA Assay creator: Maja Zagorscak Phenodata: None Featuredata: Data: ../input/path_to_files.txt
Submitter: Andrej Blejec
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_04_stPanTr
Organisms: No organisms
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/Solanum_tuberosum-ITAG_DM_v1_cds.fasta, /input/Solanum_tuberosum_PGSC_merged.fasta, /input/StPGSC4.04n_seq_3_PGSC-c-rep_ITAG-cds_gf..., /output/Solanum_tuberosum-ITAG_DM_v1_cds_GC.txt, /output/Solanum_tuberosum_PGSC_merged.CDS_GC.txt, /output/StPGSC4.04n_seq_3_PGSC-c-rep_ITAG-cds_g..., /scripts/, /scripts/ and 12 hidden items
Snapshots: No snapshots
Short Name: 04_BUSCO_3cvs-GFFmerged Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: GFFmerged Title: BUSCOs Description: BUSCO on ITAG, PGSC, ITAG/PGSC merged, pan-transcriptome representatives, pan-transcriptome alternatives, and pan-transcriptome pISA Assay creation date: 2020-03-10 pISA Assay creator: Maja Zagorscak Phenodata: None Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Andrej Blejec
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_04_stPanTr
Organisms: No organisms
Models: No Models
Data files: /output/BUSCO_stPanTr_embryophyta_odb9.tsv, /output/BUSCO_stPanTr_solanaceae_odb10.tsv, /output/short_summary_BUSCO_Solanum_tuberosum-I..., /output/short_summary_BUSCO_Solanum_tuberosum-I..., /output/short_summary_BUSCO_Solanum_tuberosum-P..., /output/short_summary_BUSCO_Solanum_tuberosum-P..., /output/short_summary_BUSCO_Solanum_tuberosum_P..., /output/short_summary_BUSCO_Solanum_tuberosum_P..., /output/short_summary_BUSCO_Solanum_tuberosum_P..., /output/short_summary_BUSCO_Solanum_tuberosum_P..., /output/short_summary_BUSCO_StPGSC4.04n_seq_4_P..., /output/short_summary_BUSCO_StPGSC4.04n_seq_4_P..., /output/short_summary_BUSCO_stPanTr.aa.fasta_em..., /output/short_summary_BUSCO_stPanTr.aa.fasta_so..., /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /scripts/, /scripts/02_BUSCO_plots.html
Snapshots: No snapshots
Short Name: 07_Desiree-mapping Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: mapping Title: Desiree mapping Description: Mapping of Desiree samples (drought stress) to Desiree and Phureja transcriptomes pISA Assay creation date: 2020-03-11 pISA Assay creator: Maja Zagorscak Phenodata: None Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Andrej Blejec
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_04_stPanTr
Organisms: No organisms
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/PGSC_DM_v3.4_transcript-update_represent..., /intermediate/Desiree/chrLength.txt, /intermediate/Desiree/chrName.txt, /intermediate/Desiree/chrNameLength.txt, /intermediate/Desiree/chrStart.txt, /intermediate/Desiree/genomeParameters.txt, /intermediate/PGSC/chrLength.txt, /intermediate/PGSC/chrName.txt, /intermediate/PGSC/chrNameLength.txt, /intermediate/PGSC/chrStart.txt, /intermediate/PGSC/genomeParameters.txt, /intermediate/gff-merged/chrLength.txt, /intermediate/gff-merged/chrName.txt, /intermediate/gff-merged/chrNameLength.txt, /intermediate/gff-merged/chrStart.txt, /intermediate/gff-merged/genomeParameters.txt, /intermediate/indexDesiree.log, /intermediate/indexGFFmerged.log, /intermediate/indexPGSC.log, /output/Desiree_SRR10416847/, /output/Desiree_SRR10416847/Log.out, /output/Desiree_SRR10416847/Log.progress.out, /output/Desiree_SRR10416847/, /output/Desiree_SRR10416848/, /output/Desiree_SRR10416848/Log.out, /output/Desiree_SRR10416848/Log.progress.out, /output/Desiree_SRR10416848/, /output/Desiree_SRR10416849/, /output/Desiree_SRR10416849/Log.out, /output/Desiree_SRR10416849/Log.progress.out, /output/Desiree_SRR10416849/, /output/Desiree_drought123/Desiree_Aligned.sort..., /output/Desiree_drought123/, /output/Desiree_drought123/Log.out, /output/Desiree_drought123/Log.progress.out, /output/Desiree_drought123/, /output/PGSC_SRR10416847/, /output/PGSC_SRR10416847/Log.out, /output/PGSC_SRR10416847/Log.progress.out, /output/PGSC_SRR10416847/, /output/PGSC_SRR10416848/, /output/PGSC_SRR10416848/Log.out, /output/PGSC_SRR10416848/Log.progress.out, /output/PGSC_SRR10416848/, /output/PGSC_SRR10416849/, /output/PGSC_SRR10416849/Log.out, /output/PGSC_SRR10416849/Log.progress.out, /output/PGSC_SRR10416849/, /output/PGSC_drought123/DM_Aligned.sortedByCoor..., /output/PGSC_drought123/, /output/PGSC_drought123/Log.out, /output/PGSC_drought123/Log.progress.out, /output/PGSC_drought123/, /output/gff-merged_SRR10416847/, /output/gff-merged_SRR10416847/Log.out, /output/gff-merged_SRR10416847/Log.progress.out, /output/gff-merged_SRR10416847/, /output/gff-merged_SRR10416848/, /output/gff-merged_SRR10416848/Log.out, /output/gff-merged_SRR10416848/Log.progress.out, /output/gff-merged_SRR10416848/, /output/gff-merged_SRR10416849/, /output/gff-merged_SRR10416849/Log.out, /output/gff-merged_SRR10416849/Log.progress.out, /output/gff-merged_SRR10416849/, /output/gff-merged_drought123/, /output/gff-merged_drought123/Log.out, /output/gff-merged_drought123/Log.progress.out, /output/gff-merged_drought123/, /reports/SupplementaryTableS8, /scripts/00_wget.txt, /scripts/01_index_ref.txt, /scripts/02_map.txt, /scripts/03_clean-dir.txt
Snapshots: No snapshots
Short Name: 09_annotation-GFFmerged Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: GFFmerged Title: Pan-transcriptome fasta files annotation Description: Annotation of pan-transcriptome and re-annotation of cultivar-specific transcriptomes pISA Assay creation date: 2020-03-11 pISA Assay creator: Maja Zagorscak Phenodata: None Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Andrej Blejec
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_04_stPanTr
Organisms: No organisms
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/path_to_files.txt, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /output/, /scripts/
Snapshots: Snapshot 1, Snapshot 2
Short Name: 03_components_3cvs-GFFmerged Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: GFFmerged Title: components Description: representative and alternative pan-transcriptome CDS and polypeptide fasta files pISA Assay creation date: 2020-03-10 pISA Assay creator: Maja Zagorscak Phenodata: None Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Andrej Blejec
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_04_stPanTr
Organisms: No organisms
Models: No Models
Data files: /input/path_to_files.txt, /output/Solanum_tuberosum_PGSC_DM_v4.04_CDS-to-..., /output/alt.aa.IDs, /output/alt.cds.IDs, /output/rep.aa.IDs, /output/rep.cds.IDs, /scripts/commands-components_1_3cvs-gffmerged.txt
Snapshots: No snapshots
coverage and uniquely mapped spliced reads summary
samtools coverage
Creator: Maja Zagorscak
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Supplementary Table S8 - Read count summary for Désirée drought samples mapped to the representative Phureja DM and Désirée reference transcriptomes. Layer _p_stRT/_I_STRT/_S_04_stPanTr/_A_07_Desiree-mapping/reports/
Investigations: _I_STRT
Studies: SupplementaryInformation, _S_04_stPanTr
Creator: Maja Zagorscak
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Creator: Maja Zagorscak
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Supplementary Figure 3 - Venn diagrams showing the overlap of paralogue clusters in cultivar-specific transcriptomes and merged Phureja DM gene model. Representatives and alternatives of the stPanTr (pan-transcriptome) paralogue cluster are counted as well as alternatives defined at stCuSTr (cultivar-specific transcriptome) step. For Phureja, the merged ITAG and PGSC DM gene models were counted. Layer _p_stRT/_I_STRT/_S_04_stPanTr/_A_02_cdhit_3cvs-GFFmerged/reports/
Investigations: _I_STRT
Studies: SupplementaryInformation, _S_04_stPanTr
Assays: Supplementary Information, _A_02_cdhit_3cvs-GFFmerged
Supplementary Table S7 - Paralogue cluster information for cultivar-specific and pantranscriptome sequences extended with annotations and quality classification. Layer _p_stRT/_I_STRT/_S_04_stPanTr/_A_02_cdhit_3cvs-GFFmerged/reports/
Investigations: _I_STRT
Studies: SupplementaryInformation, _S_04_stPanTr
Assays: Supplementary Information, _A_02_cdhit_3cvs-GFFmerged
Supplementary Table S1 - Detailed sample information table used to generate the de novo transcriptome assemblies. Raw and processed reads summary. Layer _p_stRT/_I_STRT/ _S_01_sequences/reports
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Marko Petek
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Supplementary Table S2 - Detailed de novo assemblies information table. Primary potato transcriptome assemblies summary listing parameters used for short-read de novo assembly generation. Layer _p_stRT/_I_STRT/_S_02_denovo/reports/
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Marko Petek
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Number of transcripts from de novo assemblies contributing to cultivar Désirée, transcriptome and number of complete BUSCOs found in assemblies. Proportion of all contigs in de novo assembly (blue bars) and proportion of EvidentialGene okay set (green bars), and the number of complete BUSCOs (dots) using set are shown. Assembly software abbreviations: CLCdn - CLC Genomics Workbench, Vdn - Velvet.
Investigations: _I_STRT
Studies: SupplementaryInformation, _S_03_stCuSTr
Assays: Supplementary Information, _A_02.2_assembly-contribution-count
Supplementary File 1 - Merged ITAG/PGSC Phureja DM gene models. Archive containing GTF, CDS and peptide fasta files for merged ITAG and PGSC gene models for S. tuberosum Group Phureja DM genome v4.04
Supplementary Table S6 - EvidentialGene Summary Statistics for PacBio sequences. Layer _p_stRT/_I_STRT/_S_03_stCuSTr/_A_02.2_assembly-contribution-count/reports/
Investigations: _I_STRT
Studies: SupplementaryInformation, _S_03_stCuSTr
Assays: Supplementary Information, _A_02.2_assembly-contribution-count
Supplementary Table S5 - Rywal biological evidence filtering results. Output of 1st filtering step by biological evidence for cv. Rywal. Layer _p_stRT/_I_STRT/_S_03_stCuSTr/_A_03.1_filtering/reports/
Investigations: _I_STRT
Studies: SupplementaryInformation, _S_03_stCuSTr
Supplementary Table S4 - PW363 biological evidence filtering results. Output of 1st filtering step by biological evidence for breeding clone PW363. Layer _p_stRT/ _I_STRT/_S_03_stCuSTr/_A_03.1_filtering/reports/,
Investigations: _I_STRT
Studies: SupplementaryInformation, _S_03_stCuSTr
Supplementary Table S3 - Désirée biological evidence filtering results. Output of 1st filtering step by biological evidence for cv. Désirée. Layer _p_stRT/_I_STRT/_S_03_stCuSTr/_A_03.1_filtering/reports/
Investigations: _I_STRT
Studies: SupplementaryInformation, _S_03_stCuSTr
Number of transcripts from de novo assemblies contributing to breeding clone PW363, transcriptome and number of complete BUSCOs found in assemblies. Proportion of all contigs in de novo assembly (blue bars) and proportion of EvidentialGene okay set (green bars), and the number of complete BUSCOs (dots) using set are shown. Assembly software abbreviations: CLCdn - CLC Genomics Workbench, Vdn - Velvet, Sdn - SPAdes.
Investigations: _I_STRT
Studies: SupplementaryInformation, _S_03_stCuSTr
Assays: Supplementary Information, _A_02.2_assembly-contribution-count
Number of transcripts from de novo assemblies contributing to cultivar Rywal, transcriptome and number of complete BUSCOs found in assemblies. Proportion of all contigs in de novo assembly (blue bars) and proportion of EvidentialGene okay set (green bars), and the number of complete BUSCOs (dots) using set are shown. Assembly software abbreviations: CLCdn - CLC Genomics Workbench, Vdn - Velvet, Sdn - SPAdes, PBdn - PacBio.
Investigations: _I_STRT
Studies: SupplementaryInformation, _S_03_stCuSTr
Assays: Supplementary Information, _A_02.2_assembly-contribution-count
Creator: Maja Zagorscak
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Creator: Maja Zagorscak
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Creator: Maja Zagorscak
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Lenny Ferrer, Melanie Mindt, Maria Suarez-Diez, Tatjana Jilg, Maja Zagorščak, Jin-Ho Lee, Kristina Gruden, Volker F. Wendisch, Katarina Cankar
Date Published: 11th May 2022
Publication Type: Journal
Citation: J. Agric. Food Chem. 70(18):5634-5645
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Marko Petek, Maja Zagorščak, Andrej Blejec, Živa Ramšak, Anna Coll, Špela Baebler, Kristina Gruden
Date Published: 21st Nov 2021
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.1101/2021.11.18.468977
Citation: biorxiv;2021.11.18.468977v2,[Preprint]
Authors: Tatjana Walter, Kareen H. Veldmann, Susanne Götker, Tobias Busche, Christian Rückert, Arman Beyraghdar Kashkooli, Jannik Paulus, Katarina Cankar, Volker F. Wendisch
Date Published: 1st Dec 2020
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms8121945
Citation: Microorganisms 8(12):1945
Authors: Tatjana Walter, Nour Al Medani, Arthur Burgardt, Katarina Cankar, Lenny Ferrer, Anastasia Kerbs, Jin-Ho Lee, Melanie Mindt, Joe Max Risse, Volker F. Wendisch
Date Published: 1st Jun 2020
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms8060866
Citation: Microorganisms 8(6):866
Authors: A. Schmoldt, H. F. Benthe, G. Haberland
Date Published: 1st Sep 1975
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 10
Citation: Biochem Pharmacol. 1975 Sep 1;24(17):1639-41.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Marko Petek, Maja Zagorščak, Živa Ramšak, Sheri Sanders, Elizabeth Tseng, Mohamed Zouine, Anna Coll, Kristina Gruden
Date Published: No date defined
Publication Type: Not specified
DOI: 10.1101/845818
Citation: Cultivar-specific transcriptome and pan-transcriptome reconstruction of tetraploid potato
Creator: Sheri Sanders
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Description of Tags found on transcript headers
Creator: Sheri Sanders
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Creator: Maja Zagorscak
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Andrej Blejec
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Andrej Blejec
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Andrej Blejec
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Andrej Blejec
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Andrej Blejec
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Andrej Blejec
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Andrej Blejec
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Marko Petek
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Marko Petek
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Marko Petek
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Marko Petek
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Ziva Ramsak
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Ziva Ramsak
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Ziva Ramsak
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Ziva Ramsak
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
pISA-tree: Standard project directory tree (ISA-tab compliant) - NIB-SI/pISA
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Andrej Blejec
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Creators: Maja Zagorscak, Andrej Blejec
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays