What is an Investigation?Filters
Investigation of the role of 14-3-3 proteins in the S. cerevisiae cation homeostasis
Submitter: Paul Heusden
Studies: Role of 14-3-3 proteins in the localization of proteins involved in cati...
Assays: No Assays
Experimental approaches to study the mechanism and ions involved in potassium uptake after long term potassium starvation.
Properties of cells lacking the NHA1 gene.
This investigation examines the effect of benzoic acid, a food preservative, on the ATP levels of yeast cells.
Submitter: Martin Valachovic
Studies: ATP levels after benzoic acid pretreatments, ATP levels under 10 mM benzoic acid stress, ATP levels under 30 mM and 50 mM benzoic acid stress, Cell survival under different benzoic acid concentrations, Test different ATP extraction protocols and conditions
Assays: ATP measurement under 10mM benzoic acid stress, ATP measurement under 30mM benzoic acid stress, ATP measurement under 50mM benzoic acid stress, Compare ATP extraction methods
Submitter: Christina Döring
Studies: Effect of pH on the metabolome, Effect of pH on the proteome, Effect of pH upon the transcriptome, Identification of clusters of co-regulated and anti-regulated genes, Modelling the effect of pH on the metabolic shift
Assays: Comparison of the proteome between pH 5.7 (acidogenesis) and pH 4.5 (sol..., Comparison of the transcriptome between pH 5.7 (acidogenesis) and pH 4.5..., Comparison of the transcriptome between pH 5.8 (acidogenesis) and pH 4.5..., Identification of dynamically similar transcript profiles, Steady state study of the effect of gene regulation on yields of end-pro..., Study of the end products of the acidogenesis and solventogenesis pathways, Time-dependent simulations
Handling and manipulation of S. pneumoniae using molecular, cell biological and genetic tools.
Submitter: Jan-Willem Veening
Studies: Automated time-lapse microscopy, Chromosome segregation in S. pneumoniae, Investigation of bacterial transcription fidelity and processivity, The role of transcription factor GreA in transcription fidelity and proc...
Assays: Kinetics of misincorporation and proofreading by bacterial RNA polymerase, Live Cell Imaging of Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcus pneumoniae usin..., ParB-GFP ChIP on chip, RNA-Seq
The aim of this project is to develop a detailed kinetic model of the CcpA-dependent regulatory network, the key regulon of flux regulation in B. subtilis. Thereby involved are more than 300 genes e.g. catabolism, overflow metabolism, the TCA cycle and amino acid anabolism which are regulated via carbon catabolite regulation (CCR)
High salinity chemostat cultivation, multiomics sampling (proteome, transcriptome, metabolome, fluxome) and modelling of carbon core metabolism of Bacillus subtilis 168.
Submitter: Sandra Maass
Studies: B. subtilis_SysMo2_Chemostat_growthrate-salt, Fluxome analysis of Bacillus subtilis 168 under osmotic stress
Assays: 13C Metabolic Flux Analysis of Bacillus subtilis 168 in continuous high-..., Absolute quantification of proteins by the AQUA-technology, Absolute quantification of proteins using QconCAT technology, Relative quantification of proteins by metabolic labeling, Transcriptome data for chemostat cultivated samples, extracellular metabolites, intracellular metabolites