Comparative modeling and phosphate dependence flux distributions and glucose consumption rates of two lactic acid bacteria S. pyogenes and L. lactis

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The two lactic acid bacteria L. lactis and S. pyogenes were studied with respect to the concentration of intracellular metabolites involved in glycolysis in time upon a glucose pulse. Models that describe this behavior are also constructed
SEEK ID: https://fairdomhub.org/studies/16
Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branching of three lactic acid bacteria
Projects: SysMO-LAB
Study position:
Experimentalists: M Bekker, T Fiedler
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Created: 15th Feb 2010 at 12:43
Last updated: 11th May 2016 at 15:19

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Institutions: University of Amsterdam
Expertise: Microbiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Escherichia coli, HPLC
Tools: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Fermentation, Chromatography
Martijn Bekker (1979) was born in Amstelveen (The Netherlands). He started his studies in biology in 1997 at the University of Amsterdam, and graduated in 2003 with specializations in molecular microbiology and in immunology. The internships during his undergraduate studies were carried out in the labs of Prof. dr. B. Oudega (VU, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and Prof. dr. F. Heffron (OHSU, Portland, Oregon, USA). He continued with his graduate studies in 2003 in the Laboratory for Molecular Microbial ...
SysMO is a European transnational funding and research initiative on "Systems Biology of Microorganisms".
The goal pursued by SysMO was to record and describe the dynamic molecular processes going on in unicellular microorganisms in a comprehensive way and to present these processes in the form of computerized mathematical models.
Systems biology will raise biomedical and biotechnological research to a new quality level and contribute markedly to progress in understanding. Pooling European research ...
Projects: BaCell-SysMO, COSMIC, SUMO, KOSMOBAC, SysMO-LAB, PSYSMO, SCaRAB, MOSES, TRANSLUCENT, STREAM, SulfoSys, SysMO DB, SysMO Funders, SilicoTryp, Noisy-Strep
Web page: http://sysmo.net/
Comparative Systems Biology: Lactic Acid Bacteria
Programme: SysMO
Public web page: http://www.sysmo.net/index.php?index=57
Challenge: Comparative analyses, as demonstrated by comparative genomics and bioinformatics, are extremely powerful for (i) transfer of information from (experimentally) well-studied organisms to the other organisms, and (ii) when coupled to functional and phenotypic information, insight in the relative importance of components to the observed differences and simalities. The central principle of this proposal is that important aspects of the functional differences between organisms derive not ...
Submitter: Martijn Bekker
Studies: Comparative modeling and phosphate dependence flux distributions and glu..., Kinetics of L-lactate dehydrogenase from S. pyogenes, E. faecalis and L...., Reconstructing the metabolic pathways of S. pyogenes and E. faecalis fro..., Study of the physiological characterization of three lactic acid bacteri...
Assays: BIOLOG substrate utilization assay, Genome-Scale Model Enterococcus faecalis V583, Genome-scale model of Streptococcus pyogenes, Global sensitivity analysis, Glucose pulsed L. lactis, Glucose pulsed S. pyogenes, Kinetics of L-lactate dehydrogenase from L. lactis, Kinetics of L-lactate dehydrogenase from S. pyogenes, E. faecalis, and L..., Maximal specific growth rates of the three lactic acid bacteria and thei..., Model of L. lactis glycolysis, Physiological characterization of Lactic acid bacteria grown in C-limite..., Regulation of the activity of lactate dehydrogenases from four lactic ac...
Snapshots: No snapshots
S. pyogenes was grown in rich medium, strongly concentrated and glucose-pulsed in a MES buffer. Intracellular metabolite concentration is followed in time.
Submitter: Martijn Bekker
Assay type: Metabolomics
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Organisms: Streptococcus pyogenes
SOPs: Analysis of organic acid by HPLC, Protocol for glucose perturbations, Quenching of lactic acid bacteria, SOP 6 Analysis of intracellular metabolites, SOP 8 Glucose-pulse experiments (adapted for S....
Data files: Glucose pulsed S pyogenes
Snapshots: No snapshots
L. lactis was grown in LAB medium or rich THY medium, strongly concentrated and glucose-pulsed in a MES buffer. Intracellular metabolite concentration is followed in time.
Submitter: Martijn Bekker
Assay type: Metabolomics
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Organisms: Lactococcus lactis
SOPs: SOP 2.1 Method for synthesis of LAB-medium used..., SOP 4B Quenching and extraction of intracellul..., SOP 5 Analysis of intracellular metabolites, SOP 7 Glucose-pulse experiments
Data files: Comparison of maximal build-up of metabolites i..., Glucose pulsed L. lactis, Glucose pulsed L. lactis 2, Kinetic behavior of intracellular metabolites o...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Measurements on Km, Vmax and allosteric activation or inhibition of the main L-lactate dehydrogenase
Submitter: Martijn Bekker
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
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Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
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Investigation: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
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Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: No snapshots
Lumped kinetic model of L. lactis glycolysis, formulated with ordinary differential equations. Simulations are in line with experimental data
Submitter: Mark Musters
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Despite high similarity in sequence and catalytic properties, the L-lactate dehydrogenases (LDH) in lactic acid bacteria (LAB) display differences in their regulation which may arise from their adaptation to different habitats. We combined experimental and computational approaches to investigate the effects of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP), phosphate (Pi) and ionic strength (NaCl concentration) on 6 LDHs from 4 LABs studied at pH 6 and pH 7. We find: (1) The extent of activation by FBP (Kact) ...
Submitter: Anna Feldman-Salit
Biological problem addressed: Metabolism
Investigation: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Organisms: Lactococcus lactis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Enterococcus faecalis, Lactobacillus plantarum
Models: Part 1: Comparative modeling of 3D structures o..., Part 2: Computation of electrostatic potentials..., Part 3: Comparison of electrostatic potentials ..., Part 4: Activation / Inhibition Effect on LDHs ..., Part 5: Algorithm to computationally estimate t...
Data files: 3D-sturctures of Lactate Dehydrogenase from 4 L..., Activation / Inhibition of 4 LDH enzymes in the..., Comparison of electrostatic potentials of LDH e..., Electrostatic potentials of four LDH enzymes fr..., Example for the binding energy computation of p..., Measurements on kinetics of L-LDHs from differe..., The effects of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, phosp...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Output of the 3D-structures modeled by comparative modeling tool for LDH enzymes from four LABs (in the PDB format, tarred). Four LABs include Enterococcus faecalis, Lactococcus lactis, Streptococcus pyogenes and Lactobacillus plantarum. Output of the SEEK Model https://seek.sysmo-db.org/models/118.
The modeling was performed against a x-ray structure of LDH from B. stearothermophilis (template, PDH ID: 1LDN).
Creator: Anna Feldman-Salit
Submitter: Anna Feldman-Salit
Output files of phosphate probe binding on the surface of LDH from lactococcus lactis type 1. File with extension XPLOR can be visualized with a program VMD to identify the most favorable position for the phosphate binding. This relates to the Model "Part 4".
Creator: Anna Feldman-Salit
Submitter: Anna Feldman-Salit
The Table represents the simulation results of how the presence of phosphate ions (Pi) in the solution might affect the activity of four LDH enzymes. This includes the algorithmic analysis of the binding energies values computed by the GRID program (see Part 4, model) for each enzyme in presence and absence of FBP molecule at pH 6 and 7. The analysis was performed by using the algorithm proposed in Part 5, model.
Creator: Anna Feldman-Salit
Submitter: Anna Feldman-Salit
L. lactis was grown in rich THY medium, strongly concentrated and glucose-pulsed in a MES buffer. Intracellular metabolite concentration is followed in time.
Creator: Martijn Bekker
Submitter: Martijn Bekker
Investigations: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Studies: Comparative modeling and phosphate dependence f...
Assays: Glucose pulsed L. lactis
In this experiment we glucose-pulsed an L. lactiss cultures re-suspended in 100 mM MES buffer at pH 6.5. Samples were taken in time to study intra- and extracellular metabolites. These data are used to construct a kinetic model of the catabolism of E. L. lactis
Creator: Martijn Bekker
Submitter: Martijn Bekker
Investigations: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Studies: Comparative modeling and phosphate dependence f...
Assays: Glucose pulsed L. lactis
Glucose pulsed S pyogenes with 5 mM glucose in 100 mM MES buffer at pH 6.5 and followed intracellular metabolites in time
Creator: Martijn Bekker
Submitter: Martijn Bekker
Investigations: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Studies: Comparative modeling and phosphate dependence f...
Assays: Glucose pulsed S. pyogenes
Glucose pulsed L. lactis with 20 mM glucose in 100 mM MES buffer at pH 6.5 and followed intracellular metabolites in time
Creator: Martijn Bekker
Submitter: Martijn Bekker
Investigations: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Studies: Comparative modeling and phosphate dependence f...
Assays: Glucose pulsed L. lactis
L. lactis was grown in LAB medium, strongly concentrated and glucose-pulsed in a MES buffer. Intracellular metabolite concentration is followed in time.
Creator: Martijn Bekker
Submitter: Martijn Bekker
Investigations: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Studies: Comparative modeling and phosphate dependence f...
Assays: Glucose pulsed L. lactis
For each modeled 3D structure of LHD (see Part 1: 3D structure modeling for LDH enzymes) was computed electrostatic potential by using the UHBD program. The files are in GRD format (binary) and can be visualized with the graphical programs as CHIMERA or VMD.
Creator: Anna Feldman-Salit
Submitter: Anna Feldman-Salit
The output includes the similarity matrix of LDH enzymes based on comparison of the electrostatic potentials at allosteric and catalytic binding sites, separately. The similarity indices were generated by the PIPSA program (http://projects.villa-bosch.de/mcmsoft/pipsa/3.0/).
Creator: Anna Feldman-Salit
Submitter: Anna Feldman-Salit
Heterologous Expression of LDHs from different lactic acid bacteria in Escherichia coli DH5α. Assessment of kinetic parameters of LDH to include in a catabolic model .
Creators: None
Submitter: Silvio Hering
Heterologous Expression of LDHs from different lactic acid bacteria in Escherichia coli DH5α.
Assessment of kinetic parameters of LDH to include in a catabolic model.
Creators: Silvio Hering, Tomas Fiedler
Submitter: Silvio Hering
3D structure prediction of LDH enzymes from four LAB by comparative modeling against x-ray structure of LDH from B. stearothermophilis (template, PDB ID: 1LDN). The computation was performed with a protocol that uses "automodel.very_fast" settings of Modeller program (http://salilab.org/modeller/).
Creator: Anna Feldman-Salit
Submitter: Anna Feldman-Salit
Model type: Not specified
Model format: Not specified
Environment: Not specified
Organism: Lactic Acid Bacteria
Investigations: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Comparison of electrostatic potentials within the allosteric binding sites of LDH enzymes to estimate the binding affinity of the FBP molecule is performed with the PIPSA program. The program uses the structure of enzymes in the PDB format and computed electrostatic potentials in the GRD format.
Creator: Anna Feldman-Salit
Submitter: Anna Feldman-Salit
Model type: Not specified
Model format: Not specified
Environment: Not specified
Organism: Lactic Acid Bacteria
Investigations: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Computation is performed for the modeled 3D structures of LDH enzymes (in PDB format) with the UHBD program, for pH 6 and pH 7.
Creator: Anna Feldman-Salit
Submitter: Anna Feldman-Salit
Model type: Not specified
Model format: Not specified
Environment: Not specified
Organism: Lactic Acid Bacteria
Investigations: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Binding energies of phosphate ions to the allosteric and catalytic sites were estimated with a program GRID (http://www.moldiscovery.com/soft_grid.php). The calculations were performed for the modeled LDH structures from four LABs, at pH 6 and 7, in presence and absence of the FBP molecule. The phosphate ion was presented as a probe.
Creator: Anna Feldman-Salit
Submitter: Anna Feldman-Salit
Model type: Not specified
Model format: Not specified
Environment: Not specified
Organism: Lactic Acid Bacteria
Investigations: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
In order to estimate whether Pi has an activatory or an inhibitory effect on the enzymes, the computed probe binding energies (from GRID results, Part 4) were compared with those for the LDH from L. plantarum whose activity is known to be unaffected by Pi.
The binding energies of the Pi probe in the allosteric binding site (AS) and the COO probe in the catalytic binding site (CS) of LDH from L. plantarum were defined as E¬AS,threshold and ECS,threshold, respectively. For the other LDH enzymes, ...
Creator: Anna Feldman-Salit
Submitter: Anna Feldman-Salit
Model type: Algebraic equations
Model format: Not specified
Environment: Not specified
Organism: Lactic Acid Bacteria
Investigations: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Method extraction of intracellular metabolites in Lactococcus lactis
Creator: Martijn Bekker
Submitter: The JERM Harvester
Investigations: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Studies: Comparative modeling and phosphate dependence f...
Assays: Glucose pulsed L. lactis
Creator: Martijn Bekker
Submitter: The JERM Harvester
Investigations: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch..., The Attic
Studies: Comparative modeling and phosphate dependence f..., Pre-liminary data from Martijn Bekker
Assays: Glucose pulsed L. lactis, Kinetic behavior of intracellular metabolites o..., Kinetic behavior of intracellular metabolites o...
This HPLC method uses a isocratic method and a RI detector to identify and quantify almost all excreted catabolic metabolites.
Creator: Martijn Bekker
Submitter: Martijn Bekker
Investigations: Amino acid metabolism of four LAB species: Stre..., Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Studies: Arginine and Glutamine metabolism in S. pyogenes, Comparative modeling and phosphate dependence f...
Assays: Characterization of flux distribution of S. pyo..., Glucose pulsed S. pyogenes
A protocol for acidic quenching of lactic acid bacteria used for analyses of intracellular metabolites.
Creator: Martijn Bekker
Submitter: Martijn Bekker
Investigations: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Studies: Comparative modeling and phosphate dependence f...
Assays: Glucose pulsed S. pyogenes
This protocol for applying glucose perturbations works for Lactococcus lactis and Enterococcus faecalis
Creator: Martijn Bekker
Submitter: Martijn Bekker
Investigations: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Studies: Comparative modeling and phosphate dependence f...
Assays: Glucose pulsed S. pyogenes
Creator: Martijn Bekker
Submitter: The JERM Harvester
Investigations: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Studies: Comparative modeling and phosphate dependence f...
Assays: Glucose pulsed S. pyogenes
Creator: Martijn Bekker
Submitter: The JERM Harvester
Investigations: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Studies: Comparative modeling and phosphate dependence f...
Assays: Glucose pulsed L. lactis
Creator: Martijn Bekker
Submitter: The JERM Harvester
Investigations: Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch..., The Attic
Studies: Comparative modeling and phosphate dependence f..., Pre-liminary data from Martijn Bekker
Assays: Glucose pulsed S. pyogenes, Kinetic behavior of intracellular metabolites o..., Kinetic behavior of intracellular metabolites o...
Creator: Martijn Bekker
Submitter: The JERM Harvester
Investigations: Amino acid metabolism of four LAB species: Stre..., Investigation of glycolysis and pyruvate branch...
Studies: Arginine and Glutamine metabolism in S. pyogenes, Comparative modeling and phosphate dependence f...
Assays: Characterization of flux distribution of S. pyo..., Glucose pulsed L. lactis