Short Name: 07_Desiree-mapping Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: mapping Title: Desiree mapping Description: Mapping of Desiree samples (drought stress) to Desiree and Phureja transcriptomes pISA Assay creation date: 2020-03-11 pISA Assay creator: Maja Zagorscak Phenodata: None Featuredata: Data:
Modelling analysis
Projects: _p_stRT
Investigation: _I_STRT
Study: _S_04_stPanTr
Assay position:
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Organisms: No organisms
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Views: 1361
Created: 19th Mar 2020 at 10:38
Last updated: 12th Apr 2020 at 09:51

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Institutions: National Institute of Biology, NewHorizon

Projects: pISA-tree, HYp - Spatiotemporal analysis of hypersensitive response to Potato virus Y in potato, INDIE - Biotechnological production of sustainable indole, _p_stRT, ADAPT - Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerAnt PoTato, tst, tst2
Institutions: National Institute of Biology, tst

Expertise: Molecular Biology, Statistics, Bioinformatics, Mathematical and statistical modeling, Programming, Data analysisMathematical modellingBioinformaticsSystems biology, Data Management, Data analysis, Visualization, Data Integration, Computational Biology
Tools: Bioinformatics, Computational and theoretical biology, Computational Systems Biology, Data Management, Databases, Dynamic modelling, Molecular Biology, Python, R, Systems Biology, Data Integration
Computational Biologist and Biostatistician at Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology, National Institute of Biology (NIB)
National Institute of Biology, Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology projects
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Web page:
project: _p_stRT Short Name: stRT Title: Solanum tuberosum Reference Transcriptomes Description: Cultivar-specific transcriptome and pan-transcriptome reconstruction of tetraploid potato pISA projects path: ../pISA-Projects Local pISA-tree organisation: National Institute of Biology pISA project creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA project creator: Maja Zagorscak, Ziva Ramsak, Marko Petek Project funding code: This project was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency (grants P4-0165, J4-4165, J4-7636, ...
Programme: NIBSys
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Dec 2017
End date: 1st Jan 2020
Organisms: Potato virus Y, Solanum tuberosum
Investigation: _I_STRT Short Name: STRT Title: Cultivar-specific transcriptome and pan-transcriptome reconstruction of tetraploid potato Description: Cultivar-specific transcriptome and pan-transcriptome reconstruction of tetraploid potato Phenodata: ./phenodata_20191022.txt pISA Investigation creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA Investigation creator: Maja Zagorscak, Ziva Ramsak, Marko Petek Principal investigator: Kristina Gruden License: MIT Sharing permission: Public Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
Studies: SupplementaryInformation, _S_01_sequences, _S_02_denovo, _S_03_stCuSTr, _S_04_stPanTr
Assays: Supplementary Information, _A_01_GC_content-count, _A_01_evigene, _A_02.1_BUSCO, _A_02.2_assembly-contribution-count, _A_02.3_InterProScan, _A_02.4_STAR, _A_02.5_STARlong_matchAnnot, _A_02.6_TransRate, _A_02.7_VecScreen, _A_02.8_DIAMOND, _A_02_cdhit_3cvs-GFFmerged, _A_03.1_filtering, _A_03.2_components, _A_03_components_3cvs-GFFmerged, _A_04_BUSCO_3cvs-GFFmerged, _A_04_TransRate, _A_05_BUSCO, _A_05_MSA_3cvs-GFFmerged, _A_06_tr_rep-transrate, _A_07_Desiree-mapping, _A_08_centrifuge_3cvs-GFFmerged, _A_09_annotation-GFFmerged
Snapshots: No snapshots
Short Name: 04_stPanTr Title: Solanum tuberosum Pan-Transcriptome Description: Solanum tuberosum Pan-Transcriptome Raw Data: pISA Study creation date: 2019-10-22 pISA Study creator: Maja Zagorscak Principal investigator: Kristina Gruden License: CC BY 4.0 Sharing permission: Public Upload to FAIRDOMHub: Yes
Submitter: Andrej Blejec
Investigation: _I_STRT
Assays: _A_01_GC_content-count, _A_02_cdhit_3cvs-GFFmerged, _A_03_components_3cvs-GFFmerged, _A_04_BUSCO_3cvs-GFFmerged, _A_05_MSA_3cvs-GFFmerged, _A_06_tr_rep-transrate, _A_07_Desiree-mapping, _A_08_centrifuge_3cvs-GFFmerged, _A_09_annotation-GFFmerged
Snapshots: No snapshots
Supplementary Table S8 - Read count summary for Désirée drought samples mapped to the representative Phureja DM and Désirée reference transcriptomes. Layer _p_stRT/_I_STRT/_S_04_stPanTr/_A_07_Desiree-mapping/reports/
Creator: Maja Zagorscak
Submitter: Maja Zagorscak
DOI: 10.15490/fairdomhub.1.datafile.3722.2
Relationship type: Not specified
Investigations: _I_STRT
Studies: SupplementaryInformation, _S_04_stPanTr
Creator: Andrej Blejec
Submitter: Andrej Blejec
Creator: Andrej Blejec
Submitter: Andrej Blejec
Creator: Andrej Blejec
Submitter: Andrej Blejec
Creator: Andrej Blejec
Submitter: Andrej Blejec
Creator: Andrej Blejec
Submitter: Andrej Blejec
Creator: Andrej Blejec
Submitter: Andrej Blejec