Short Name: cdhit_3cvs-GFFmerged Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: GFFmerged Title: cdhit-est and cdhit-2d on 3cv and ITAG/PGSC Description: cdhit-est and cdhit-2d on 3cv and ITAG/PGSC pISA Assay creation date: 2020-03-09 pISA Assay creator: Maja Zagorscak Phenodata: None Featuredata: Data:
DOI: 10.15490/fairdomhub.1.assay.1263.2
Zenodo URL: None
Created at: 11th Apr 2020 at 23:34
- Solanum_tuberosum_ITAG_DM_v1_descriptions_v2.txt
- singletons.DM.seqID.txt
- singletons.seqID.txt
- singletons.tetra.seqID.txt
- stPanTr_aa_singletons_DM_on_tetra_aS.45_c.90.clstr
- stPanTr_aa_singletons_tetra_on_DM_aS.45_c.90.clstr
- 5cv_weak-components.txt
- 5cv_weak-components_withAnnotation.tsv
- annot.alias.aa.tsv
- annot.alias.cds.tsv
- cdhit-est_rep-alt_aS.75_c.90_pairs.tsv
- cdhit-est_representativesMatched_aS.75_c.90.tsv
- cdhit-est_singletons_aS.75_c.90.tsv
- stPanTr-clusters.tsv
- trueSingle.polyploid.ID
- stPanTr_geneCount_weak-components.tiff
- stPanTr_geneCount_weak-components_rep.tiff
- stPanTr_geneCount_weak-components_rep_perc.tiff
- stPanTr_geneCount_weak-components_rep alt.tiff
- stPanTr_geneCount_weak-components_rep alt_and_stCuSTr_alt.tiff
- stPanTr_geneCount_weak-components_rep alt_and_stCuSTr_alt_perc.tiff
- stPanTr_geneCount_weak-components_rep alt_perc.tiff
- stPanTr_geneCount_weak-components_repOnly.tiff
- stPanTr stCuSTr_geneCount_weak-components.tiff
- 01.1_commands-CDHIT-EST.txt
- 01.2_commands-CDHIT-2D.txt
- 02_cd-hit-est_cdhit-2d.html
- 03_stPanTr_components_all.html
- 04_summary_stPanTr_v4.html
Supplementary Figure 3 - Venn diagrams showing the overlap of paralogue clusters in cultivar-specific transcriptomes and merged Phureja DM gene model.
Representatives and alternatives of the stPanTr (pan-transcriptome) paralogue cluster are counted as well as alternatives defined at stCuSTr (cultivar-specific transcriptome) step. For Phureja, the merged ITAG and PGSC DM gene models were counted.
Layer _p_stRT/_I_STRT/_S_04_stPanTr/_A_02_cdhit_3cvs-GFFmerged/reports/
- SupplementaryFigure4.pdf
Supplementary Table S7 - Paralogue cluster information for cultivar-specific and pantranscriptome sequences extended with annotations and quality classification.
Layer _p_stRT/_I_STRT/_S_04_stPanTr/_A_02_cdhit_3cvs-GFFmerged/reports/
- SupplementaryTableS7-Paralogue_cluster_information.xlsx
- myPlot001.pdf
- myPlot002.pdf
- myPlot003.pdf
- myPlot004.pdf
- myPlot005.pdf
- myPlot006.pdf
- myPlot007.pdf
- myPlot008.pdf
- myPlot009.pdf
- myPlot010.pdf
- myPlot011.pdf
- myPlot012.pdf
- myPlot013.pdf
- myPlot014.pdf
- 02_cd-hit-est_cdhit-2d.Rmd
- 03_stPanTr_components_all.Rmd
- 04_summary_stPanTr_v4.Rmd
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SHA1: 24c462a1dd3efca1bafab1306a35e1746cd5eab0
Views: 948 Downloads: 13
Created: 11th Apr 2020 at 23:34
Last updated: 11th Apr 2020 at 23:39