Part 4: Activation / Inhibition Effect on LDHs function in the presence of Phosphate ions
Version 1

Binding energies of phosphate ions to the allosteric and catalytic sites were estimated with a program GRID ( The calculations were performed for the modeled LDH structures from four LABs, at pH 6 and 7, in presence and absence of the FBP molecule. The phosphate ion was presented as a probe.


1 item (and an image) are associated with this Model:
  • Assay237_Model4.pdf (PDF document - 33.5 KB) Download

Organism: Lactic acid bacteria

Model type: Not specified

Model format: Not specified

Execution or visualisation environment: Not specified

Model image: (Click on the image to zoom) (Original)

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Created: 7th May 2014 at 13:21

Last updated: 10th Jun 2014 at 12:49

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Version 1 (earliest) Created 7th May 2014 at 13:21 by Anna Feldman-Salit

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